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Newbie Player Guide to Alpha 19 on PC

7 Days to Die Alpha 19 Newbie Guide (PC Version)
I've seen a number of posts looking for a "how to play," or "introduction," to the game. This is my attempt to write one.
At the beginning of the game, you wake up video-game naked (i.e., in your underwear) and completely ignorant. Your goal is to survive, which is made harder by a) your nude ignorance, and b) the fact that you're living in the aftermath of a combined zombie/nuclear apocalypse.
Your character has four on-screen meters showing your status: food, water, health, and stamina (or call it whatever you like -- fatigue, energy, etc.).
Food and water levels go down unless you eat or drink something. They go down faster if you're doing something that burns stamina (like running). They go down faster if you're too hot or too cold (which is usually only an issue in biomes like desert or snow when you're not properly dressed). They can also go down faster with certain health effects (like getting dysentery -- I'll talk about these effects in a second). Run out of food or water and you will die. (Pay attention to the status bars; in real-life survival situations, regularly getting water is more important than food, but in-game, they both matter.) (Pro tip: Food and drinks you can make yourself are better in many ways than canned goods or basic crops.)
Health is just like in any other video game. It goes down when you get hit, or fall, or step on pointy things like spikes or cacti. Run out of health and you die. Eating food, using certain medical supplies, or just waiting will cause health to go back up. Again, certain health effects may nerf your health bar.
Stamina shows when you're tired. If you run out of stamina, then you can't swing weapons or tools, run, jump, or do other elements of an active post-apocalyptic lifestyle. The good news is that your stamina comes back faster than health while waiting. Drinking improves stamina recovery, and eating gives a temporary boost to maximum stamina. The bad news is that you will be using stamina constantly as you go about your day. (Pro tip: Check out the various beverages in the game to find stamina benefits -- particularly red tea and coffee, also known as the mining combo.)
Alpha 19 has a variety of different health effects that can hamper your food and water consumption, your health/stamina recovery, your maximum health/stamina, your speed, or your ability to use tools. Dysentry comes from eating rotting flesh or drinking unboiled water. Don't do that if at all possible. (Pro tip: You can eat animal fat and snowberries -- or yucca fruit in the desert biome -- if you run out of food in the first couple of days.) Other de-buffs come from injuries. The good news is that if you click on the icon showing the effect, it will bring up your character with info on exactly what you need to mitigate the effect, e.g., put on a splint or a cast to speed healing from a broken leg. Two particular health effects worth calling out are bleeding and infection. If you're bleeding, your screen will flash and your health will keep dropping. Use a bandage, medicated bandage, or medkit to stop it. ANYBODY can make bandages from cloth, so keep some with you. Infection refers not to gangrene, but to the dreaded zombie infection...a disease so horrifying that it helped usher in the fall of civilization. The ONLY way to cure this dangerous disease is...to eat some honey or take an over-the-counter antibiotic. Really, infection should only ever be a serious issue in the first week. (Pro tip: using an ax on tree stumps has a random chance to drop honey.)
Encumbrance: You have a fixed number of inventory slots. You will note that three rows are clear at the start of the game, while the final two rows are not. Those extra rows represent encumbrance, and filling them up will significantly slow you down and increase your stamina usage. Try to avoid that outside of cleared or safe areas. You can increase the number of non-encumbered slots with clothing and armor mods, or through the Pack Mule perk. I recommend finding or making pocket mods ASAP and skipping the perk, though a single level in the early game can make things easier for newbies. (Pro tip: Some items, like most raw materials, food, drinks, medicines, etc., stack in inventory; some items like clothing, mods, and weapons do not. Smart inventory management when looting and salvaging will keep that in mind: do I really want to pick up that pair of shoes, or hold onto that dirty water that will stack if I find more?)
All right, now that the basics are out of the way, how do I get better at surviving? The answer to that is two-fold. 1) Learn how to do more things. 2) Get better stuff.
How do you learn more things? You get experience points (xp) from almost everything in this game. Eventually, when your xp bar fills, you will gain a level and get a perk point. You can use that to select perks, which all have various benefits. At the start, you will get a series of basic quests that serve as a mini-tutorial, and you will gain 4 perk points from finishing them (make sure you complete them!). (Pro tip: Upgrading blocks, e.g., turning flagstone walls into brick walls, is an exceedingly generous way of earning xp in Alpha 19; using a hammer on a block will tell you what material is needed to upgrade it.)
Which perks should I pick first? Well...as a newbie, I recommend Lucky Looter (which improves your chance of finding good stuff), either Pummel Pete or Skull Crusher (depending on whether you want to use clubs or sledges), Sexual Tyrannosaurus (which improves your stamina usage), and something from the Fortitude recovery perks. Healing faster, using less food, or running away are all useful. Ask a different player and you will get wildly different suggestions. Eventually, you will figure out your preferred style of play and pick things accordingly. Note that perks tend to be useful to different degrees based on whether you are in early, mid, or late game.
The other way to learn stuff is to find skill books and schematics. Schematics let you craft new things. Skill books give you a free perk, basically. Collect all seven of a type to get a bonus perk. Some of those are quite useful. Some of them are very circumstance-specific. Regardless, reading an unread book or schematic at least nets you bonus xp. You can tell that you've read a book by the tiny book icon (it will be open if read already). Even if you've read it, you can keep it and sell it for some cash. (Pro tip: Technically, schematics and books stack in inventory; in practice, finding multiple copies of the same one in a single POI is relatively rare.)
How do I get better stuff? There are three ways to do that: 1) Loot it; 2) Make it; 3) Buy it.
Looting: There are many objects that serve as containers in the game. Some objects, like cars, may or may not be a container. Just get close. If you get the option to search it, then it is a container. Not every container will have stuff. Searching containers takes time and makes noise. Locked containers need to be disassembled or have the lock picked in order to open them. Alpha 19 changed looting to be highly level- and time-dependent. You will not get top-tier loot in the early game. Even if you somehow fight your way to the roof of the Shotgun Messiah weapons plant on Day 1, you are likely to find stone spears and maybe a blunderbuss. (Pro tip: a pair of lucky goggles will increase your chance of finding better loot when opening a container for the first time.)
