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After 8d 4h and 52m of in game time, I can say I've given Cyberpunk 2077 a fair chance...


This is a huge post with a lot of personal stuff, I appreciate everyone who reads it all, but if you don't want, feel free to skip, but then please also don't comment since it's all connected.

I've finally completed the game with all it's side content and all the endings (I skipped the Rogue ending because it honestly didn't really catch my interest and I just want to be done with the game). What follows is MY OWN opinion, I'm not trying to sway people, this is just how I feel about this game and the whole situation and if this were any other game I'd probably have forgotten it by now and be playing the next game but as it is, this game is bigger than that and this post is my goodbye, my way to put down my thoughts and move on.

My biggest issue with the situation... that all the focus seems to be on the damned bugs and glitches, completely covering up all the misleading marketing and basline features that are not present and worst of all, CDPR using this to cover their asses as seen in the investor call protocoll: Apparently trust was lost solely due to bad performance and bugs and not the fact that you could fit the entire milky way in the gap between what marketing showed and what the game actually is and we were fed lies until the very last moment before release.

Personal shit

Before I get into it further, some information about me to understand where I come from, I'm a 28 years old guy that has fallen in love with games when I was very young. The first game I've ever played was some Formula 1 game on an MS-DOS. I've always been fascinated with games, how fun they were, the stories they told, the graphics, everything. Later came the gameboy, Pokemon and somewhere along the lines, my own pc that came with a copy of Age of Empires 2. I've really played all kinds of games and I've played many of them, too many probably, but what can you do, I just love them. I've learned early on that high expectaions with games and dreaming about them will only lead to disappointment because technical limitations, time and money. So I've really stopped expecting much of games, never dared expect they'll be what I envisioned.
About 20 years later I've really achieved my gaming dream. I work as a software developer which brings a lot of cool insights when it comes to gaming and a good understanding of what happens BTS. But my job also means a good salary and the possibilty to own a gaming setup I've always dreamed of. Being able to play on a 4k OLED tv, with a 7.1 dolby atmos sound system and a pc that cost more than I dare to mention I'm absolutely happy with what I built up over all these years and it's fair to say I can experience games in possibly the best way possible from image quality, graphics settings, comfort and audio.
So yes, gaming is a huge part of my life, it's my biggest passion for many reasons. I'm a creative person, visually but also in other ways. I produce my own music, I'm a hobby photographer, I create digital art of various nature. I'm also a lover of everything beautiful, nature, colors, people, stories, emotions. It all comes together in games. They interest me for their visuals, worlds, beauty, audio, music, people and personality, the stories, the cinematography and so much more. With all this I also have aquired a good sense for these things and can appreciate really good work in all those areas.
2020 was also the hardest year I've had in my life. Corona, homeoffice, failed love, a shit job with people I didn't get along with and most of all, depression. I fought through it, it was hard, there was a moment where I was really close to off myself, then I found a new job with great people, Cyberpunk was on the horizon, all seemed to go well again. Cyberpunk was always in the back of my head, really been looking forward to it, I didn't mind the delays, they killed some hype which as good to lower expectations and I had a good feeling CDPR would deliver what they showed in the marketing footage because they really seemed to be taking their time to deliver the perfect launch for a game that would set a new standard.


With all that said I fell I can judge the game for what it is pretty well. Again this is my opinion and I've played this game for this long to really see all it has to offer so I can judge it fairly.
The Main Story
The story never really got to me, it was all over the place and felt very rushed, cut short and even the best moments only lastet for a short amount of time. Nothing ever let me sink into it apart from a few exceptions. I didn't hate the story, but it was nothing I would recommend getting the game for. Connecting to Johnny was one good aspect, it happened slowly over the course of the game and even with Keanu's rather monotone style, I though it kind fit, it gave Johnny some life and yeah, it really had its moments. However I had rather spent that time with a different character, I liked Keanus performance and Johnny as a character but there were more interesting characters that I could've actually interacted with, that weren't just in my head. But be that as it may, the story didn't blow me away, there were no interesting twists or turns, nothing really that stuck out.
The endings were its strongest moments. I chose the Arasaka ending first, it was cool, I felt bad at the same time. Waking up in the orbital station was a surprise, the whole testing sequence was really cool, it really made me feel like I was there. The first ending there I chose was to upload my mind, I did that in hopes that this would happen later, so you could see your loved ones again (Judy, in my case) and it would eventually end in one emotional moment. Sadly, that happened right away and the messages at the credits made me realise I disappointed everyone. So quickly I reloaded just before that and this time decided to grab my stuff and head to earth in hopes this would somehow give me a chance with my loved ones, unfortunately, no difference in the end result.
So I googled which ending was with Judy, saw it was Panam's which was the one I had next on my list anyway, I played that, enjoyed it, it had some good moments. Sauls death was brutal but the moment was cut short, even Panam forgot 5 seconds later. Smashed Smasher again, then chose to die 6 months later rather then letting Johnny live, sorry Johnny, but I had to see Judy again. More stuff happened and I was beginning to think I did something wrong. Then, out in the Badlands, Panam had a surprise waiting for me, there she was, my favourite character. It was a beautiful moment, it was emotional, but I felt even though I romanced Judy, Panam was still in focus, Judy should've sat next to me on the tank. Anyway, the credits rolled and that was by far the most beautiful ending, after having seen Judy down and crying, seeing here there, smiling, saying she was truly happy, that really warmed my heart. I know, I know, it's just a game jeez, but I'm a very empathetic and emotional person and I really like to just let go and let the story take me in. Judy is not real, but I made it feel real by imagining it was real and it makes it real...for a moment.
The last ending I tried, was the one I could relate to the most. Suicide. And man, I'm glad I didn't do this to the people in my life. First seeing V and Johnny just sit there, having decided it ends there, then the credits...ouch
But yeah, really only the ending got to me. I did like most characters, Takemura I really liked, reminded me a lot of Hanzo from Overwatch somehow, who I also like. But Judy's character was the only one that I could really, REALLY relate and connect, not because I thought she was pretty, just her personality, her story and because she showed the most emotions.
The main story and side stories were clearly the main selling points, but for that, they weren't convincing enough. I felt more when I was forced to kill my friend in Battlefield 3. And I could really feel that no way to make any changes to the story, all 100% scripted, that felt bad and the first time I noticed were the chases where you have no impact, everyone only died when they had to. CDPR had everything to make a story that would make anyone cry. Force the played to make hard decisions, sacrifices, these things make great stories. I never felt like wanting to know how it would continue, the main story was just that thing that ended the game before I had seen everything, so I put it off for as long as I could.
The Side Stories
I loved Judys store the most, Panams was great too and Kerrys was cool as well. River I didn't really care for much, though the story was also pretty good.
I loved some parts, others not so much.
The Side Content
This one was pretty boring. Some were cool. The Cyberpsycho stuff was one of the better ones, but most of it was rather dull, copy past fillers. This was also made worse by literlly marking everything on the map, no room for surpise, discovery or any of it.
The Good
I wanted to end on a positive note and list the good things last, but most of the bad stuff counters the good stuff so chronologically it made more sense to put the bad stuff at the end.
The Bad
I'll start with the bad because I want to end this post on a positive note. This is a good video that sums up and actually shows most if not all of my pain points. It's also pretty enternatining, I recommend watching it.

Final Words

Sorry for the long post, had to get it in writing, even if no one will read this, for those that did, thank you!
In conclusion, I have no idea what CDPR did all this time, I suppose the delays were because the marketing trailers weren't finished rendering. I couldn't honestly recommend this game to people I know. Or at least I'd let them know to not expect great things, it's pretty, fun at times and has some good story elements, it looks next gen, but it's before last gen when it comes to core game elements. It was THE let down of the year and it felt like being promised a racing bike, then being handed a tricycle for the same price. Now you might ask "why did you play it for 8 days then if you didn't like it?" well, good question, I held on, I wanted to see everything it had to offer, I played around with photo mode and other shit a lot, once I realised this will never be the game we were hoping for, no matter how many patches will come out, I knew I just wanted to see everything to get the most out of my money and then be done with it. I will probably never do a second playthrough unless somehow CDPR pulls a No Mans Sky, but I doubt they will. They got the cash, the got the all the attention on the bugs, they fix the bugs, all is well. It was a good reminder though how corps can never be trusted. Never, only money can be trusted.
submitted by vault_guy to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Does anyone know how to contact CDPR?

After seeing the toxic shitshow on the comments of the timeline and apology video they posted, I was wondering if there’s any way to contact CDPR directly and write a positive message that hopefully can brighten someone’s day at the company considering all the negativity they’ve seen.
If you care about why I actually want to send them a message you can continue reading if you’d like: I’m not trying to get super aggressive or anything here but the comments on that Twitter thread were honestly some of the most toxic and anger inducing shit I’ve ever read. Worse than the whole TLOU2 fiasco in some ways IMO. Consistent replies about how “lol CDPR cucks keep sucking Polish dick” and “you guys cut out so much content, worst company ever, lost all trust in you.”
Where does this shit even stem from? Where does this preconceived notion that Cyberpunk is going to be this generation defining sandbox game that rivals GTA in every capable way come from? I just don’t fucking get it and I feel like such an idiot for letting it get to me in the first place. I’ve gone back and watched all the promotional material and still cannot understand where these unrealistic assumptions come from.
The only complaints that hold any credence in my mind are the lack of a transmog system, the glitches/crashes/poor last gen performance, and the poor AI. These are all perfectly valid things that one can criticize CDPR for, I have no issue with that, especially the poor last gen performance and how that could have been a bit more avoided with much more extensive and lengthy QA (considering an even longer delay but that’s being too idealistic). Even personal complaints with the games story, combat, or even inventory management are perfectly valid! Not to mention some of the false advertising.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having those opinions and disliking the game, but to bash it for nonsensical reasons that stem from again these unrealistic preconceived notions is what rubs me the wrong way. Video games are not emulations of real life nor will they ever be. They are not mirrors of the fantasy power trips you hold in your head, no company is going to put out a sandbox game that is completely faithful to said fantasy and I just cannot understand why so many people expect the final result to reflect this.
And even if you do hold valid criticisms of the game, why can’t we have a goddamn civil conversation about it which we both benefit from? Where we both share our opinions in a respectful manner and gain some insight about why both sides of the argument feel a specific way? Why all the vitriol? I also don’t think a lot of people understand how fucking hard developing a video game is, Cyberpunk is incredibly technologically innovative with its streaming system, fantastic lighting, and verticality within Night City. And yes that does not automatically excuse the poor Police system and the NPC AI like I said before, but it’s not like developers just dick around for years and then churn out a product in five weeks. So much time of people’s precious lives go into creating these products and for someone to boil down their opinion to “lol CDPR fuckin sucks Cyberpunk is dogshit” is just so fucking pointless and degrading to me. Why so much hate and negativity is prevalent among the gaming community is something again I will never understand.
I’ve had an absolutely fantastic time playing and finishing Cyberpunk on the PS5 despite the glitches and crashes and I really think that if some people let go of their presumptive biases that maybe they can realize how fantastic and boundary pushing of a game Cyberpunk is when it comes to first person narrative based games. Cyberpunk is the first open world game that I felt truly and utterly immersed in since RDR2 and in some ways even trumps that. There is so much depth and lore within Night City that a number of people are missing out on. I am looking forward to the patches, FREE DLC, the free next gen upgrade, and the eventual expansions.
I’m not trying to sound like a shill for CDPR here, they’ve fucked up in a number of ways with this launch no doubt. But for their CEO to actually issue what is a genuine heartfelt apology where he actually takes blame for this launch with a bit of PR face saving in there is way more than any company would ever do, let alone refunding anyone their fucking money for buying it and regretting their decision in the first place.
Reading this back, I know my words sound just as vitriol filled and hateful as the other argument’s words do, but I truly hope that reading this you don’t find my words arrogant or pretentious. Maybe I’m the idiot in the first place for letting this negative energy get to me, and maybe this is beginning to get a bit too reflective of my own beliefs and values, but I am just so absolutely fed up with how reactionary and divided the gaming community has become. And maybe it was always like this and I just finally reached the age where I began to notice it more. If Cyberpunk is any indication of the highly commercialized and soul crushing society that is to come, then oh boy is it going to get even worse from here. But the optimistic part of me thinks that maybe one day I can have true, authentic, and polite discussion with people who have their gripes with this game. A kid can dream.
Sincerely, a naive, idealistic, and lost 19 year old.
submitted by Resistance225 to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

My personal critic and extensive analysis of Cyberpunk2077 game (its long)

\Spoilers ahead? Maybe, idk. Not so much*
Hi everyone. Making a review of CP2077 wasnt part of my plans but half way of my playthrough I realized I have some stuff to say about the game. The main reason to make this (constructive) critic is because obviously CP2077 is still a videogame in the making and I think everyone wants CP2077 to be better so, thats the idea here.. And also give my humble opinion.

After 3 weeks I finished the game 100%, all intros, all sidequests, all gigs, all everything. And all without any external help of any kind, no guides, no nothing. 50 level, 50 street cred in 3 weeks. I was planing to have my review done by january 10th but Im not very good at this and my grammar is awful (sorry :s) so it took me some time to finish it.

If you think Cyberpunk 2077 is awesome as it is, then this is not the review for you. I hope we can agree to disagree.