Crafting: If you know how to build something, and you have the necessary ingredients, and you have access to the correct work area, then you can create something from scratch. Perks and schematics will tell you how to build stuff, though there are a handful of things you can build right at the start (like you saw in your tutorial quests). Ingredients can be looted, or you can salvage them by destroying items. See the next paragraph for more on this. Lastly, some items require you to be at a workbench, chemistry station, campfire, or forge to create (there will be an icon next to the item in the build list telling you which). You can build all of these work areas if you know how, buy them from traders, or use ones you find scattered around the world. Traders have one of each, though they probably won't all be functional (but the broken ones can be looted, at least). Caveat: In Alpha 19, you can build up to level 5 gear (higher level gear is usually better and has more slots for mods), but level 6 gear can be found or purchased. Level 6 gear is typically better than anything you can build of the same type.
Salvage: Getting raw materials can be done in a number of ways. Use tools (axes, picks, wrenches, shovels) to extract things from blocks in the world. This is mostly fairly intuitive -- shovels work best on dirt, cement, etc., while axes are good on wooden items like tables and trees. Tools have different levels and can be modded to improve their abilities. Pay attention to the "block damage" stat of the tool to compare them. Some blocks are better sources than others. You can find mineral nodes scattered around that provide you with coal, iron, nitrate, oil shale, or lead, and those are excellent sources (Pro tip: the nodes are just the tip of the mineral iceberg; you can dig down to extract more ore.)
Another way to get raw materials is to use the scrap command in inventory (personally, I found the hotkey for this a little too easy to hit accidentally, so I remapped it). This includes most useful items of gear, as well as certain decorative items like faucets and chairs that you can pick up. Note that many metal items can be put in the forge to smelt them down for more resources than you get using the scrap command, including iron tools. (Pro-tip: Smelting radiators that you get from disassembling cars, heating radiators, and AC units is a great source of brass for crafting ammo; you can also smelt Dukes...but you're usually better off using them to buy ammo from a merchant.)
Buying: Merchants are scattered over the map. Setting up a base near one is a good idea. The post-apocalyptic currency in this game is the Duke, a brass coin that looks like a casino chip. (There are no bottle caps in this game!) If you don't have any money, then you can instead trade your labor for payment. Complete a quest and you'll get cash, xp, and a free prize of some kind (you get a choice -- ammo, meds, gear, etc.). Quests boil down to: retrieve a package, kill some zombies, kill some zombies AND retrieve a package, or dig up and retrieve a package. In the early game, in particular, quests can be very lucrative. (Pro tip: The Daring Adventurer perk can improve the rewards you get from quests if you decide you want to focus on that aspect of the game.) Merchants sell all sorts of things: food, raw materials, weapons, armor, vehicles, skill books, schematics. Their inventory resets daily-ish, so pop back on a regular basis.
Cheesy pro-tip: When you trigger a quest location, the POI will refresh to an "unexplored" state. This automatically refills all of the loot, etc., as well as repopulating the zombies. You can clear the location, then trigger the quest and clear it again for double the rewards. Just don't leave any loot inside a container that will refresh.
What about combat? Why haven't you really mentioned the z-word yet? Well, honestly, you'll probably spend a lot more time salvaging and looting than fighting (with the exception of Blood Moon horde nights, which I'll talk about below). Most zombies in the early game are slow and fairly easy to avoid. If you can avoid getting mobbed, then you will probably be all right.
Animals, however, will mess you up. You will quickly start yawning when you see a single stumbling housewife zombie, but a wolf will continue to be a threat well into the mid-game. Zombie animals are also a threat. Zombie dogs are fairly easy to kill but come in packs of 3-7. Zombie bears will soak up more damage than you can easily dish out in the early game. Zombie vultures are hard to hit and are really good and causing lacerations and bleeding. I've gotten infected by zombie animals far more commonly than I have from human zombies.
Zombie dogs, coyotes, wild cats, and wolves: running works until you run out of stamina, and then you're dead. The best bet in the early game is to find someplace high they can't reach and snipe them if you have enough arrows or ammo. These animals can and will sneak up on you. The good news is that they will make random noises that will let you know they're in the area.
Snakes: I've seen these in the desert and wasteland biomes. Good eatin', but they are quiet and can attack without warning. Luckily, they die easily.
Wild pigs: Don't bother them. Seriously, just leave them alone until you have good guns.
Bears and zombie bears: The good news is that they won't chase you as easily as some other animals. They are also not as fast and you can outrun them. The bad news is that if you get cornered, they can take and dish out huge amounts of damage.
Zombie vultures: These will attack you if you're injured, or are riding a vehicle. Shotguns are the easiest way to deal with them. Hitting them with melee weapons is an irritating chore that often ends with negative health effects. Possibly the most annoying creature in the game.
Deer, rabbits, and chickens: They don't attack, but run if attacked. They can be a good source of meat. (Pro tip: you can get quests from slips of paper you find in loot; the ones asking you to do things like, "kill a bunch of rabbits by throwing cans of Sham at them," are never worth it unless you're desperate to try something new.)
As the game advances, and as you explore some of the larger points of interest (POI), you will run across more dangerous zombies. Feral zombies have glowing eyes and always move at a full run. Crawlers will jump around like demented jackrabbits. Glowing versions of zombies regenerate health. A good rule of thumb is that if something is different about a zombie, it probably is more dangerous. (Pro tip: Quite a few POI's have alert triggers that will cause a bunch of nearby zombies to wake up at once, and stealth doesn't avoid tripping them; best to always have a clear avenue of retreat when entering a new location.)