  1. Introduction
  2. The good
  3. The not-good
  4. Disappointing stuff
  5. Unfair criticism
  6. How to make it better
  7. Conclusion

  1. Introduction
Played many RPGs before and for experience I know that 99% of AAA-RPGs have all kinds of problems at launch due the complex nature of these types of games. So nothing new here.
I personally dont care all that much about the bugs, the performance issues, the physics, the broken mechanics, the lack of third person view, the lack of some impactful choices and ramifications, the broken spawning police, etc, etc.
For instance, some people didnt like Keanu's performance all that much, but... idunno,, it was ok i guess.
And yes, I consider the missing features as something important, but...
I was prepared to forgive everything and more if just CP2077 delivers on the one thing that was by far the most important to me: The story-telling. The writing team lead by Jakub Szamalek, and the talented people in charge to bring life to those amazing scenes from The Witcher 3 and its expansions Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine, have my eternal gratitude and admiration. Those two things that I knew CD Projekt Red is capable to do best than anyone else in the industry, are the crucial factor that makes The Witcher 3 and its expansions so special to me. And of course I was looking foward to find some of that talent here in CP2077.
The launch date came and... a lot of people got very angry and dissapointed. And because of that, my expectations were kinda low when I finally did run the game on my PC for the first time.
But people was angry for things that I didnt care about all that much so I had still hope. Not rushing and taking my time with everything I got to know this game quite well i think. Started as streetkid, later as nomad and finally as corpo (corpo is the best one if you ask me), did all the side quests, and went through all the outcomes of the final story. Therefore, my review:
One Playthrough, abut 140 hours. Hard difficult.
Started the game 3 different times playing several hours each until decided as my definitive setup as corpo with Intelligence/Cool built.

  1. The good:
At launch CP2077 already had lots and lots of redeeming qualities. The map is HUGE. The design of the map and locations is one of the highlights, definitely. Beautiful.
Most triple A RPGs main quests are about finding someone. Gladly, Cyberpunk2077 decided that its time to try something different and I applaud a very welcomed decision.
The character design is really well done. NPCs look interesting and with lots of personality. Facial animations are spot on, triple A worthy. The game not only rewards exploration with its magnificent views, but also with a great deal of generous and diverse loot. The people behind the english voices of the characters are really talented, thats undeniable. Overall, the combat is a great deal of fun and hacking was for the most part satisfying, which its easy to pull off.
The sound design is great, I think it enhances the experience and makes the combat so much more satisfying. I love it. Some critics said that because of the lack of some sounds in some very specific parts of the game, the sound design is trash. I strongly disagree with them.
I liked the movie references like, The Matrix, V of Vendetta etc.
All the stuff related with cyberware its really fun, definitely something worth of cheking. The weapong customization is great
I particually enjoyed the stealth features, i had a lot of fun sneaking on people, what can i say.
As many, I loved Jacky Wells. Very memorable character. And also as many, I loved the whole Judy Alvarez character arc. Really well done and definitely one of the highlights. I consider myself lucky because, I have for an habit to choose female characters if the game allows it because if i have to see the body of someone for many hours of playtime, I had always preferred to see someone from the oposite sex. And thanks to that habit I was able to experience the whole thing from Judy, which was great even without the nudity involved.
I think what makes Judy so great is the voice behind her, the actress did an amazing job by giving her a rich personallity and making Judy so interesting and likeable.
*I must say, this should go on the "no good" section, but what cand I say, its was kind of a amazing: At one point I found a street, an the entire thing was glitching. Its was so surreaslistic. So much so that for a sec I thought it was intented. People glowing like the sun, smoke everywere, and the poligons in disarray. Not easy to describe. It was great and super trippy.
Something that deserves all the praise is the fact that CDPR included a high res scan of the entire cyberpunk2020 sourcebook hidden in the games directory files. It also has the entire soundtrack.
As an hispanic person, I REALLY dont care about representation and diversity in games, but apparently it was important for those polish devs from CDPR and it shows. Very well done and makes perfect sense because of the set-up, which makes it realistic and believable. Something that in a medieval fantasy set-up would make a lick of sense, but here is perfect (just throwing shade on the The Witcher show from Netflix. Please dont mind it).
And at last but not least I loved what I consider the ONE happy ending. SPOILER: The happily ever after with Judy and Panam. I loved this idea about "Night City" as the actual villain of the game. Well done and original. Lesbomancy is the way to go.
Some details and stuff I liked about the game:
-If you shoot someone with a sniper rifle powerful enough at close range, the guy blows up.
-I like gore in games and there is some of it in this game, not a lot but, its ok i guess.
-I liked the talking gun. Remind me of the talking power-armor from fallout games. Stuff like that and more its always welcome in futuristic RPGs.
-Hacking is satistying but repetitive after awhile

  1. The not-good:
Sad news for me. The one thing I was looking for, the most important thing to me of all things, is not here. The magic is, for the most part, gone. Or at least thats how it feels to me.

4.Disappointing stuff:
Judging by the size of the map and the amount of non-important details and at the same time laking important features Its obvious that at first the devs were aiming BIG and taking their time to do things right, but at one point they had to start rushing to meet the absurd release dates. Thats why they wasted time in stuff like flickering screens in cars when they crash instead of important features like
-This game is STARVING for a PROPER minigame. (Like Gwent)
-The Lacking of a Great villain. Adam Smasher a great villain? Not even close.
-The lack of detective work, mistery and puzzles. There is some of that stuff in sidequests but kinda scarcely.
-The lack of horror and spooky scenarios and stuff.
-Except for the one happy ending, the rest of the endings are just depressing and left me empty inside.
-For a game that sold itself as an over-sexualized set-up, it has less romance options and less variety of "intimate scenes" than, for instance, TW3.
-Quadrillions of "side-missions" and "gigs" most of them are generic and boring.
-The lack of great boss battles. The only boss fight I actually enjoyed was with Sandayu Oda. That one was not amazing but great. The rest... including Adam Smasher were kinda bland and easy. laking of stages like proper boss fights like Dettlaff of Master Mirror, or the faceless gardener, or the giant toad from TW3. Those were AMAZING boss battles , extremelly well done, very memorable each one of them and just AWESOME. God i love that game so much.
-The main story is short and lacking of fulfilling outcomes.
-Some sidequests are just uninspired and boring, and Im not sure, but I think many of them lack of an interesting outcome. Im not sure because maybe they get interesting outcomes by making the right choices but,, something tells me thats not the case here.
Examples: The sidequests with monks, with Kerry, and face-granade, just to name a few.
-Gorilla arms wont open doors as supposed to, even the legendary ones.
-After completing 100% EVERYTHING in the game, I wasnt able to unlock some features from the Intelligence skill-tree. WTF.
-This world has oceans but (ALMOST) no missions related to swimming or diving. Just the one with Judy and 2 looting "quests"... I mean, a missed opportunity to bring some diversity to those generic 'gigs'.
-CDPR promise a lost of stuff that its simply not here. And deserves all the criticism for that.

*Triple A stuff I was hoping to find in a 111 million USD budget game but sadly I was asking too much:
-Proper races with cars actually compeeting instead of spawning behind you if you left them too far behind (Srly DCPR? That was disgraceful)
-Races with motocycles or futurisc vehicles.
-Movie teathers, Sports, Opera, Stand-up, and entertainment in general (like in GTA5)
-Stuff like hoverboards, scooters, etc.
-Firetruks, trash truks, uber services, etc.
-More of everything, more stuff to see and do, more sidequest with interesting outcomes.
*And also hoping for:
-No public transportation, no planes or anything futuristic replacing them, no airport of any kind.
-Mec Legs capable to make you run really fast so you dont need transportation
-No jet-packs or anything that allows you to explore the world's verticallity. Like in GTA San Andreas.
-No police/jail system. No prisons. Even Morrowind back in the day had that.
-Real interactions with gangs in side-quests, aside of killing them or boxing matches.
-Reaction from different gangs depending on your clothes/reputation like in Fallout New Vegas
-Morality/karma system like Mass Effect or Fallout3
-Outside the city it should exist some form of wild-life I think.
-Exploring the virtual world, behind the "blackwall" for instance idk.
-Piloting planes, boats, etc.

As i said before, I dont care all that much about these stuff but,, I understand that at least some of it should be there in a triple AAA game of this size.

  1. Unfair criticism I have heard against CP2077:
-A very successful youtuber with long hair made the most stupid criticism I've ever heard about any game: He criticied the CP2077 because he thinks that a skill called "wistle" from the skill-tree (Intelligence) is actually the act of wistleling with your mouth, which is something that anyone can do by default irl. Except in this particular case, "Wistle" is just the name (and just the name) of a Quickhack. It has nothing to do with the act of wistling with your moth. Cringey.
-The same youtuber said that thay very few impactful choices in the game. A lot of people made the same criticism. I disagree, there is A LOT of impactful choices and ramifications and I personally verified that while playing myself but,, I understand that CP2077 is lacking in that department, meaning? It could be A LOT better. And I mean it. In TW3 players were are able to see through narration and gameplay how Geralt's choices impact the life of people living in that world, in the short and long run. So in TW3 you can easily be aware of the result of your choices. CP2077 has anything remotely like it. Plus, Night City is pretty much the same before and after V's adventure. So, part of that criticism is justified.
-The same youtuber qualified the sound design as "really bad" just because in some very specific parts of the main story, some sounds didnt showed up when they should. I disagree completely of course. Nevertheless I must admit that his video-critic is very entertaining and he makes good points sometimes.
-Comparing CP2077 with GTA is absurd because they are completely different genres. Some of that criticism is justified tho, cant deny it.

  1. How to make it better:
Im sure CDPR is right now pushing hard to solve all those glitches, to bring back together some of those missing features, to enhance those performances, to bring together some decent physics, and a long etcetera.
But the thing is, If I were in CDPR's shoes, i would not waste a single second on that.
At least not for now.
CDPR already have the money in their pockets, and people already made up their minds loving and hating the game. The lawsuits are on their way aswell, and the reputation of this company "consumer friendly" is damaged for good.
But as i said before, my opinion is CDPR should focus their mind and soul to bring back some of that talent, originality and passion: the story-telling! -maybe lost halfway into the development- and bring it back to the different stories that this game has to offer...
Plus, I would take into consideration some of these stuff:
- More quality time with Judy. I think most players think exactly the same.
- Less gigs and more good old interesting sidequests. Quality over quantity (Judy Alvarez approves this message)
-More variety in hacking, so it doesnt get repetitive so fast.
-Bring back 3th person scenes, but just as an option/alternative, so players can see the faces of their characters during scenes if they want to, or experience the full immersion of first person perspective like now.
-Being able to chance our faces and general appearance, the hair-style, etc.
-Go so much deeper into cyberware customization and posibilities.

And... CDPR should look back to their previous work and take some inspiration from it.

  1. Conclusion:
Thanks for reading my critic. Sorry about my disastrous grammar.
I dont know what to make of this game. I feel that I should hate it but I cant. I have a lot of mixed thoughts and feelings about it. There is no final conclusion... the game is definitely not a 10 and its definitely not a 1, thats the only thing I can say for sure.

Cyberpunk2077 is a sad story that in a different time-line had a happy ending.
submitted by innerdirt to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Toxicity of the Consumers and Cyberpunk 2077

This game was destined to be one of the greatest of our era, what happened? Where did it all go wrong? Can CDPR bounce back from this, I'm gonna say, tragedy? Will Cyberpunk go down as the game that singlehandedly destroyed a company? I really hope not, but it could be possible.
Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed numerous times, despite promises from CDPR. Promises that shouldn't have been made? Maybe. But they promised nonetheless that it would be out as quick as possible, and here we are. The game's out, and what's happened? It was buggier than Timoan and Pumba's breakfast platters, slimy yet satisfying. But they brought out a couple patches here and there, a pinch of salt, dash of pepper, and ay presto, they cooked up a less buggier mess, but at what cost? Would delaying the game again, until maybe, Christmas, or even some time in Spring have been a better idea? Instead of, seemingly, using the public as game testers, effectively.
I can answer that for you.
Yes. That is absolutely, what CDPR should have done. But the Consumers, (that's you guys, us, people buying the game), threw our toys out of the proverbial pram so hard that they pushed a game that was maybe... 60% bug free? At best? Those who bought it on PC will say that it's been a nightmare bug-wise, I bought it a week after release, and play it on Xbox One X, and I've had very little issues with it. But maybe I'm not a spoiled brat that cries and cries when they don't get the picture perfect experience of a game when it's released. But this is the double-edged sword of the digital age. Companies can send out games, that haven't been bug tested as religiously as they would have been, say, pre-2005, and through the glory of the internet, can release day one patches, weekly hot fixes, and soon enough you have the picture perfect experience of your dreams cough Final Fantasy VII Remake -cough-
But that isn't what happened here, this game wasn't near ready, and that's evident, but who's to blame? The developers, or the consumers? I personally, would have been happy waiting a few more months, before sitting down to get in to Night City, choosing Penis 1, and having the experience of the cyberpunk genre that I've been waiting for as long as I can remember. (I really like cyberpunk stuff, growing up it was mostly Japanese Animes, Shadowrun on the SNES, that sorta thing)
What I'm saying is, CDPR, aren't the ones at fault here, there was massive, and I mean M A S S I V E demand for this game, we all know that. Sure, they pushed out a broken game, but would that have happened if we all said "No, wait a minute, we don't want this game if it's "unplayable" (seriously, some of you PC gamers are so fussy, it's unreal, I get it, I do, you've got ray tracing cards and 128gb of ram so you can play games and watch Hentai in 240fps, we get it, PCs are great) we'd rather have the full experience when it's released, with out need for a massive day one patch. Take your time, get it right CDPR". We, not personally, but collectively, are the ones at fault here, if CDPR go down the drain, and die, it's because we put the nails in their coffin, and it will be too ugly to be an open casket funeral.
Could this have been avoided? Well, yeah, duh. They should have delayed the game even further. But, I'm gonna say it again, consumers threw big man child temper tantrums because we wanted so desperately to play this game. But was it worth it, did the temper tantrums get you the game you wanted? No, well, not entirely at least. Sure, the game is playable on console, and I've been having the time of my life on it, and I haven't really had any problems or glitches or bugs. Nothing game breaking, and barely any thing minor.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an incredible game, I don't think people truly appreciate the depth, quality and sheer volume of this game. GTA will never be this good. I say GTA because they have a lot of crossover elements, and if you can't see that comparison then you need to get to a ripper doc and get your optics checked, or just not be an idiot. The story, so far, has been incredible, the gameplay has been fun, the dialogue is great, the mechanics of the game feel quite smooth, the characters are loveable, Jackie, man, Jackie is such a lovable character and companion and I felt genuine attachment to him. That developed in a couple hours of playing. This game is not a bad game, at all, it's filled to the brim with content and things to do. But the consumer, is barely touching the tip of the iceberg of this game because "GRRR PRETTY NEON GAME NO RUN GOOD ON PC". The story so far, of what I've played has been nothing short of great, the twists twist, if not at some parts cliché or tropes, but they work, that's what makes something a cliché of a trope. It works.
I urge all of you, don't give up on this game, or CDPR, they gave us what you wanted. The game to come out. They knew it wasn't fully ready, but they did it any way. Surely they knew that it would get all this backlash because of bugs. But it was the choice, ultimately they had to decide whether to delay it again, or push it out when they promised they would. But that was a mistake on their end, it's not entirely our fault. As much as I would love to say it is. CDPR shouldn't have made the promise to deliver the game when they did, CDPR shouldn't have released the game, and CDPR should have closed their ears to the man babies of the world that wanted to sip their Mountain Dew and jerk off with crusty doritos fingers at the character creation screen because we all know that's happened. Don't lie to yourself if you have, you do you, you freaky, crusty, horny mother fuckers. But the consumer, at the end of the day, is what tipped CDPR to release this game before it was ready. Surely they had internal deadlines, but it doesn't take a business expert to tell you that releasing an effectively incomplete game with tonnes of bugs isn't a strong strategy.
And it's sad.
Because now, Cyberpunk 2077 has been removed from the PS Store, CDPR have lost $1,000,000,000 dollars, and that's an unbelievable amount of money. There's a very real possibility, that this could kill the company, and Cyberpunk 2077 will never reach it's full potential... And that would be our fault, because we wanted this game so bad but we're unwilling to wait any longer. Things are going downhill fast, and it's not looking good. Let's hope that CDPR can pull through and we'll have the game that they wanted to give us for the past eight years of development. Developing an AAA title is a massive project, I don't think we as players, unless you work in the gaming industry, really appreciate how much goes in to making a game, especially one as ambitious as Cyberpunk. Let alone with COVID-19 , on top of the massive stress that game development already is at that level. Had we not been living through a global pandemic for the last year, this game surely would have been fine on release. But here we are, the plague is here and it's delaying your video games.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk on Cyberpunk 2077's release, subsequent backlash from the consumer, and maybe a bit of a holistic look at the situation. Instead of just blaming CDPR. Now I'm gonna go slurp my big gulp, load it up, and have some adventures in Night City, with Keanu Reeves, because that's fucking cool.
So in conclusion, TL;DR, I guess. Consumer bad, CDPR good, we shouldn't have thrown our toys out of the pram and they should have delayed the game further.
submitted by Nymhbus to gaming [link] [comments]

Do's and Do not's for safe moding update 1.01

Update 1.01
The Kiddions mod has made GTA 1,000 times better. No more grinding away, only to lose it by some stupid mistake.
I just started moding, but I've done some research into how to make it reasonably safe, and as way to give back to the community, I created this list of Do's and Don'ts so maybe there will be less "is this mod safe" posts. Maybe the sub moderators will sticky this or make an FAQ.
Banning and ban waves - I did some research and I see back in August a lot of people got banned. At the time, there was some kind of casino glitch, so maybe R* was looking at players with high bank accounts that they mostly received from the casino.
From what I have read, people get a temporary ban the first time, and a permanent ban the 2nd. So it's not the end of the world. If I was banned once, I would still use the mod. I would just not use anything that shows most of my money coming from the casino. I'm not saying don't use the casino rig, just don't use it after your first ban.
I would make sure that you change your Social Club settings to only be viewable by yourself, or maybe just your close friends.
I wonder if R* banned someone with their SC settings set to private, would open them to being sued in the real world?
So if you get banned, claim ignorance. Claim some modder put that money into your account and you didn't want it. Maybe they will take pitty on you? At least post on this sub what you were doing and why R* banned you. Give us much detail as possible.
Do not mod from December 8th - December 22nd because of the update and the possibility of a ban wave during that time. Some people even recommend waiting a month after the update.
I'm not going to do the casino rig on holidays or weekends because I think there are more people on the servers. This might be overly paranoid.
I welcome suggestions and constructive criticism!
Do be careful about using the casino rig. Either empty the lobby (last option on the online menu), or at least make sure no one else is in the casino when you hit the jack pot.
Do not brag in the game online about moding. Don't even mention it, or the vast amount of money that you've gotten through it. Loose lips sink ships.
Do not be a jerk to other players so they report you.
Do not give money drops to people you don't know and don't go crazy with it, because the person that you give money to could get banned.
Do not raise your RP level really high, or make it something stupid like 666. Maybe someone could post a comment below about "safe" RP levels.
Do not use godmode - I would think it would get you notice. I don't use it anyway.
Do be careful about what you buy. The yachts come to mind. Once you request yours, other players can see it, and they might get curious. Having an extremely popular night club also comes to mind. Showing off lots and lots of expensive cars. Even the Oppressor could be problematic, but since R* just gave 1 mil away, and maybe they are on Black Friday special, they might become very common. The update is supposed to come with a bunch of new weapons, and I think you can buy a sub. Not sure how those will look. Just be careful. Fly under the radar!
Do not teleport, but if you do, use ghost mode so no one knows you're going all over the map.
Do not grief. So I wouldn't do this anyway, so this is easy for me to say. But I think griefing pisses people off, so after destroy what they took hours to build, they might want to come after you. Filing a report is one of the steps that they could take. And that could put you on R* radar.
Do set your Social Club privacy settings so that only you can see what you have and where you got it.
Do set your payout for the Bunker method to below 2.5 million it won't work.
So this was update 1.01. As always, I welcome suggestions and comments. Please post below.
submitted by LintStalker to Kiddions [link] [comments]

Who is playing this game like he actually lives in that world?

Hey all!
First things first. I haven't read a lot of different reviews or posts but obviously, I have seen that people are getting glitches, bugs and everything that shouldn't be in the game - I won't argue about that, that's sucks and shouldn't be in a AAA game on release. No need to discuss those things here, there are plenty of topics for that.
I also didn't watch any gameplay, release a trailer or anything that would spoil my experience. I didn't go to forums nor I didn't build up any expectations besides that the world takes place in a Cyberpunk themed city. I had seen some images of the game but nothing that would give something away. So I would say, not spoiled and without any hype for the game.
I didn't have huge expectations because I haven't had abled to finish SP games like Witcher 3, GTA V or RDR2 because I always lost interest at one point, mostly because I always tried to play it in an RPG way, being the character but at least for me I have never been on the state where I believe that I am the character, I still was Morgan or Geralt. But not in Cyberpunk 2077. I can finally be me.
I did the prologue as I would do in any other game, I actually didn't feel much towards the game when going through the Nomad path for the first 2 hours but after I got to my apartment, I started to blend into the game. I thought about who I actually am in the game and who I want to be (like do I want to kill a lot of people, do I want to be a hacker etc.). I decided to get real with RPG this time, starting from what clothes I wear at home (witcher t-shirt and some pants I don't wear outside), read news, shower and dismantle items near some mechanics (yeah, using my fantasy I engage those AI characters that don't interact with me). I slowly make money to buy new things, I beat up gangs at the side streets and walk around until getting to some interesting mini-missions. I choose what I wear before going to missions or if I plan to drive around the city and look for those gangs to beat, like some kind of vigilante superhero. I learn how to do proper hacking and I honestly suck at it but I don't look for tutorials, I don't watch others playing the game to learn how to be better, I learn it myself through failures. And its fun, it truly is.
Currently, I am 20h into the game, I just visited afterlife for the first time. So I have a lot of missions still ahead of me to do. A lot of the world to explore.
Some of my friends have finished the game in 30 hours, they rushed the missions and though they will be fooling around after finishing it it's not fun anymore. Think about it, if you have done crazy missions, do you really have fun beating up some gangs to earn eddies to buy something you can't afford? Probably not.
My suggestion for those who haven't played this game, try to play it as you are actually the character and make it to be as realistic as possible. Don't worry if you fuck something up, these things happen in real life as well. Don't worry about your decisions, as humans we tend to make bad decisions.
This is the way I decided to play, I don't say this is the correct way but it sure one of the best experiences I have got playing any game. I just love it so much and I can't keep myself not thinking about the game while not playing it.
Please, if you reply to this topic, try to avoid spoilers. And don't talk about the technical issues, we all know about them (Luckily I haven't experienced anything glitchy or buggy). I wanna hear about your character storied that you created, I wanna hear why you decided the lifepath you chose and how you spend your time in the night city?
submitted by r3nex to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Have faith, everything you hate right now will be fixed in the near future. I guarantee it. Aside from that, the game has too much good to be ruined by the bad. CDPR will do right by us, watch and wait.