Weapon selection: As said earlier, clubs and sledgehammers are your basic melee option. Either works well for the early game or to save ammo or hit quietly in the later game. Spears, axes, and knives/machetes can also be used, but they require more practice and really NEED perks to be fully optimized. Note that knives and axes are mostly meant to be tools. Stun batons require another source of damage, either turrets or other players, to be effective, and are also perk/mod-dependent.
Bows can easily kill basic zombies quietly with a headshot. Use the best bow or crossbow and the best ammunition that you can. Do away with stone arrows/bolts as soon as you can find or build the iron versions. You'll need to decide for yourself if you want to keep using bows once guns are available. I like them, but your mileage may vary. (Pro tip: There is a skill book that allows you to craft flaming and explosive arrows; sadly, there is no way to ride around in a Dodge Charger, shooting exploding arrows out the window while Dixie plays from the car horn.)
Guns are easily the best option in the game...and while perks can make them more effective, they aren't necessary. Don't hesitate to pull out a shotgun just because you put all your perk points into pistols if you run out of 9mm ammo. There is a fair amount of ammo in this game, and you can make more...but I always keep a club or sledge with me just in case. Having a gun makes exploring the harsher biomes a lot easier. The trade-offs for gun selection are pretty in line with any other game that has guns. Some burn ammo quickly. Some have low ammunition capacity. Some are better at long range. (Pro tip: having several loaded blunderbusses or double-barreled shotguns in your tool belt can provide an early-game rapid-fire option for dealing with tougher opponents.)
Weapon perks and skill books: Each type of weapon has an associated perk, and an associated skill book set. Maxing out both can make a fairly sizeable difference, and can have some unexpected other benefits. For example, one of the skill books gives you a 10% barter bonus if you happen to be holding a .357 while trading.
Blood Moon Horde Nights: Every 7 days (by default), the sky will turn red. When night falls (hour 22 by default), a horde will spawn near the player. Every zombie in that horde will magically know exactly where you are and will rush at you to eat your delicious flesh.
The devs of the game have made it clear that they want you to FIGHT the zombies, and have gone well out of their way to make turtling behind defenses less viable. Zombies will break down walls -- even ones made of brick and concrete. They will dig to reach you. They jump on top of each other to climb to get you (like in the Brad Pitt zombie flick). As the game progresses, zombies will appear that are capable of spitting acid, or that act as suicide bombers (can you call it suicide bombing if they're already dead?). (Pro tip: Bomb zombies, also known as Demolishers, can be taken down by head or leg shots; shooting them in the chest is a bad idea, despite the fact that shooting the glowing spot is normally the best move in a video game.)
Having said that, building defenses and traps can be very effective at delaying or channeling zombies, and can effectively thin the horde. There are pretty much two approaches people use to deal with a horde night.
  1. Find a POI that prevents the zombies from reaching you and then wait out the attack. Anyplace high with enough metal or stone to last for a while will work. Large stores, fire departments, skyscrapers, water towers, etc., can all work, though the smaller the location, the more quickly it will fall to the zombies eventually.
  2. Build a fortress. This is usually a setup that includes auto-turrets, traps, spikes, and walls made of brick or concrete. Often, they're set up to lead zombies into a killing zone where you can shoot or bomb them into bits. There are many YouTube videos on different approaches, and they range from lore-friendly to extremely cheesy exploitations of the AI or physics engine.
Note that these two are not mutually exclusive. It's pretty common to use POI's at first and then try building your own, or to move back to POI's if your attempt at a custom fortress is less effective than you had hoped. (Pro-tip: Don't use your home base for horde nights...at least until you've got a LOT of experience fortifying against horde nights.)
Creating a home base: Every survivor needs a place to keep their stuff. Just like with a horde base, you can either re-purpose a POI or build your own from scratch.
If you use a POI, then make sure you put down your bedroll. That will keep sleeping zombies from respawning in the area. If you want to use a bedroll as a way of regularly resetting your spawn point, then you're probably better off building your own base. That said, a good POI to use as a base has height. Using a forge on the first floor is a good way to attract random zombies. It's also good to find someplace with brick or concrete walls, as they'll last longer against wandering foes. Also, keep in mind that you'll be going in and out a lot, so you don't want it to be too hard to get in and out. (Pro tip: lone zombies can't jump to ladders that are two blocks off the ground, but you can; this doesn't work so well with hordes, as they climb over each other.)
By default, zombies are faster at night, so early game nights are a good time to huddle up in a base and craft things. When you run out of things to craft, READ the descriptions of your perks, skill books, and the built-in journal entries. You'll be surprised how much information is buried in there. You can also take the time to look at the map and plan out the next day's activity. (Pro tip: Find a cluster of close-together POI's on the map, and put a chest or storage box in the middle to serve as a temporary loot repository; inventory item stacking means that having a collection point can mean many fewer trips back to your base with the fruits of your effort.)
Vehicles: Maps in this game are fairly large. The solution to moving about to different biomes (which have different resources and different POI's) is to make or buy a vehicle. Anybody can assemble vehicles if they have the right parts, but some of the parts are locked behind perks/schematics. Taking the first-level vehicle perk can be useful, as the bicycle isn't a bad starting vehicle and the perk unlocks wheels, which every other vehicle needs. (Pro-tip: the easiest way to get gas when out-and-about is to salvage the many derelict cars.) Zombies and wildlife are pretty harmless if you can speed past them...with the exception of vultures, which can be annoying enough to make you stop your motorcycle just to shotgun them out of the sky.
Mods: There are tons of clothing, weapon, and armor mods in the game. Read the descriptions, as they can have a huge impact on effectiveness. (Alpha 19 has no vehicle mods, despite the fact that vehicles have mod slots.) If you open an item for modding, then any mods in your inventory that can be used for that item will start flashing, making it easy to see which mods go with that item. (Pro tip: There is a boot mod that reduces falling damage that is worth its weight in gold. Not only is it really easy to fall in some POI's, but the de-buff from spraining or breaking a leg when zombies are about can be utterly lethal.)