So, I've been playing the game all weekend. I'm running it on a standard edition PS5 that I bought two or three weeks ago. My system is brand new and should not be subject to any bitrot.
For me, the game has ran pretty much pristinely, for the most part. Graphics and framerate are upper mid tier of quality at the very least. Of course, it is dwarfed by a high end PC easily, but the differences to me are minimal. My game looks great. Of course, I'm playing a backwards compatible PS4 version on my PS5, so I have faith that next year a full PS5 release will come out, and hopefully look atleast something close to as good as Demon's Souls.
Anyway, graphically it's way more than passable for me. What about bugs?
I've seen many, but almost every single one has been more of the type of glitch you laugh about rather than start foaming at the mouth about because your game is broken.
For example;
I've seen flickering NPCs.
Floating NPCs
NPCs spewing dialogue with no mouth movement, and also NPCs blowing smoke from invisible meth pipes.
Slight bumps on the road causing my car to fly to the shadow realm, usually resulting in death.
Delemaine ringing me on the phone and saying "BEEP BEEP MOTHA FUCKA " as he teleports through a parking garage wall just to smash my fucking car. God that was funny. He warped spacetime just to fuck me up. I laughed so hard. I wish I had clipped this one, but I was too busy googling to see if this happened to anyone else.
Enemies being straight up invisible, except for a floating helmet and gun. This isn't too annoying, it's not very common and they all still have hitboxes. It's like fighting a cloaked elite from Halo. Not a huge deal on normal difficulty, which I always do my first playthrough on in RPGs so the game doesn't get in the way of me experiencing the narrative, which is very good in this game. Plus I fucking hate RPG bullet sponges and high difficulties in shooter RPGs are notorious for this. If I shoot someone in the head, I want it to go splat.
I've seen jackie walk through multiple inanimate objects without batting an eye. That boi is so thick nothing can stop him.
This isn't a glitch, but I've noticed the joytoy sex scenes are really awkward, almost as if you're having sex with a doll. Never again.
This isn't a glitch either, I'm just pissed the fuck off that you can't romance Judy Alvarez as a male. She's the finest latina in the entire game, and she's spicy too. She's so my type. Unfortunately I'm playing a male so I have to settle for Panam. Lol video game love isn't that big of a deal but I like the immersion.
However, the absolute biggest annoyance while playing this game has been the intermittent crashing, for no explicable reason. Every couple hours, almost on the dot, my game just crashes. For no reason. No reason at all. I find this so bizarre because my system doesn't seem to be having any trouble running it, but like I said, every two hours it crashes. Not a huge deal because of autosaving, just a weird annoyance.
That's about the full extent of the problems I've seen in the game so far.
Are these enough to counteract all the good things about this game? For me, the answer is no.
I know people on the PS4 and Xbone are having absolutely god awful experiences with this game. I've also seen a lot of people blaming last gen users for not having the money to buy current gen hardware. That's horse shit.
Is there any credence to this though? Well, yes but actually no.
It's very apparent that this game should not be running on last gen consoles. It's simply too much. This game is extremely complex and is honestly one of the best open worlds I believe I've ever seen. I knew years ago that something like this just wasn't going to work on a ps4, for example. This is just a fact that we cannot escape. This is part of the reason I bought a PS5, I foresaw this during the marketing campaign when I started to realize the scale of this game. The other half of the reason I bought a PS5 was Demon's Souls. I'm a huge from soft fanboy, had to do it.
But is that the consumer's fault for having old systems? No. It's not. It's CDPR's fault for even releasing this on last gen systems. This is a huge blunder. They knew there was absolutely no way this game would run properly on systems from 2013. Even my uneducated ass predicted this 3 years ago when I heard about the game. This should have been a PS5/XBOXSX /PC title, that could have eliminated so many problems, and allowed the company to keep true to it's marketing promises since they wouldn't have had to downscale everything to work on platforms from 2013.
I digress. The damage is done.
However, despite all this, I'm almost certain that in time this company will find a way to at the very least make this game run comfortably on last gen systems, albeit by compromising a lot of the polish that users of new hardware are able to play with. There is absolutely no way a huge AAA reputable company like CDPR is going to leave this game in the state that it's in. This would be commercial suicide. They will find a way to make this game work on old hardware, it will just take time. Blame the higher ups in the company that almost certainly made the studio develop this game for old hardware because they knew they'd sell more copies that way, rather than waiting for everyone to acquire next gen consoles.
Let's be honest, if you're playing on hardware like the PS5 or beyond, are you really suffering that badly?
I've played the game for almost 60 hours this weekend. I've done all kinds of shit. Literally all I've seen is the cute glitches that make you laugh, rather than game breaking ones. As a matter of fact I haven't seen anything game breaking. The things I have seen haven't been in high frequency either, it's a once every few hours type deal. Once every 4 or 5 hours I might see something kind of spooky.
I suspect it's the same for everyone else playing on hardware like mine or beyond. I imagine people like us aren't being crippled too badly by glitches. I feel like we are experiencing minor inconveniences that will inevitably be hammered out very quickly by a studio that seems to give some fucks about gamers and it's commercial image. Leaving the game as glitchy as it is would in fact be commercial suicide, after all. No self respecting company would let this be as it is for very long. Try to enjoy the quirks while they're there, they can be quite fun.
Many other huge games like this one have launched in a similar state. For example, No Man's Sky.
I bought NMS on launch day. Do you know how much of a steaming pile of horse shit that game was at launch? Maybe you do. Internet historian had a ball with that one.
Now, if you've tried playing NMS in 2020, you'll understand that it's literally one of the best games you can play right now. It's amazing. A small indie developer took a steaming undercooked pile of shit and turned it into an immersive space sim that you can spend hours of your life in and not get bored. Updates upon updates made the game into something special, and those of us that stuck around got to experience it.
What about Skyrim? Lol I don't even need to go into detail with this one. Steaming pile of shit, on fire.
Now, Skyrim is one of the most beloved games in history.
The point is, good developers fix their fuck ups. If not for us gamers, for their own survival. We are their lifeblood, and if we are unhappy, they don't have jobs. The free market always prevails.
Why has this problem repeatedly shown up in AAA games?
Because huge, groundbreaking, ambitious games like Cyberpunk2077, NMS, Skyrim, ect are extremely hard to develop, and company executives and shareholders alike love to put their thumbs on the tops of people's heads and crush their creative image, forcing them to shit out a product as fast as possible before it's ready. The thing is, I highly doubt CDPR was lying about anything in marketing, it's just that the real people pulling the strings within the company stamped out their ambitions to meet a deadline, Christmas sales to be exact.
I really don't think we should hate the studio for this. I also don't think we should take up arms and raise hell about the issues either. I think all the problems with this launch can be attributed to lizard people who run companies solely for the sake of maximum profit, damning the consumer, and the developers.
And before you say "You're just a CDPR fanboy" or whatever you're thinking, I'm really not.
This is the first game I've ever bought or played by CDPR. Let me explain because that's kind of outlandish considering the leniency I'm giving them in this post.
The reason I've never played any of CDPR's games in the past is well, a kind of lame reason actually.
The only other games I know about that have come out of CDPR is the witcher series. Now, let me preface by saying, I don't hate the witcher or anything like that.
The reason I never got interested in the witcher is because, to put it bluntly, I don't care for Geralt. Not because there's anything wrong with his character, but because I can't put my self in his shoes, I can't make who I want and roleplay as the person I want.
I don't care for RPGS that don't allow me to make who I want. I don't like it when I'm made to play as someone with a predetermined identity and life.
This is why I've always gravitated toward Bethesda games and ignored CDPR, because bethesda's fallout series has allowed me to experience the post apocalyptic wasteland as, whoever I want. Their games allow you to design yourself, speak for yourself, make decisions for yourself, be whoever you want. That is the essence of roleplaying for me. I can't do that with Geralt because Geralt is Geralt, not who I want him to be. His identity is predetermined.
Of course, this isn't an absolute rule for me. I loved Arthur from RDR2, and I'm loving Eivor from AC Valhalla. But these aren't really RPG games, they're narrative driven open world games.
Anyway, the point is, Cyberpunk is the first game ever to catch my eye from CDPR. There is a good reason for it.
As many may know, the Fallout series has experienced a sharp decline over the past two installments. Previously, the fallout games were my favorites in the entire world. Nothing has ever trumped them in terms of the amount of happiness they bring me, especially New Vegas. God, what a masterpiece.
But, with fallout 4 I witnessed such mediocrity I just couldn't even consider it a true fallout game. They tried too hard to streamline and strip down the RPG elements to appeal to normies and it honestly killed the game for me. And don't even get me started on 76, that dumpster fire should go back to hell.
Point being, once I noticed that the fallout series was likely to meet it's demise soon, I started looking for an alternative.
Enter CDPR with their cyberpunk marketing. This immediately drew me in.
After reading up about and watching all kinds of content about Cyberpunk, I had concluded that this was the fallout replacement I needed to fill the hole in my sweaty gamer heart.
See, in my fictional universes, I love grit. I love dystopias. I love apocalyptic wastelands. I love the dark fantasy worlds of From Software's Soulsborne series.
But my most favorite genre of all has always been the Cyberpunk Genre. Ever since I saw ghost in the shell in the early 2000's I fell in love with it. The dark dreary atmosphere contrasted by the neon lights of the advanced cities of the genre is the coolest thing I've ever seen in media.
The problem for me has always been that games in this genre have always been few and far between, and low in quality.
That's why cyberpunk 2077 drew me in so hard. It looked like it was going to finally be what I needed, and replace fallout after it's fall from grace.
So I latched onto the hype train, knowing fully well that hype trains always crash. I knew this. I knew such an ambitious project would inevitably launch with huge problems due to the lizard men who run companies that I mentioned before. But I didn't care because this was the game I always needed. I knew that a good studio like CDPR would fix it's mistakes in time.
And that's why I'm here showing faith despite having never been a CDPR fan prior to the launch of this game. Even if I've never played their other games, I know that this studio knows what it's doing because the witcher series is top notch, even if it isn't for me.
Hopefully you understand my logic by now. This game has so much to offer.
CP2077 is absolutely gorgeous. It's a masterpiece of a game with flaws. It has so much good going for it that no amount of mostly harmless glitches that will inevitably be fixed can dissuade me from loving it.
This game has one of the best narratives I've ever seen, I'd compare it to the story of RDR2, plus cool points for including Reanu Keeves. I haven't seen methed out Reanu in my game yet but I'm sure I will, and I'll laugh about it.
It has an expertly crafted open world, of such complexity and excellent design that I don't think anything comes close to it that I've seen in gaming. The city is gorgeous, it makes cities in GTA games look ugly in my honest opinion. The cyberpunk atmosphere of the dreary rainy poverty contrasting with neon lights and corporate buildings is so goddamn top notch. Sometimes I just cruise around on Jackie's old bike just to look at the city, not doing anything in particular. Just experiencing the atmosphere. Japantown is probably my favorite place in the entire game because it just looks so amazing. Gives me big anime vibes.
The side quests in this game are very mixed, but they are many in number, and majority of them have plotlines that are just as good as the main story.
The universe and lore is so fleshed out it's damn near perfect. I love me a universe with its own history and lore. I've spent countless hours on youtube listening to fallout lore and dark souls lore. I'm just starting to scratch that surface of this universe's lore.
The combat is quite fun. It feels better than any other shooter RPG I've played, honestly it puts fallout 4 to shame. I actually enjoy gunfights which often causes me to intentionally forego stealth just to shoot people. The bullet sponge thing can be annoying though. I'll knock it for that.
I'm not going to sit here and gush about this game forever. The point is, the issues it currently has just aren't enough for me to take up arms over it. The good far outweighs the bad in almost every sense, and I think we all know fully well that the bad is completely temporary.
I digress. If you actually read all of this, I applaud you, but please stop being so negative. Laugh at the glitches and the problems while you can because I doubt they'll be around for much longer. This game has far too much to offer even in it's broken state for it to be life ending.
I seriously apologize if you read all of that. Please.get help.
submitted by drunksouls69 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Cyberpunk 2077- My painfully honest opinion

*Made a few edits to improve clarity, better convey my points, and to seem less like I’m just bashing the game and not actually reviewing it.
I’ll start off by saying that I know some major patches are on their way. It’s going to get better. Shit happens, there are bugs, glitches, whatever. I get it. No game is perfect. And I know it could be worse. That being said, it could be better. A LOT better. And, take my opinion with a grain of salt please. Don‘t start raging in the comments about how much of a piece of shit I am for disliking the game (so far)
I bought the game for PS4 Pro. Played for 15 hours until now. If you haven’t bought the game yet, Warning: Don't believe the hype. At least not without doing your own research first and not just basing your purchase on the opinions of CDPR fanboys. Like everyone, I was very excited for this game. It looked beautiful, seemed like a really extensive and fun RPG, and was made by CDPR, the same developers that brought us the great Witcher 3. What more could we ask for? Turns out, this is not the "masterpiece" we were expecting.
Customization is mediocre at best. Nothing like it showed in the marketing. Combat is interesting when new abilities are learnt but after a while it becomes a chore.
Missions are pretty fun and exciting, although some, if not most of them leave the player confused as to what is happening and what exactly you’re supposed to do. I would appreciate a bit more explanation and context. Tutorials are hardly helpful.
The excitement over gimmicks like customizable genitalia actually have no in-game purpose or effect whatsoever. Can't even see them on your person.
The dialogue. Oh boy the dialogue. I cant believe the makers of Witcher 3 would make a game with such terrible writing and conversation options. Im not kidding this is the conversation tree that forms the basis of all conversations in the game.
° A — >>
° B — A
° C — ||
This is cyberpunk. The makers of the Witcher 3 made a game where there is almost always only one outcome to a conversation. You can question it for exposition with B, or elaborate with C, but to a dead end, and will have to ultimately go with A to continue. That's all. Some may even just be A and B. Usually it'll just be A, since B will have been selected previously.
Main character, V, is awful to say the least and makes it impossible to enjoy coming back to the game. I can't stand listening to a thing they say. V has no charisma. Isn't smooth or cool at all. Is constantly edge lording and quite frankly I don't know why anybody give them the time of day. It feels like the world is full of people with more interesting stories behind who they are just hanging around. You could could spit in any random direction and hit someone more interesting than V to play as.
The worst crime however is just how safe the the game is. This isn't true Cyberpunk. No real issues are explored. They hint at drug use but don't show the main character partaking and the concept of it being a legal part of a world of decadence is glossed over. There's no real exploration of cyberspace and what it entails. The whole game looks beautiful on the outside but has no real depth at all. They pull their punches all throughout the game.
Now we come to the main part. It is an extremely buggy mess. Even with the recommended (or better) specs it’s still laggy and unstable. I crashed my car to a building and the game crashed. The irony. Every 15 minutes, I have experienced some sort of bug. Most are game breaking or completely detrimental to my immersion in the world space. And it honestly just shows the hypocrisy of some people. More like double standards. Everyone are telling that "CDPR will fix all the bugs in a few months. Don't hate on it because you are jealous that everyone likes CDPR" , this is what they say. How about, I don’t know, literally ANY OTHER game that was extremely buggy at launch? Yes sure, it was not a masterpiece even without the bugs, but I see people saying that CDPR is the best studio and others studios are just money hungry (cough EA cough). Other games are criticized heavily for its bugs. Now their bugs are fixed but only a few of the people actually praise it. They still criticize the bugs. Shouldn't we do the same thing to CDPR? They released an unpolished game even after delaying it 3 times and with 8 years of development time (although they started primary development after Witcher 3 released). Most bugs may be fixed after a few months but that doesn’t mean that this was a masterpiece. Cyberpunk is far from a masterpiece. They could have released this next year in a finished state and could have been my favourite game. But nope. We got this.
Between bad clipping. People/cars appearing and disappearing right in front of you (think gta vice city) Shading is horrible, random shadows that don't belong in places are common. Even with all the visual extras turned off I normally on get about 15-20 FPS. The controls are very very stiff. Walking doesn't feel normal. driving is atrocious, either your car turns on a dime or is a literal boat. Combat is sketchy. Between the frame rate dropping, horrible aim controls, guns that really don't do any damage, and how taking cover doesn't seem to save you any damage, 007 for the n64 had smoother combat. Grenades are laughable at best. Clipping, omg the clipping, cut scenes where guns are floating just out of reach of the npcs hands but following the movement, people walking through vehicles, vehicles spawning in walls. Npc models t posing and sliding around in the background. The dialogue is very delayed when talking to anyone. Controls hardly ever feel responsive and sometimes just flat out aren't. It takes forever to bring up any menu or submenu (bringing up radio stations in the car takes approx 4 seconds from button press to menu popping up). Trying to tap x to talk to an npc on the street normally requires 6 seconds of pressing x to make it happen. It takes at least 3 seconds to bring up your gun from having it holstered. Recoil on guns is ridiculous, you would think you're a 4 year old shooting 12 gauge slugs with almost every gun, taking 2-3 mags per person with head shots to kill them, ammo seems very scarce and hard to find on enemies you kill, even shotguns to the face seem to tickle at best. Hacking, which seemed like it would be a HUGE part of the game, really is non existent (you can hack cameras, deactivate a guys sight for 3 seconds, or do a damage hack which does 77 damage/absolutely nothing). Skill tree is very weird and feels like it does nothing in the long haul (1% damage buff for every level for one type of gun etc). Sometimes buildings don't load in until you hit them, npcs are a blurred blob for 10-15 seconds when you first approach them. Info for quests and side quests really don't make you feel immersed or that you really know whats going on. Im writing this after the game made my PS4 crash so hard it turned itself off which I've never experienced before. I could go on but I feel like I've made my point. If I got it for 15 or 20 bucks I wouldn't be as upset. I am going to keep playing, simply because I believe in CDPR and I really want to like the game. But in its current state, it is really not worth your time and definitely not worth 60 bucks.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk. Any feedback or input is encouraged and appreciate.
submitted by WannaHearALimerick to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

The iOS companion app for your CEO/MC Businesses & Casino Wheel in GTA Online is finally available for download! 🥳

The iOS companion app for your CEO/MC Businesses & Casino Wheel in GTA Online is finally available for download! 🥳
After a few hiccups and delays, Business Buddy for iOS is finally available for download! 🥳 🥳 🥳
Business Buddy is an iOS companion app for GTA Online to help you keep track of your MC and CEO businesses and remind you when it's time to resupply or when it's time to spin the Lucky Wheel at the Diamond Casino.A must-have for all grinders, new players and a helpful assistant for all GTA Online users.
  • Timers for all CEO and MC businesses (except Import/Export, which will be included in the next update)
  • Push notifications to remind you when a times is expired
  • You don't need to calculate or wonder how long production time will take, Business Buddy will do that for for you
  • It supports the different upgrade types for each business
  • It shows the count down in real time and the time/date of when the timer is due
  • It works on all iOS devices (iPhones and iPads) with iOS 11 and newer
  • It supports Apple Watch push notifications
  • Business Buddy runs locally on your device, it's not connected to GTA/Rockstar servers in any way. For this reason, under certain circumstances, the actual timings could be different from those calculated by the app (for example when GTA glitches, or is stuck loading in certain parts of the game, etc..). It will take some time to test every possible scenario
Business Buddy, while fully working, is at its early stages of developing and it certainly has room for improvements. It takes a very long time to test everything on GTA Online and develop the app and it's a lot of work for just one person.
  • If you find a bug please report it using the email feature in the Settings page or using the Discord channels found on the website.
  • All timers have been set to the best of my knowledge but unfortunately I'm not able to test every possible combination of factors so if you notice any inconsistencies let me know so I can correct it as soon as possible.
  • Your feedbacks are very important, if you don't like something or you found a bug, instead of leaving a negative comment please leave a constructive feedback on how one or more features can be improved.
  • Feel free to request new features, all suggestions will be taken into consideration and implemented in future updates based on the popularity of their request. I created a dedicated Discord channel for this purpose.
  • If you have any business with only Staff Upgrade and you want to help, please get in touch (send me a PM).
  • I have created a brand new account to test different scenarios (without upgrades), if you want to help me make enough money to buy all the businesses (without going through the whole grinding process all over again), please get in touch via PM.
  • Better, customisable interface
  • More features are in the pipeline, stay tuned!
submitted by Icanfixit_web to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Rockstar ruined the Gunrunning business.

I know I’m not alone on this and I know there have been a bunch of posts about this, but the gunrunning business bug is a horrible one. (Sorry in advance for the amount of text, about a 4 and a half minute read for a slower reader.)
TLDR: The gunrunning business has a fairly frequent bug where you can’t continue/complete missions, causing lots of players to lose tons of in game money and time investment.
Insight on the business and bug:
For those who don’t know about it, I’ll give a bit of insight. For the gunrunning business, you buy a bunker and are able to research and manufacture weapons. You resupply the staff’s resources and assign them to work on research for your own vehicles, manufacture weapons to sell, or both.
With every mission you do, not just the gunrunning business, there are yellow objectives that you reach in order to continue/complete the mission. This bug that happens is that even though you reach your destination where the yellow circle is, it doesn’t register that you’ve been there and there seems to be no way around it except for destroying the item that goes along with the mission. Many people have lost the stock they’re selling because of this bug because they can’t continue/complete the mission (this also happens for resupplying the bunker, however it is overlooked because people don’t lose money off it).
I generally sell my stock at around $200,000 guaranteed, before the two bonuses are applied: selling to Los Santos and how many people are in the lobby (this can almost double the value of your stock). To get to $200k takes about 2-3 hours of active playtime, and selling a full stock can be around $1.5-2 million before bonuses are applied (I’m guessing based off the progress bar).
Short backstory:
Rockstar already said they put out a hot fix for the bug, but as many people can claim, it has not worked (in fact it may have gotten worse). I started playing GTA again a few days ago and this glitch has happened to me 3 times: 2 selling stock and 1 resupply (2 of these events happened within the past 4 hours of making this post).
My experience:
The first time I encountered this bug was yesterday, where I received a Phantom Wedge to sell stock, just one delivery point and it’s all or nothing. The second was a resupply. I ended up leaving the area, killing myself to drop the supplies, pick them back up and reload the bunker area again hoping that, would fix it. It didn’t. I didn’t want to waste the next 20 minutes of my life in the remaining resupply, so I blew myself up, along with the supplies. The third was the other selling stock one, this time with the Insurgent with 5 delivery locations. Made it through the first one just fine, but the second one the bug happened. I just tossed grenades at the vehicle inside the yellow circle. It registered the delivery on the second to last blow from the grenades, but I had already thrown another by the time I realized the message. I stopped throwing them, and the vehicle and supplies blew up in my face.
In total, I lost around $850-900k in the past 24 hours (about 6-8 hours of playtime to reach that amount of money, both bonuses applied).
Closing thoughts:
This bug wasn’t in the game the last time I played, and from what I’ve read, it seems to have started around September 2020 (continuing for 4 straight months and on toward the future).
The gunrunning business is arguably one the best businesses in the game, next to the vehicle warehouse associated with the CEO organizations. I’m starting to think it’s not worth resupplying the bunker unless you still have research to accomplish because of how often this bug happens. From what I’ve seen, this bug occurs anywhere between 10-40% of the time. Its not a hard bug to find playing the game, however I can imagine it is hard to track in the game code. This glitch appears to be exclusive the the gunrunning business, which is a real shame because of how profitable it is.
If someone at Rockstar is reading this, please invest more time dedicated to figuring out what is going on a little more. Many people are losing a lot of in game money because of this bug and I can only hope this will change soon. Please comment on your experiences as well to provide more information.
submitted by BlazerJL to gtaonline [link] [comments]

[PSA] Horse gambling still gives races with >100% player return value, making it profitable earlygame with zero effort.

I'm not sure if this is a "glitch" per se as the code is working "correctly", but it's probably a lot more lucrative than intended--and now is as good a time as ever to remind everyone of this decent money-making method which requires virtually no Rank or assets except a few dozen grand in starting cash.
  1. Convert about $20,000~$60,000 to casino chips. Keep in mind you can only do 20k per ingame day.
  2. Play Inside Track, paying attention to the odds on the two best horses which should be between 1/1 (Evens) and 5/1.
  3. If those two horses have 2/1 and 3/1 odds or higher, max bet on the lower of the two. This is a profitable game, and while you may still lose some games, statistically you will gain chips this way.
  4. If the two best horses do NOT have 2/1 & 3/1 or higher, bet the minimum on whoever and run the game just to refresh the board.
  5. Watch your chips slowly but surely rise over time, assuming you are not astronomically unlucky.
Note: If the other horses have high enough odds, there are cases where games with horses under 2/1 and 3/1 (but not Evens & Evens) are still profitable to bet on, but the math on that is a bit trickier, and using a calculator costs time; this is why I usually stick to 2/1 & 3/1 or better. Also while technically you average the same profit betting on any horse, higher-odds horses make luck a bigger factor, which you probably don't want.
For best results, map Tab to a mouse button to max bet quicker (PC), and do this muted in the background while you watch YouTube or something because it's...also incredibly boring. Profit per hour fluctuates according to RNG of course, but seems to average better than 2x VIP rotations assuming you don't have a Buzzard or Oppressor MK2 yet to efficiently grind with.
EDIT: I'm surprised this wasn't more popular, it's been around for awhile even if it kinda becomes obsolete once better money making methods become available (and it's so...boring...). If anyone's interested in the math and theory for why this works to better understand it, I found the original post explaining it. Keep in mind this all revolves around Inside Track's sloppy method for picking odds, and in the other games (and obviously real casinos), the house always wins.
submitted by Brasparo to gtaglitches [link] [comments]

I'm really not even that upset folks

I've been playing cyberpunk on my base Destiny edition launch PS4. Im kinda poor, not super poor but not rich enough to splurge on a new console. The game has crashed numerous times as well as small glitches like not being able to switch perspectives while driving, along with the texture and model loading issues. Still, this game has firmly cemented itself as a top 5 game of all time on my personal list.
I suppose its because my benchmark for a tier one RPG game is Skyrim and as we all know skyrim was (and still kinda is) a buggy mess. However the freedom in exploration and decision making keeps that game relevant and played still today.
I've played maybe 20 or so hours of cyberpunk and it blows skyrim away in almost every category. The views from my motorcycle transits through the city are still stunning and immersive even with the low fps and rendering issues. Driving off the main path and through alleyways and up staircases makes this game feel like a blade runner esque GTA with more freedom in role playing than almost anything i've played and I feel confident that the devs at CDPR will continue to nurture and raise this game into the generational classic it has the potential to be.
However the outcry is warranted, folks paid real life money that they spent real life time to make for a product that they didn't receive. People paid for a finished game and they have all the right to be upset that they received basically an early access build of this game.
All that being said i, personally don't mind waiting but that literally just might be me but everyone has more than a right to be upset.
submitted by Go1denboi to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

The Guy That Never Fell

It was the 4th of August. Fall Guys had just released. I didn't have enough money to buy it, though, and I had to crack it off IGG-Games. (I did buy it later on after the horrible incident that occured.)

I played the cracked version of the game, but for some reason I couldn't get into a match. (This could possibly have something to do with me cracking the game, and not any paranormal events.) This wasn't obvious to me at the time, since this has been the first game I have ever pirated/cracked/torrented/stole. This was quite strange, but later on I figured out that it was because of me cracking the game, as my friend Mike told me it's because of me cracking it. He told me this: "You can't play the game because you cracked it. The servers aren't connected to the official "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" servers." I decided to crack the game again from a site called Fitgirl Repack. So I walked up to Mike again. Conveniently I was able to play the game thanks to this version. And I said exactly this to him: "Hey, Mike, this time it worked. I got it from some weird site that I found online and I think I'm able to get into matches in "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" now." Suprised beyond belief, Mike could not move for a solid 5 minutes. (Which shows his bad skills of computer knowledge.) Mike congratulated me on my lucky catch with this pirated game and offered to play with me. He said he would also like to play with me, also he stated that there is gonna be a new T-Rex skin in the item shop. I told him I didn't care and just wanted to play the game without paying for it. I went to sleep for the day and tomorrow I would play the creepiest "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" match ever in history...

We're now in 10th of August 2020, I decided to play my first ever match of "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout". As I got into the game I saw something strange. The menu music got distorted, it was reverse and it was kinda creepy. In the match I noticed something weird. I saw someone with the Sonic skin from "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" but I don't think it was Sonic, but instead, Sonic.EXE. (To clarify, I made this assumption because his eyes were red instead of blue.) I went on ahead and the first minigame was Door Dash. So I played through it pretty easily (as it usually is), but as I made it to the end, when you fall down (As the name "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" suggests.) I heard a demonic scream when I fell down. Now, because this was my first "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" match, I assumed this was normal. But when I called Mike, he said it wasn't. He specifically said this: "No, I don't think that's normal, I sometimes this weird screaming glitch too, but sometimes it plays the normal FUNNY sound." (I made funny all capitalized letters because he screamed it.) I thought this was really creepy, but I brushed it off as just a weird glitch.

On the next day, I got on "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" again, (I didn't play it since yesterday because I got so creeped out by that easter egg/glitch/egg.) I decided to call up Mike and tell him that we should play the game together this time, and see if there are any more easter eggs/glitches/eggs. (I wanted to look for more easter eggs/glitches/eggs because it was so new so I didn't think anything would be patched yet.) We got on and the first minigame was Seesaw, we saw something pretty creepy. It was a black "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" character. He had red, bleeding eyes (I added the word "bleeding" here, because of the particles emitting out of his eyes.) And the worst thing was, his username. It was "Fall Guy 666". As I was overly christian, I thought of this as the game trying to speak to me that pirating "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" off of Fitgirl Repack was a bad idea. We kept going, though, and we got to the last minigame, which was Hex-a-gone. Fall Guy 666 also made it to the finals. The tiles were covered in a really weird type of red. (#990000, (153,0,0) for anyone interested.) (It's a Hex code.) Me and Mike got to the end of the game, and it was a 2v1 with Fall Guy 666. As I heard Mike fall to his death in his "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" form, I heard the scream sound again. After that, Mike was silent, and he left the Teamspeak voice call without saying a word. I was a bit creeped out, but I had to defeat Fall Guy 666. (My hands were shaking a lot because I was in the last round of "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout".) Sadly, Fall Guy 666 defeated me. So after I got eliminated, the winning animation for Fall Guy 666 played, but it was different. It was him holding a picture of non-other than Mike hanging on a noose. And Fall Guy 666 was repeatedly saying "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT". After the 6th time he said it, "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" stopped responding and my computer got a BSoD, but it wasn't blue, it was red, and blood was raining down. I quickly unplugged the computer and ran out of my house. I was walking around for a solid 5 hours until i decided to return. After all of that, I never heard from Mike. I decided to just go to sleep and call him tomorrow.