Power tools: Power tools are very powerful. Augers and chainsaws harvest materials very rapidly. They also use gas and make a ton of noise. They tend to quickly attract screamers, which are zombies that scream until other zombies show up to find out what all the fuss is about. Kill them quickly to avoid hordes interrupting your mining. (Pro tip: The physics engine of the game means that mine collapses are a thing, and they can be deadly; shoring up the ceiling with wood blocks can help prevent this, but augers can mine so quickly that you can lose track of how deeply you've gone beyond your supports.) The annoying pinging noise made by augers is an Alpha 19 addition that was generally disliked by everyone.
Repairing items: Many items like tools, weapons, and armor will degrade over time. Weapons and tools will let you know they need repair...typically when you need them the most. Armor never notifies you. It just stops working. Check your item status bars to figure out when to repair them. Simple tools and weapons can be fixed with wood and stone. More sophisticated items require repair kits. In Alpha 19, repair kits are a generic fix-all for any advanced item, which greatly simplifies things. They can be crafted with forged iron and duct tape. (Pro tip: forged iron can be made in any forge, but you can also salvage them from disassembling weight sets, desk and gun safes, and NON-FUNCTIONAL vending machines; salvaging them can be tedious in the early game but can be worth it to keep your precious firearms and armor functioning.)
Farming: You will find seeds, or you can take a perk or find a schematic to craft seeds. It takes five cobs of corn to create one corn seed, which is odd given that the whole grain is basically made of seeds...but chalk it up to game-play balancing. To plant a seed, you need a farm plot (except for mushrooms, which can grow on any surface), which you can craft with wood, rotting flesh, clay, and nitrate. Once planted, it will grow in three stages. Harvest it at stage 3 by punching the plant, and it will revert to stage 1 and deposit the appropriate food item into your inventory. If you accidentally harvest the seed, just replant it. If you want to get physically fit, do a push up in the real world every time you accidentally punch the ground or the air instead of your crop. (Pro tip: Don't harvest with a mostly full inventory, as if your tool belt slot is the last open spot, the crop will go there, and your next attempted punch will instead eat the last one you harvested.)
Electricity: Fire attracts zombies like moths. Using electric lights is a convenient way to avoid that, as zombies are Luddites and don't care for the products of industry. The most convenient way to light up your home base is with lanterns, but you need to find a certain skill book to make them. The good news is that their batteries never need recharging. You can also get flashlights, or mods that attach lights to your helmet or your weapon (press F to pay your respects...er, sorry, to turn on your light). You can also craft a variety of stand-alone electric lights, but that requires a separate energy source.
Energy sources come in three varieties. Battery packs hold up to six car batteries and drain the batteries over time. You can recharge the pack by connecting it to a different energy source. Generator banks hold up to six engines (recoverable from many derelict vehicles, among other sources) that burn gasoline to provide power. Solar banks contain solar cells and generate power as long as they are in sunlight. They also cannot be crafted and are as expensive as hell. (Pro-tip: Higher-level batteries last longer; use level 1 and 2 batteries to craft vehicles, sell, or smelt for lead, and keep the better ones for the battery banks.)
Use wiring tools to connect energy sources to energy consumers. There are some slightly wonky rules to how you can connect, but it isn't hard to learn with a little trial and error. Wiring doesn't cost you anything, so experiment freely. You can put various switches between the consumer and the source: toggle switches, pressure plates, and motion sensors being the most common, though there are other options. Switches require power, but less power than an active consumer. This allows you to, for example, conserve power in the daytime by turning off active defenses and lights so you don't waste battery charge or gasoline. (Pro tip: a solar bank charging a full battery bank will provide quiet, continuous power, at which point you can feel free to light up your place like a Vegas casino 24/7.)
Stealth: Some players will tell you stealth is impossible in this game. That is not true. What is true is that some situations negate stealth, most particularly Blood Moon hordes. Just tell yourself that the red moon makes their senses so acute that they can smell a living human from a mile away -- if you can't rationalize it away as a game balance issue. Some POI's also have event triggers that are based on your location rather than how stealthy you are being. Chalk that up to dramatic license. This is a game where zombies are real and I can carry a motorcycle in my boot. Get over it.
There are some things you need to know about stealth, though, to do it effectively. Your stealth rating is a combination of noise and visibility. Clomping around in heavy armor, waving a torch or flaming club around, or using a flashlight will make you easy to notice. Firing a gun, whacking a wrench against a metal appliance, or jumping up and down on a pile of trash will also make you easy to notice. That means using light armor, using a bow or melee weapon, and crouching are all ways to avoid being seen.
There are a number of skill books, perks, armor and weapon mods, and craftable gear that can all make you more stealthy. With diligence, you can walk up behind a sleeping zombie, smack him in the head with a sledgehammer, and not disturb the other one right next to him. Will this make the game much easier? I would argue no. It certainly makes some specific situations much easier. Clearing out a mini-horde in a POI with a bow before they wake up can be much less stressful, certainly. The lack of universal effectiveness definitely makes it a playstyle choice, however, rather than an over-powered build to avoid if you want a challenge. (Pro-tip: Stealth is never a 100% guarantee, which is why you always carry stacks of wood; wood is incredibly flexible, as it lets you drop cheap spike traps in narrow passages, climb up easily to places zombies cannot reach, make bridges across open gaps, craft doors to seal off openings that foes have to make noise to get through but that you can open easily, etc.)
That's about it. The most important pro tip is this: this is an open-world game where the only thing that matters is that you have fun playing it. It doesn't matter if you want to do single-player, or multi-player, or if you like crafting more than combat, or prefer spears over guns. You bought the game. Do what you like, as that is really the only goal.
submitted by damurphy72 to 7daystodie [link] [comments]