The next day arrived, Mike wasn't picking up, so I was thinking about going to his house but the tire of my bike was flat. So i just walked there, but I am 80kg so I was very slow, and it took me a while to get there. (Rough guess, but I think it took me about 8 hours.) When I got to Mike's house I got vibes from the game "Doki Doki Literature Club", you know the scene where the Anime girl hangs herself, it was like that. I opened the door to his house, which was oddly enough unlocked. There was no one inside. I walked over to Mike's room, and there, I saw him hanging. And on his monitor, was Fall Guy 666 doing the laughing emote. (Which you get for free at the beginning of "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout".) I was shocked, and mad because we lost the Hex-a-gone match. So, what I did, I smashed Mike's monitor, but to my suprised it didn't crack, but instead i get sucked into the "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" dimension. As I looked around I saw "the 4th wall" and in there I saw me, standing up with red eyes, next to Mike's rotting corpse. Then I saw Fall Guy 666 leaving the game world, and going into the real one, and then, he went into my body through my nose. So, I saw my eyes go red in the real dimension and I became black. So, I saw Fall Guy 666 (in my body, in the real world), lift up a gasoline can. He was doing that thing that Trevor in GTA V did in one of those missions, and then presumably he burned down the house, but before he did it, he said this to me in a distorted demonic voice: "YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LEAVE THE "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" DIMENSION". I was quite honestly terrified, because this was the first time that something like this has happened to me in my ordinary, shitty life. (I was born without a father figure, also sorry for using a slur.)

So I was born as a dumb infant, I was diagnosed with autism at birth, my mother was devastated, and my father, well, he decided he had enough. He left off to Nebraska to meet Rick Grimes from the popular show "The Walking Dead" on FOX. (My father was Bisexual by the way.) (Mr. Donald J. Trump watches this channel.) I know this information because I watched the show on FOX up until season 7 because my favorite character, Glenn, died horribly by getting beaten to death by a bat with barbed wire on it by the character "Negan". Then, when I was 7 years old I figured out that I am asexual, which made my mother very disappointed in me, as she was anti-LGBTQ+ and racist. Then, when I was 10, I got into 1st grade. All the kids hated me, but a lot of women wanted to be my girlfriend, but I was asexual, so yeah, sorry girls. (Nopussy4u). When I was 12 my mother was diagnosed with cholera, and cancer at the same time. Then she died a year later. I got a step family and they were all into LGBTQ+ and incest. It was kind of a weird family, but they loved me unlike my previous one, which I didn't like. In result of all of this, I got PTSD, anxiety, depression and all the other things like that. And then, 9 years later, I got the "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" crack from IGG-Games, and then later on, from Fitgirl Repack. Then, my friend Mike died in the hands of Fall Guy 666 and now, I'm here. Stuck in the "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" world, with no way out. "How can I escape, and avenge Mike's death.", is all I was thinking, but... there was no hope, and I was left in the "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" dimension as the new Fall Guy 666... Up until 2457, 8th September.

I realized that I can just "break the 4th wall" and escape the dimension, just like the original Fall Guy 666 that killed Mike and posessed my body. So I lured a dumb bitch 8 year old to download "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" on Fitgirl Repack and I got her so pissed by winning from her on Thin Ice, that she decided to punch monitor, which sucked her in the "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" dimension. But there was a con, I was stuck in this shitty Fall Guy 666 body. Which meant I had to take the 8 year old girl's body. As I walked outside of this random girl's home. I saw something terrifying. My body was huge, and was destroying everything in its path. It was the original Fall Guy 666. So what I did was I went into the little girl's house, and found a highly powered weapon using energy ammo from the popular game "Apex Legends". I took the weapon, went outside, and starting shooting myself in the head. And that was the end, or so I thought. Fall Guy 666 jumped out of my body, and confronted me. He said this: "I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF MY EXISTENCE, BECAUSE OF THIS SHITTY GAME NAMED "Among Us", IF YOU CAN HELP ME KILL THE IMPOSTOR, YOU CAN HAVE YOUR BODY BACK AND THE WORLD WILL BE BACK TO NORMAL." (Of course, still in the distorted demonic voice.) I had no other choice but to agree, so as two Fall Guys 666 we got on the Skeld from "Among Us", and we had to figure out who the impostor was. We had 8 more players: Green, Red, Orange, Cyan, Blue, White, Black, Purple. We had no idea who it was, until we went to electrical. There we saw GREEN'S CORPSE. We reported the body and went to the cafeteria to discuss this incident. Black started talking in an incredibly deep voice, he was wearing a weird mask. To my suprise, red suddenly said, "Black kinda sus.". The whole lobby applauded and we all decided to vote him off. He said, in a now impostor-like voice: "I WILL GET ALL OF YOU, YOU WILL SEE THIS IN MY LATEST VIDEO ON THE CORPSE HUSBAND CHANNELLL-". And his voice cut off as he flew into space. We saw the words "Corpse was the impostor." appear on screen. Then we got off the Skeld, the crewmates thanked us for our help and we flew back to our planet. Before we left, though, purple walked up to me and gave me a watch, when I held it in my hands, I noticed a weird gem in the middle of it. (It looked like a chaos emerald from those weird Sonic games.) Purple told me this: "Use this wisely, it will help you change the fate of the world.". And then, orange heard purple say "The World", so the 8 year old that he was, he screamed "ZA WARUDO!" (He probably played Roblox). And then we ejected him.

Later, me and Fall Guy 666 got back to our planet, and to my suprise, he said this: "GET FUCKED BITCH", and tried to kill me using a sword that looked strangely like an Excalibur, but instead of the usual gem that is in it, it was the face of a Fall Guy from "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout". I quickly remembered about the watch that purple gave me on the Skeld back in Among Us, and used it. I went back in time to the time in the Skeld and realized that Corpse Husband wasn't actually the impostor, but it was Fall Guy 666. He wanted to troll me so hard, but it failed, because I saw through his plan thanks to purple's help. Back on the Skeld, me and Fall Guy 666 (The Impostor) saw green's body again in electrical, when we got to the cafeteria to discuss this, red said this again: "Black kinda sus." I said this: "NO, IT'S NOT HIM! IT'S FALL GUY 666, PURPLE TOLD ME ABOUT IT!" And then purple said this: "Smart move, kid, proud of you. Yes, it is me, Mike, and the impostor is FALL GUY 666.". I specifically said this: "H-H-HOW!? MIKE, AFTER 400 (Roughly.) YEARS, YOU REVEAL YOURSELF!? I THOUGHT FALL GUY 666 KILLED YOU BACK IN THE Fitgirl Repack DAYS.". Mike mysteriously replied with this: "What the fuck are the Fitgirl Repack days? I escaped Fall Guy 666's grasp and had to hide in a bunker all this time." And then I replied: "BUT I SAW YOUR HANGING CORPSE..." Out of nowhere, FALL GUY 666, said this: "HEHEHEHEHE BITCH. THAT WASN'T HIS CORPSE!!! I PUT IT THERE JUST TO MAKE YOU THINK HE WAS DEAD, AND IT WORKED, AND YES BITCHES, I AM THE IMPOSTOR, AND I DON'T CARE, YOU CAN'T EJECT ME, I AM YOUR GOD, I AM POWERFUL, I AM ALLAH, BUDDHA, JESUS, ALL OF THEM, I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF YOU." Suddenly, the Skeld exploded, and we started falling to the ground. Suddenly, the air changed from black to blue, we were already in Earth's atmosphere in a mere 2 seconds, but, it was not the Earth, it was the "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" dimension. We crash landed on a platform with hexagons, but strangely enough, they did not disappear like they do in the Hex-a-gone minigame in the game "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout". So, as we looked around, we saw a couch and a TV, displaying The Walking Dead on FOX. We saw two people sitting there, looking at the TV screen. So we did not know who they were yet. As we asked these two gentlemen who they were. They turned around, and they said "Hello, I am Mediatonic and this here is Devolver Digital. Tell us this now, how did you get into our HQ." We replied with: "We were at the Skeld from Among Us and Fall Guy 666 exploded it and we got sent here, now tell us, why are you headquartes below the Skeld?" They just said: "HEHEHEHEHE, BITCH. WE MADE AMONG US TO PISS YOU FALL GUYS FANS OFF, AND GUESS WHAT, WE MADE MORE MONEY THAN FUCKING EPIC GAME-" Then HE arrived: "HEHEHEHEHE HEY BITCHESSSS IT'S ME FALL GUY 666 I AM BACK, FORGOT ABOUT ME OR SOME SHIT??? YOU'RE ALL DEAD." Then Mister Mediatonic said this: "But Mister Fall Guy 666, these are our HQ, now you die." AND THEN IN TERROR FALL GUY 666 SAID: "WHAT??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-----" As he was torn apart by Devolver Digital's knife from "Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Numbe Горячая линия Майами 2: неверный номер" (The Russian naming of "Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number".)

It was all over, after Fall Guy 666 died, both me and Mike got teleported back to our houses and to our own bodies. That's how our adventure ended.

Written by scase#1061 and gabriel#0750

Special thanks to for the grammar help.
submitted by ThatOneGabriel to creepypasta [link] [comments]

Step by Step Casino Heist: Change Vault, Free Optional Set Ups, Gold Glitch, 3 different methods for Replay Glitch

** I Should specify that I am a ps4 player
NOTE: I honestly didn’t think that many people would see this ... but holy moly ... thank you guys so much for being interested! I think I may just have to write one up for duping cars ei? Let me know in the comments what you would like to know next!
I really hope this helps everybody here. I made this guide for my best friend since he’s new to GTA V Online and I wanted to share it with you guys. Here are all the glitches I know and how the most preferred methods. But for real ... WARNING - money will be too easy to make :)
** The most basic way ** NOTE : IF after 6-7 times you keep on going back and forth between cash and art, just do art.
Steps; 1. Pay 25k to start Diamond Casino Heist 2. Scope out vault content 3. Once you see the vault content, if its not gold, call Lester the Area around the casino. I personally on my way to the exit. 4. When you call lester, cancel Casino Heist. 5. When you leave casino it will say completed scoping vault content. 6. Go back to arcade. 7. Pay 25k to start D.C.H 8. Vault content should be different
** Another method is when you looking at the CCTV and your in the vault, peak enough to see the content but not enough for the game to register it. If you dont get what you want, FIND NEW SESSION/SUSPEND APP/CLOSE APP.
Requirements; - Enough money to purchase all optional set ups.
Steps; 1. Purchase all optional set ups 2. Start Duggen Shipments (or any mission that you cannot purchase - any of the mandatory set ups basically or duggen shipments) 3. Once you spawn outside and load up, the mission text will appear of the screen. 4. Close the app or disconnect from internet. 5. Set ups will remain purchased, but you will be have been refunded all the money.
** There are 3 methods, my personal favorite is #3
  1. Set Up Heist
  2. Suspend Application (open YT, Spotify) - Alert to Story Mode
  3. Join friend’s session
  4. Change outfit until the yellow saving circle doesn’t appear. Change a few times to be safe.
  5. Start the heist - finish it normally.
  6. Heist complete - go to story mode. Once the save icon is gone for the other players, go to invite Only Session. Go to arcade.
  1. Prepare your Quick Menu -> Close Application -> Make sure there’s only GTA to close
  2. Better if someone else is driving to the buyer
  3. When you are near the buyer - open the Quick Menu and hover close application
  4. Keep an eye on the bottom right screen where it shows the TAKE
  5. As soon as the TAKE disappears, spam X and close application.
  1. Prepare PS4 button double tap
    1. Settings - Network - hover over the “connect to the internet box”
  2. Better if someone else is driving to the buyer
  3. Keep an eye on the bottom right screen where it shows the TAKE
  4. As soon as the TAKE disappears, double tap ps4 and disconnect from internet for 3 seconds.
1. Go to a tray 2. Pick up 1 bar of gold (X) 3. Leave the tray (O) 4. THAT TRAY IS NOW DUPED, MOVE ONTO THE NEXT ONE 5. MAKE SURE THAT YOU DO NOT EXCEED 150K WHEN DUPING TRAYS OR IT WILL FREEZE 6. Once all Trays are duped and everyone is ready to grab, grab 
** Pro tip - you can grab up to 145k while you wait for you teammate to get back onto the tray.
submitted by Kush_Diablo to gtaglitches [link] [comments]

[PC ONLY] GTA O Need GTA V cash but Shark cards are too expensive? Sick of grinding to level up? Want everything unlocked and max stats? Over 7000 served over the past 4 years. Get your cash/RP first, donate after!