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For that purpose, it is essential to choose a virtual casino whose gaming library involves titles created by reputable brands. Even though there are hundreds of companies claiming to be the best, there are certain casino content developers that worked hard to honestly deserve this title.
As a reputable virtual casino that is dedicated to providing nothing less but the highest quality and great diversity, the operator joined hands with Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, etc. These companies are recognized to be among the best on the market and their products quickly turn into fans’ favorites.
As companies that aim at constantly pushing the industry’s boundaries forward, the games they release are developed in a mobile-friendly way. In that way, casino buffs can revel in a rewarding gambling experience even on the go. The casino features an in-browser app as well as a dedicated casino application. No matter which option you will go for, you will certainly be amazed by the sleek design of the website and its brilliant performance even on smartphones and tablets.
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Our MegaSlot Casino analysis has shown that players are presented with a plethora of payment solutions that support both deposits and withdrawals. Before we continue discussing the available payment options, we would like to note that not all payment services are available to residents from specific countries. In the lines below you will find more details regarding this matter.
What players from international markets should know is that the international operating currency of the website is EUR, but this casino accepts payments also in the following currencies: USD, NOK, CAD, PLN, NZD, ZAR, and JPY.
When you are about to top up your gaming account, you should be informed that you have several options to do so, including Visa, Mastercard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Zimpler, Klarna, Qiwi, Yandex, iDebit, Interac Online, Interac e-Transfer, Neosurf, ecoPayz, and Rapido. The minimum amount that you need to upload to your gaming account in order to start playing for real money is set at $10.
As for withdrawals, players can choose from the following options – Visa, Mastercard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Quwu, Yandex, Bank Transfer, iDebit, Interac e-Transfer, Instadebit, ecoPayz, and Rapido. What is important to explain is the Visa and Mastercard are not available to players from elsewhere due to certain legal restrictions. For further information, be advised to visit the website of the casino.
When you decide it is time to finally pull out your winnings, you should know that you cannot withdraw less than $20, while the maximum limit on withdrawals depends on the preferred payment solution. However, players can withdraw no more than $5,000 per day, $10,000 per week, and $30,000 per month.
Depending on the payment solution you choose, payouts are cleared between 1 and 3 days. The available digital wallets process withdrawals in the fastest manner, but you will certainly not wait for too long in case you decide to use any of the other available methods. Casino enthusiasts who decide to pull out their profits via bank transfer should be informed that the minimum withdrawable limit is set at $500.
Players will be more than happy to learn that the casino does not impose charges on deposits and withdrawals. However, the payment service provider might tax you a small fee for the transactions which is your responsibility.
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Mobile Casino

Nowadays, it is extremely important for virtual casinos to offer flexibility, among all other things. Hence, MegaSlot Casino is designed in a mobile-friendly way. The design of the casino can be described as uncluttered and well-organized, so that casino enthusiasts can easily find what they are looking for even on the move.
Generally speaking, there are two ways to play at MegaSlot Casino via your handheld device, and more precisely to load the website of the casino through the browser your smartphone or tablet utilizes, or to download the dedicated app. The virtual casino brags about its apps that are specially designed for Android and iOS users. The apps work like a charm and the installation process is a child’s play.
However, the instant version of the casino is also a good alternative provided that you prefer to save some storage space on your mobile device. The main menu button is located in the upper left corner. Once you tap on it, a drop-down menu with links to the available slots, promotions, and payment methods will appear. It is important to mention that you will also find a link to the casino’s dedicated apps.
On the right upper corner, you will notice a button that will help you to change the language of the platform in case you are not a fluent English speaker. The choice is wide enough to find the language you are most familiar with. The games are organized into sections depending on their genre. The live chat button is to be found at the right bottom corner. The mobile version of the casino is also equipped with a search box and a navigation bar to further enhance the process of searching.
To find the casino’s terms and conditions section as well as other important links, you need to scroll down as these are located at the very bottom of the casino’s website. The instant-play format of this casino shares a lot of common features with its desktop counterpart.
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Casino Games