Recent vouches (MORE BELOW):
Incredibly safe. in 4 years and some 7000 + drops only 4 were ever banned and all 4 had been banned before and failed to tell me. Since then I always ask prior to adding cash/RP and there has not been a single ban since and that was over 1.5 years ago now. I have never had a single client banned that followed my advice, and was honest about ever being banned in the past. So if you can manage that you have a less than .001% chance of a ban. I test all my methods across 12 accounts (6 steam and 6 retail/social club versions) by adding 2.4 billion dollars to their bank and 250 levels of RP. I then let them sit for 48 hours for safety after each up-date. all 12 accounts are always ban free.
I also test EVERY time before I start serving people each day. I hop in game make sure there was no up-date server side or with the anti-cheat, I test several things then wait 5 hours. Tripping the automated anti cheat will get you a ban in 2-3 hours so by testing and waiting 5 hours I know my shit is safe. I also do much more but it's too much to list and no one reads half of this shit anyway.
Currently remote drops are not efficient enough to offer 100 million for $10.00. RS/Take2 has really upped there game when it comes to remote money. No one on earth can drop more than 2K bags at this time, and for the foreseeable future. I really don’t see remote drops ever coming back. With the new DLC its possible we may find a exploit similar to the CEO/VIP pay exploit but even if we do it will be patched extremely fast. Don't bother to ask for a remote drop. Even with a decent ping 100 million would take 8-10 hours straight. Ain't nobody got time for that!
So what does this mean?
What is a local drop? A local drop means I need to login as you. It’s something I have always said to never do. Giving account information is usually never a good idea in general for obvious reasons but due to the way both versions of the game (Steam and “retail” or Social club version) are designed, even with your login info it’s not possible for me to steal your account. I will explain below why that is. Because there are 2 versions of this game there are 2 explanations. Always change your password BEFORE and after the drop.
With the retail version the login information is the e-mail you used when you created the account and a password you create. If you try and change the e-mail on the account they send an e-mail to the original account asking if you made this change. So if you get an email like that just click the “NO I didn’t” button on the e-mail and it will lock the person out of the account. Its really that simple. They now offer 2-factor autho on retail accounts making them even more secure. PLEASE USE THIS FEATURE. It should email you a code when i try to login. I will need that code is all.
With Steam its a bit different. In order to login as you in GTA V I will need to login to your Steam to do so. No Social club login is needed as Steam automatically does that for you. Steam is better at protecting its customers than Rock Star. If you have the Steam version what I do is have you first turn on Steam Guard and attach a cell phone number to your Steam account. This is 2-factor authentication. Then you can lock your wallet and inventory. (google for information on how to do that it’s too much to explain here) So once you have that in place I can login, Steam will send you a code, you send that to me and I can login. You can be logged in as well so you can watch in real time. And of course we will be in Discord together through the entire process.
Don't take my word for it, read up on Steam Guard and how it 100% protects your account , wallet, and inventory here:
From start to finish it takes me around 15-20 min to add the cash to your account.
Keep in mind 100 million is $1250.00 USD in shark cards. (Take2 is so greedy)
submitted by GTAVHELPER to gtamodding [link] [comments]

Mafia III: Definitive Edition sets a bright future for the Mafia franchise. (Heavy Spoilers)

My thoughts on Mafia III: D.E. and the future of the Mafia franchise.
I initially played this game a couple years back when it was given out with PS plus, for some reason I played right up until you hang Ritchie Ducet from the ferris wheel and never touched it again.
This past month I bought the Definitive Edition trilogy and played the games back to back, I was not expecting much out of Mafia III given my previous experience and the general dislike the community expresses towards the game but having finished it I completely disagree with the naysayers.
General Overview:
Right from the getgo, this is not a Mafia story, you're not tiptoeing around "Family" drama or ascending ranks or fighting gang wars, and I believe that's what initially put me off when I first played it; the expectation of some Mafia 2.5.
However, the story presented is masterfully crafted.
The documentary style intro really sets the tone for the game, immediately followed by betrayal of the Marcanos and Sammys bar burning while "Paint it black" plays in the background is a scene that I will never forget.
What comes next is a punisher-esque type of story line; destroy the Marcanos from the ground up. A man against the world, everyone from the caporegimes, the soldiers and associates and eventually the boss, Sal Marcano is about to get murdered by protagonist Lincoln Clay.
If you have not played the game, in order to get to Sal you must take over 9 districts, each district has two rackets and you must assign the districts you took over to one of your underbosses, Cassandra, Burke and Vito (more on him later)
The process to get to Sal Marcano can become painfully repetitive, it took me about 6 districts in to get the game fatigue because you're essentially doing the same thing over and over and over again; but even then, the core gameplay was fun, snappy and disgustingly brutal at times.
Most importantly though, I felt a sense of progression, as if I was getting closer to Sal Marcano with every Capo you kill; this alone served as motivation to keep on playing. The shooting in this game is fun, I truly felt like I was waging a war in the streets of New Bordeaux and no one was safe.
I should also add, unlike GTA (closest comparison I guess), for some reason I felt a sense of realism when some civilian would get caught up in the shooting and the body was among the dead or how the men you shot would squirm on the ground, gasp for air and lament inevitable death.
New Bordeaux:
Modelled after New Orleans in the 1960's, New Bordeaux is a beautiful addition to the Mafia universe. The world is full of life, you hear music coming out of buildings, NPCs have interesting conversations about their daily lives and each area feels uniquely distinct, but sadly, just like in previous Mafia games, theres not much to do in this world outside of missions.
There are races, bounty hunting missions, a weed farm where you can grow weed and sell it and you can also rebuild Sammys bar, but if I'm being completely honest I have not played any of these activities yet.
The devs did an amazing job at grounding this world in reality, throughout the world, radio and npc conversations you hear about key events that happened in the 1960s such as the MLKs assassination, the black panther organization, different civil rights movement clashes throughout the country and not to mention the Vietnam war.
Honestly on world building and story presentation, they get a solid A+ any day.
Btw, this game has one of the best licensed soundtrack in gaming, period.
As I said before, the gameplay is fun, snappy and disgustingly brutal at times. I had no issues when it came to combat, experienced no bugs or glitches in this regard. Fyi as soon as you're able to get the M16, hold on to it, best gun in the game.
Speaking of guns, there were many I didn't even touch during the game, so take that as you will.
Repetitive gameplay aside, there are some major highlights.
And many more
Definitive Edition saves the day:
As stated previously, the mission structure falls into a repetitive loop that will have you fatigued by the 6th district, it doesn't matter if the cutscenes are amazing, if the gameplay loop falls into constant repetition, the hype down is real; however, D.E. comes with the 3 DLC storylines post launch and they are AMAZING.
"Sign of times" 10/10
"Stones Unturned" 10/10
"Faster, Baby!" 10/10
They are what kept me coming back, what allowed me to take a breather from the repetitive war against Marcano, they are funny, intriguing, heartbreaking, but most importantly, they're fun and break away with the grind.
In "Sign of the Times", when Anna committed suicide, I had to stop playing and take it in, my eyes teared up and I just felt for her. "Stones Unturned" you're in cuba with Donovan, is anything else needed? "Faster, Baby!" had me running over KKK while "White Room" from Cream played on the radio, I won't forget that experience any time soon.
Characters: They did my boy Vito wrong
The cast is amazing man, all of them. They were well played by extremely talented people, no doubt.
However, in the end of the day I didn't really care about Burke or Cassandra.
Father James, Donovan and as Lincoln Clay is where it's at. (Don't worry, Vito is coming.)
Out of these three main characters, Father James is definitely the most complex, I could feel his struggle between doing what is morally right and the love he felt for Clay.
Donovan, what is there to say man? Get this man his own game.
Lincoln Clay: Although one dimensional at first, throughout the game he ends up being likeable, with a strange sense of humor and oddly charismatic. In the end, I really liked him.
Vito Scaletta:
I really wanted more out of Vito, out of the three protagonists in the franchise, I still like him the best. I was expecting a mentor type of relationship, I wanted him to have a more prominent role, but instead he is relegated to the sidelines and you rarely see him. I was highly disappointed at how they treated his character, but then I got to analyzing and I guess the story fits, in the real life, men like him rarely get glamorous results. He killed a Boss in exchange for his freedom, the comission wasn't gonna let him stay around Empire Bay, so in the end I just accepted it.
In my playthrough he is alive and well, all my underbosses are, so theres hope for his involvement in Mafia IV.
What now?
During my playthrough, I felt as if the foundations for an amazing Mafia experience have been set. In regards to a future installment, I believe that this Definitive Edition experience could work, but of course this Definitive Edition experience would have to be a Launch experience and improved upon, as every sequel should.
The gameplay could work if it is improved in different ways. Here is my wishlist
Anyways, thanks for reading.
What are your thoughts on the future of the Mafia franchise?
P.S. That Donovan ending, fucking marvelous. Best videogame ending I've seen in a while.
submitted by incoherentjedi to MafiaTheGame [link] [comments]

[GTA VI] Talked With a GTA Developer | Found Him Randomly in a Lobby

GTA VI: Set to Come Out 2023
Rockstar Extended time to release as profits increased and they want to finish out profits from shark cards. 1 million per month was “apology” for no account transferring from ps4 to ps5. You cannot transfer your account from ps4 to ps5 (according to what he said)
Admins: Rockstar Will Implement System Where Admins Will Monitor Servers. There will be almost 1 per server. I was surprised/worried and started asking him more after hearing this. Admins can only reset accounts (shark card bought money will remain) and they only base these resets on three things:
  1. Money Glitching
  2. Vehicle Glitching
  3. Threatening Violence Against Someone (Said it Had To Be Serious Threat “I’m gonna to come to your house and shoot you.”)
Player Limit: Remaining at 30 for GTA VI. PS5 Version Of GTA V will have 40 player limit as new consoles can handle it.
(Didn’t get nearly as many answers about GTA VI as I wanted. Everytime I asked something about it, he said he can’t disclose anything besides the release date as he has a contract. However, I was able to sneak some questions in about small things about the game)
Backstory: So I’m just fucking around in a gta lobby which I don’t usually do (usually do heists or something productive) and a guy joins with a strange voice (he was trying to sound like Trevor and also The Rock). I start laughing at him and joking with him but, soon he claims to have worked on Grand Theft Auto. I obviously don’t believe him and other ppl in the lobby call bs as well. I start questioning him and he starts explaining. Says 99% of everything in the map is based on real life, movies, or shows. Basically starts to show me around and tell me what things originate from where such as:
Oppressor Mark I (Which He Developed): Based on Finale of Battlestar Galactica. Said They Come Down To Earth and Land on LA Freeway with bikes that he modeled them after.
Oppressor Mark II: Ratchet’s Bike From Ratchet & Clank
He developed the Regina, said it was based off the car from That 70’s Show (Fire Show)
Also developed three other cars, forgot the name of two, one of them was called a 1973 something because they could get around the copyright issue. The brand only made a 1972 and 1974 so they could name it that.
Said his wife developed the all water texture and mechanics. She also worked on Cyberpunk 2077 water.
Kuruma: Fast and Furious
GTA was big fan of Sean Connery: Submarine was named Raimus in reference to The Hunt For Red October starring Sean Connery. Also, the Stromberg is based off the James Bond Movie The Spy Who Loved Me and named after the villain Karl Stromberg.
Dr. Dre: Dr. Dre Tattoo is in Tattoo shop and his Lion Tattoo on his leg is in graffiti form near LSIA.
He showed me many, many locations and I don’t remember them all. Soon enough, a huge crowd of about 10 people gathered around. It became impossible to hear and even after muting everyone they started shooting and exploding causing chaos. Ironman left and his account settings are so you can’t send messages or friend requests.
The developers gamer tag on ps4 is Ironman97141. He likes to keep his identity private. Also, he said he was credited in a section of the credits where they name people who only wanted their gamer tag credited, not their name. Specifically, 122nd from the last gamer tag (I couldn’t find it but I didn’t really look). At first, I didn’t believe him at all and laughed at him, but I soon realized he was real and was actually a good guy.
This post was deleted in the gtaonline subreddit after I posted it (idrk why). I’ll answer any questions in the comments, I wrote this pretty quick and probably left a few things out. Sorry for long read lmao.
submitted by AyK-47 to GTAV [link] [comments]

The state of the GTA Online economy in 2020 - the grind, glitches and Shark Cards

When the grind in a video game is fun it doesn't really feel like a grind. A good example for me is Modern Warfare. Like a lot of people I heavily dislike a lot of things about that game, especially the maps. But I can have a bit of fun and pop off in the Shoot the Ship playlist - which consists of the two fan favourite maps Shoot House and Shipment.
I can literally play that shit for hours per day and not really get too bored. I consider that good grinding. I'm grinding my Battle Pass but not really paying attention to it, just having fun. Meanwhile the GTA grind to me is boring as fuck. The same copy and paste delivery missions, over and over again. Back in 2013 I actually had a lot of fun grinding. Everything paid a somewhat decent amount relative to the price of stuff. If I remember correctly, I could make 50k to 100k per event depending on what it was and how well it was completed. Me and friends used to play races, deathmatches, contact missions, gang wars, survivals, etc. We would have a handful of stuff that we would always play cough Rooftop Rumble cough, but we would always find new stuff each day to play. About 2 days worth of playing hours of different stuff meant we had an Adder. Imo the economy was much fairer and it incentivised diversity - you could play whatever you wanted with friends and make enough money after a few days for what you wanted.
There's a lot of content in GTA Online. The game nowadays however sticks you in a small box of things to do that's good at making money - the content of such is both incredibly boring/repetitive and highly frustrating. Many of us, after grinding tens of million or hundreds of millions are completely bored and exhausted.
What do fucking people expect us to do? Grind like a UPS driver for thousands of hours just to buy stuff that would take me way less time in other games? I want a car in The Crew 2? I have fun playing a few Hypercar races for a few hours and boom got it. I want a new DLC weapon in Modern Warfare? I grind the Battle Pass for a few hours and boom got it. I want a high-end vehicle in GTA Online? It takes fucking forever and is waaaaaaay less fun than the other games grind. Racing for money to get cars in The Crew 2 is fun, deathmatches for weapons in Modern Warfare is fun. Literally being a fucking UPS driver is BORING. I did NOT buy GTA to roleplay a fucking UPS driver. Nobody who has grown up with GTA and bought every game buys GTA to play like this. It's fucking shit gameplay and boring as fuck.
I will glitch until a fun, high reward option is available for me to play for hours at a time.
See many of us are not upset about the concept of grinding. Sure we can debate about the level of grind in this game. But what we really care about is fun. It's a video game after all and many games have a fun grind.
See grinding is designed well when it actually aligns with the core gameplay and fun of the game, when the reason you bought it in the first place is the core element of the grind. Nobody loves the GTA series because they like delivering things a million times a week repetitively to earn GTA $. We love GTA because of the figuratively endless amount of things we can do. Land racing, air racing, sea racing, rampages, sports, combat challenges, mission time trials, missions, heists, etc. You get the idea.
Back when the game first released, the payouts for all this fun stuff was fairly decent. I had fun with friends playing a collection of our favourite races, deathmatches, contact missions, an occasional heist, etc. Then year by year they cut the payouts, increased DLC prices and only eventually gave us businesses to earn decent levels of cash. Which btw take forever to acquire and make profit from, as you need to use the low payout methods to finally have enough to buy them then buy the overpriced upgrades as they're useless without them. Once you have finally managed to grind for weeks to have upgraded businesses running, none of the gameplay that comes with it is fun or GTA-ish. What I pictured before buying businesses in GTA Online was me emulating a mob boss, sending my thugs to do my bidding, earning money from my invested drugs and selling them, etc. Sort of like how it works in other games like The Godfather and Scarface. But no, in this game you don't actually feel like a boss even if you're technically the boss of the business and paid for everything. You have to do almost everything yourself and that amounts to roleplaying as a UPS driver.
All the businesses essentially follow the exact same copy and paste gameplay formula which boils down to role playing as a UPS driver after killing some AI, with overpowered aim-bot AI or players trying to take you down during delivery (with lobbies full of God mode players that Rockstar refuses to punish and patch). Wow, much gameplay. Such fun.
10/10 - IGN ~ "Like being a UPS driver but somehow even less fun"
It's either bore yourself to death with the businesses, which are no fun and imo anti-GTA in gameplay. Or you play the low payout content for a loooooong ass time to the point that it becomes just as boring as the grind is too long. Or you can glitch money.
Shark Cards as a micro-transaction (funny how they think the cost is micro) wouldn't be an issue either if everything was decently priced. The most expensive Shark Card costs £64.99 and gives $8 million dollars. Do you know how shit value that is? People used to complain about Activision with Call of Duty, how the £35 Season Pass was overpriced. That Season Pass used to bring about 8 new Multiplayer maps, 4 Zombies maps and around 6 new weapons. That's 18 pieces of content, 12 pieces (the maps) arguably cost more money to design and create than cars/weapons. A £64.99 Shark Card would get you 2 upgraded F1 cars. That's disgusting value.
I would still consider GTA $ overpriced if it was £0.5 for every GTA $1 million, but at least that would be semi-acceptable. That would equate to a $2 million supercar costing £1. Just as a comparison, the racing game Assetto Corsa sells DLC car packs. Looking at a random pack, the Prestige Pack DLC - it's £5.79 for 9 cars. That's 9 cars that are x10 more detailed than GTA cars and also cost the developers real manufacturer licenses to use in their game. A car in a racing simulator costs way more to create and is being sold for way cheaper than a made up, cartoon looking GTA car.
Even if for whatever reason you're a diehard grinder and your grinded money is what you get your ego from. You literally cannot deny Rockstar is as bad as other AAA developers when it comes to extortionate pricing of micro-transactions. Heck, they are objectively worse now considering how disgusting the value of Shark Cards are and how other AAA developers have adopted the consumer friendly Battle Pass system.
You can virtue signal and stroke your grinding ego all you want about this game. The fact of the matter is A LOT are NOT happy with the GTA economy and grind. A LOT of people are NOT happy about how overpriced Shark Cards are. These are legitimate largescale issues with the GTA economy that you cannot ignore or brush under the table.
submitted by MetalingusMike to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Rockstar Customer Support at its finest - ignorance towards glitches and cheats

Rockstar Custommer Support has no tools and will to help people affected by cheaters/glitchers and is putting me on constant loop hoping I get bored of complaining. Giving me mail adrresses that are not up to date, guides that do not work and copy/paste replys.

I had an issue some time ago, concerning my account. It was hacked and taken away from me. After some time when I relized about the issue, I managed to get it back. However, the hacker who played GTA V Online mode managed to cheat his way and glitch billions of dollars on my character. This amount is probably worth thousands of US dollars in Shark Cards (ingame monetization). This was not detected and sat on my account for over half a year.
Here is where it gets interesting.
I did not like that and wanted to get my GTA V Online account wiped to start fresh without any connections to illegal activities. To spend all that money and clean it myself would be extremely tedious and take a lot of time, since there are limitations on how much you can spend in one transaction and I had litteral billions of dollars to do so. I asked them to wipe my account to start fresh. Hovewer, from the start I was given replys as below:

"Hello \****,*
Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support.
To keep the gameplay environment as fair as possible for legitimate players, we routinely do sweeps to ban cheaters and to reverse any illegitimate transactions. An example of this can be found in this support article:
These sweeps are based on examination of suspicious gameplay statistics and manually-reviewed evidence submitted by the Community. If you have not engaged in any cheating, you do not need to worry about getting suspended or banned. However, we may remove the illegitimately gained funds during one of our sweeps.
Best regards,
Rockstar Support"

As you can see this reply is giving me basically almost no information about the process in question. I do not know when it will be done, if it will be done and how will I know about it. It basically says please wait, maybe we will do it, maybe we won't. There is not much information in the attached link either. I did press on and wanted more information. Below a second answer:

"Hello \****,*
Thanks for getting in touch with us!
We understand that you would like to have your character wiped in order for you to be able to start from scratch again. In this case, we would like to let you know that you can perform a manual character deletion by following these steps:
If you have further questions, please let us know. We will be more than happy to assist you.
Best regards,
Rockstar Support"

This method does NOT work. Even when you delete all characters, the cash on bank account still persists. Basically, they have no knowledge about their own game. I persisted and asked further questions. This next one is a bomb:
"Hello \****,*
Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support.
To keep the gameplay environment as fair as possible for legitimate players, we routinely do sweeps to separate out cheaters and modders, and to reverse any illegitimate transactions. These sweeps are based on in-game automated detection, examination of suspicious gameplay statistics, and also manually-reviewed evidence submitted by the Community. If you were not engaged in any willful cheating or exploiting, you do not need to worry about getting caught up in our work to separate out cheaters from the rest of the population.
If you would like to provide feedback about the Cheater Pool system, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). We appreciate any input you have about ways to improve the system.
Best regards,
Rockstar Support"

The email that was given is NOT valid. It redirects me back to the main customer support site where I started. So they basically put me on a neverending loop.
All I asked is to just wipe my online account to start fresh. This account had illegal money for over half a year, and was not detected so I cannot trust their anticheat/glitch tools. Furthermore, I can't trust them if I continue to play in fear that they will take my legally earned funds as well.
My conclusion is as follows:
I just gave them thousands of real US dollars of illegal money and they have chosen to ignore it. It is their money, that not landed on their bank account, and instead glitched from thin air. I have lost all motivation to play this game right now.
submitted by VanCrio0 to rockstar [link] [comments]

Why Doesn’t Rockstar Care ( Anymore ) ?

I have been a fan of the Red Dead Redemption franchise since the title game released when I was eleven. My older cousin had the game on his Xbox, and I would play whenever my parents weren’t around ( it was a ‘boy’s game,’ you see ). But when I was fifteen, I was given my own Xbox 360 for Christmas and finally allowed to play whatever games I wanted, regardless of who they were ‘made for.’ I immersed myself into this world of cowboys, of outlaws, I wrestled with that fine line between right and wrong. I fell in love with the story, and was dying to know more about John Marston and his past.
Fast forward to the release of Red Dead Redemption 2. I can not explain to you how thrilled I was that it had finally come, that we could finally delve into the old west once more, learn more about the story and the lore. I didn’t expect to like it as much as the first one. Sequels aren’t usually as good as the originals, right? Well in this case, I was wrong. To my complete shock, I came to love RDR2 even more than the first game. This new anti-hero, this new brooding, mysterious cowboy, Arthur Morgan, made me feel stronger for any fictional character than I ever had in the past. He felt so real to me, and he still does.
It was clear to me just how much work the game developers had put into this masterpiece of a game. And perhaps, not all of that work ethically or fairly. But it was a masterpiece all the same, and i was excited to try out Red Dead Online for the first time, like many of us were.
As we all know, the initial launch of RDO was... rough, to put it lightly. Game crashes, broken servers, glitches, as well as not nearly enough content. It seemed so messy... but it was an online game, a newborn one at that, so we forgave and moved on! Rockstar would fix things up and make it better, right?
Right... ?
Sure, things got a little better. They fixed ( some ) of the bugs, added ( some ) new content, smoothed over ( some ) of the issues. Left us all excited and eager, wanting more, dying to know what came next.
And then... nothing. Rockstar seemed to take the Red Dead franchise ( including the single player mode, as most open world games would have DLC by now ) and set it at the back of a dusty shelf, tucked away behind much shinier, cleaner, brighter things like GTA V and all of its updates. And at first, we kept waiting.
‘They must be working on something really big!’
‘Just be patient; it took them eight years to make the single player game, I bet the next update will be mind-blowing.’
We tried, we really tried to keep our hopes up! But weeks, /months/ went by with absolutely nothing. Not a word out of Rockstar, no new content. The bugs were getting worse and worse, and because of said bugs, some of the only content the game did have, like the Trader Role, were becoming obsolete, unplayable.
We started to get angry. And in my opinion, rightfully so. We gave them so much time, so many chances to explain themselves. We brushed it off as COVID19 screwing things up... even though the absence from Rockstar began before COVID19 hit America. We kept trying to tell ourselves that they MUST be working on something spectacular for it to take this long and be so secretive. But time went on and on with nothing. Other games were getting updates, DLC, brand new games even being released in the midst of the chaos of 2020. So where was Rockstar? What was their excuse?
The Naturalist Role.
Perhaps the most controversial update so far. Seven months of silence... for one role? Seven months of silence, for a role most players will never use. And for 25 gold? Newer players don’t even get to use the role right away unless they fork out some real money for Rockstar.
‘Here you go, Rockstar, as a reward for you giving us nothing at all for over half a year, here’s my fifteen year old’s birthday money!’
The Naturalist Role isn’t terrible. As an animal lover, I enjoy the much more pacifist role, being able to ‘appreciate’ wildlife and take things a little slower, a little simpler. Harriet is an interesting, eccentric character who I find very entertaining. The new horses are stunning... although their stats are painfully low. The role just feels incredibly lack luster. It wouldn’t have been such a let down if there had been /more/. Maybe a counter-role, like the option to work with Gus instead of Harriet. Or a new role entirely, unrelated to animals, like one of the many roles the community has been talking about and asking for. Just /more!/ More than one pacifist, expensive, grind-y role that many players will never use.
If Rockstar ever makes some excuse about running out of ideas... well, then we’ll know they don’t hear us at all. The community has discussed so many incredible ideas both for single player DLC and online updates. Feasible ideas, too.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the ‘why’ of it all. Why doesn’t Rockstar seem to care about Red Dead Redemption anymore? They clearly did at one point... or RDR2 would never have come out and wouldn’t be as extensive and meaningful as it is. Did they perhaps underestimate how seriously fans would take the game? Did they put so much work into the initial release that in their minds, its ‘enough?’ No need for DLC, no need for exciting online play, just be grateful for the single-player mode that we spent eight years on.
In my opinion, Red Dead Online is a cash grab for Rockstar. Think about the vast differences in RDO and GTAO. In GTA, you can keep almost any stolen car, including some nicer ones. But in RDO, you cant keep any wild or stolen horses. Not even the crappy ones like Morgans or Kentucky Saddlers. In GTA, Rockstar gives out generous sign-in bonuses, giveaways, etc. In RDO, you’re lucky if you get a 40% off a saddle coupon. In GTA, it’s so easy to make money. Whether it’s through missions or challenges, it’s fairly simple to bank up enough cash for a nice new car or apartment. But in RDO, making money, both cash or gold, is painfully slow, especially for new players. RDO is perhaps the most difficult game for new players/lower level players to get by in. The only real way to be successful without it taking /hours/ and hours of grinding and being griefed is to spend real money on the game. And a lot of people can’t afford to do that. Whether they’re just kids with no income, young adults living paycheck to paycheck, or any other number of situations. Not to mention how many people lost their jobs due to the pandemic—myself included. A game that should and could be an escape, an immersive western experience to forget about real world struggles for a while and just be an outlaw, feels more like an exclusive club run by elitists, and the only way to get in is to pay cash.
Red Dead Online has the potential to be an incredible gaming experience. And yes, it does have its perks, does have things going for it. But it feels cheap and forgotten, while the prize child GTA gets all the shiny new gifts and polishes.
Everyone has their own opinions on the situation and the franchise in general. And everyone’s opinions are valid and have merit. But I think one thing we can all agree on, is this feeling of being forgotten and shoved aside. And in my opinion, it’s just not fair. But as we all know:
“Ain’t nothing fair. You know that.”
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