The first thing to catch our eye in MegaSlot Casino is the huge number of games it offers. As its name suggests, the majority of the casino’s gaming portfolio is occupied by top-shelf slots. Reel spinners will certainly not regret their choice in case they decide to sign up with this virtual casino. However, other genres such as live dealer games, progressive jackpots, video poker, and table games are also included in the casino’s catalog.
Owing to the casino’s partnership with more than a dozen software companies, MegaSlot Casino boasts over a total of 1,300 titles that are courtesy of brands such as Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, and others. Most of the games except the live dealer games feature a demo mode, but you should still open an account at MegaSlot in order to load the games.


Slots are among players’ favorite casino games and that barely surprises anyone familiar with the great diversity these offer. From themes to features, every slot is unique and casino fans can enjoy a different gambling experience every time they play a different slot game. MegaSlot Casino offers a remarkable amount of slots that come with a cinematic quality of the graphics and rewarding cash prizes.
Deadwood, Sakura Fortune, Book of Fortune, Tombstone, Legacy of Dead, Golden Fish Tank, Dragon Kingdom, and the Dog House are just a small sample of the titles you will come across in this section. Even if 3-reel slots are more to your liking, you will certainly find the title that most appeals to you.

Table Games

When it comes to table games, we cannot say that MegaSlot Casino has a lot to offer. There is a tight number of some of the most emblematic casino table games, and more precisely roulette, blackjack, and poker. Roulette Royal, American Roulette, European Roulette, 21 Burn Blackjack, Lucky Blackjack, European Blackjack, Caribbean Stud Poker, Turbo Poker, and others are included in the casino’s selection of games.
The games included in this section feature flexible bet sizes, making wagering on table games more than available. Assuming that you are an avid table player, you might be a little disappointed with the casino’s selection of table games. On the bright side, reel spinners who enthuse over adding spice to the entire mix can try one of the table games’ variations and hope for Lady Luck smiling on them.

Video Poker

Even though MegaSlot Casino offers just a few titles of video poker, casino fans will find some of the game’s most popular variations such as Aces and Faces, American Poker V, Deuces Wild, Joker Wild, and several more. Players should be informed that they can find the available video poker games listed in the Table Games category. The reason why so many casino devotees still enthuse over this somehow old-dated game is that it requires not only luck, but also strategy. What is more, it has higher returns compared to slot games.

Jackpot Games

Players who are craving for life-changing cash prizes will certainly appreciate the nice selection of progressive jackpot games MegaSlot Casino offers. Some of the titles you might find interesting include Bounty of the Beanstalk, Rainbow Jackpots, the series Age of the Gods, Leprechaun’s Luck, A Night in Paris, Glam Life, Charms and Clovers, Jackpot Rango, and Reels of Wealth. You will certainly not be disappointed with the huge choice of titles included in the Jackpot Games Category.

Live Casino

In case you would like to enjoy an authentic casino atmosphere without leaving the comfort of your home, you should try the live dealer games included in the casino’s portfolio. Having in mind that the casino collaborates with one of the leading software companies specialized in developing live dealer games, and more precisely Evolution Gaming, we can safely state that the live dealer suite you will find at MegaSlot Casino will impress you.
NetEnt, Pragmatic Play, Playtech, and some more are the other software providers that are responsible for the casino’s unsurpassed selection of live dealer games. From classic variations of roulette, blackjack, and poker to the latest releases such as Evolution’s Lightning series and game shows, MegaSlot Casino has it all. This somehow compensates for the lack of table games.

Special Games

Players who are trying to find a way to spice up their gambling experience would be interested in learning that MegaSlot Casino offers some special games such as bingo and scratch cards. The titles you will come across include Scratch’Em, Happy Scratch, Frogs Scratch, Gold Coins, Rainforest Magic Bingo, Sweet Alchemy Bingo, etc. We must note that this virtual casino features a good-enough number of scratch games that come with interesting cash prizes. These fast-paced games will certainly get you rid of the monotony and provide you with an unforgettable gambling experience.
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Licensing and Regulations

Security is always one of the biggest concerns online players have. MegaSlot Casino understands why so many casino enthusiasts refrain from indulging in their favorite pastime and for that purpose, the operator is providing a high level of transparency. The casino operates under a license issued by the Malta Gaming Authority and the company that owns this gambling site has years of experience in this industry.
As a company that adheres to the law, players from certain jurisdictions such as France, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Russia, Gibraltar, Jersey, the Czech Republic, and others are not allowed to create accounts at MegaSlot Casino. It is important to mention that NetEnt’s games are not available in some countries due to the software provider’s license.
The games offered at this virtual casino run on the random number generator algorithm (RNG) that is regularly tested by a third auditing agency. In that sense, the results of all games are based on pure chance.
To further cement its strong positions on the market, it seems that the casino is an advocate of responsible gambling. The casino employs various self-reliant strategies to help players at risk tackle the problem.
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Customer Support

MegaSlot Casino boasts 24/7 customer support. To make sure you are in safe hands when playing at this virtual casino, we tested the customer care department whilst writing this review. Based on our experience, the customer support agents from the live chat are more than competent to assist you. What is more, the representatives will provide you with an answer in a prompt manner.
You can get in touch with the customer support department by sending an email at https://www.megaslot.com/ and the representatives will get back to you within 24 hours, even though in most cases it takes just a few hours to have your questions answered. Unfortunately, casino enthusiasts are not provided with the opportunity to directly speak to a casino representative over the phone, but that disadvantage is compensated by the presence of a detailed FAQ page.
A quick link to the FAQ page is available at the bottom of the casino’s homepage. Prior to contacting the customer support department, you can check the information included on this page as you might find some extra details next to the answer to your question.
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MegaSlot Casino pays close attention to its gaming catalog that is comprised of high-quality products developed by top software companies. In addition to that, the casino’s main goal is to provide its players with a safe gambling environment where they can enjoy their favorite games without taking the risk to be deceived. For that purpose, all the important information regarding the casino’s licenses is placed at the bottom of its main page.
As a virtual casino that aims at pleasing players’ various preferences, the operator employs a plethora of payment solutions that are reliable and trustworthy. On top of that, players’ sensitive information is safeguarded by sophisticated encryption systems, so all payments are processed in a risk-free manner.
MegaSlot Casino will certainly become one of the top gambling sites in a flash thanks to its customer-oriented approach. As a disadvantage, we might note that the wagering requirements associated with the Welcome Bonus are a bit too high.
On the other hand, these apply only to the bonus funds, unlike many other online casinos where the total value of the bonus and the deposit is subject to the playthrough. To conclude this review, we would like to say that we consider this online casino an excellent choice for both seasoned and novice players.
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Slotastic RTG Casino (USA OK) - $25 free no deposit bonus code

Slotastic RTG Casino (USA OK) - $25 free no deposit bonus code

Slotastic Casino Free Bonus & Review
Receive $25 FREE when you sign up with Slotastic Casino! This exclusive free chip bonus requires a promo code that you can find under the link below. Additionally, new players to Slotastic Casino get a 100% bonus on deposit, extra free spins, and cashback. Players from the USA welcome!
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Slotastic Casino Full Review

As the brand name itself indicates, Slotastic is an online casino with a central focus on slots. Despite this, the website offers some gaming variety as its library also features a number of table games, video poker, and casino specialties.
This is a RealTime Gaming-powered casino that welcomes customers from all over the world, including the United States. The casino’s About Us page tells us Slotastic appeals to a motley customer base, consisting of more than 1 million registered players since its launch in December 2009.
The casino is home to more than 300 games available for play on desktop computers via its download platform. There is also a native Android app while iPhone users can access Slotastic in their browsers. Slotastic grabs the attention with a flashy yet organized lobby and an intuitive cashier that supports some of the most common banking methods in the world, such as Visa, Skrill, and Neteller. Similarly to other US-friendly gambling sites, this one, too, allows for payments via cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin.
The casino maintains the interest of its players by providing them with a great variety of promotions and bonuses, including several welcome offers. Let’s dive deeper into the bonuses awaiting new Slotastic players.
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Slotastic Bonuses and Promotions

Slotastic poses as a great online gambling destination for bonus seekers who insist on having a wide choice of limited-time and ongoing promotions. These include free spins on exclusive slots, instant cashbacks, bonus matches on deposits, and a great loyalty scheme.
New customers can make a pick from three different welcome bonuses. The first offer is geared toward the preferences of slot buffs. It consists of 117 free spins on RealTime Gaming’s classic Bubble Bubble.
This bonus is awarded for deposits of at least $25 with the promo code BUBBLETASTIC. It appealed to us because there are no restrictions on the maximum winnings you can cash out. However, you need to wager the winnings amount at least 10x before you ask for a withdrawal. You can use this bonus code a single time only.
The second option newcomers at Slotastic have is a 150% welcome bonus of up to $300, granted on their first deposits of $25 or more with the promo code WINTASTIC. The bonus is valid on first deposits only and is intended for free play on the available slots and keno games.
It has wagering requirements of 30x the bonus and deposit amounts. There is no maximum cashout limit on the winnings you can withdraw. Only the slots, the scratchcards, and the keno games contribute toward the playthrough, but you cannot use the bonus credits to participate in the slot tournaments for free. The value of each free spin is limited to $0.01 per active line. Bubble Bubble is a 50-line slot, which is to say your bets should not exceed $0.50 per spin.
All bingo and table games like craps, baccarat, casino poker varieties, roulette, and blackjack are excluded. If you play them, the casino will terminate your bonus. The same goes for the video poker varieties which are also blocked from bonus participation. Maximum wagers with an active bonus in your account should not exceed $9.99 or else the winnings will be voided.
The third welcome option is geared toward the needs of new players who are looking to make their first deposits with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. They can receive a 250% up to $1,000 in free credits in exchange for a minimum deposit of $25 via Bitcoin. The code for this one is BTC250.
The terms coincide with those for the other deposit-match offer, i.e. the bonus is subject to wagering of 30x its amount plus the deposited sum. Only slots, scratchcards, and keno have a contribution (of 100%) toward the playthrough. There is a maximum bet restriction of $9.99. Players from the following locations are not entitled to welcome bonuses – Sweden, Bulgaria, Belarus, Indonesia, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Poland, Russia, and Mauritius.
If these perks fail to satiate your appetites for free reel spinning, you can redeem more free spins for the slot Hen House on a daily basis, i.e. once you have finished wagering your welcome bonuses. Players get 10 free spins for a deposit of $10, 20 free spins for deposits of $20, or the maximum of 50 bonus spins for deposits of $50 or more.
You must use the SPINTASTIC promo code in the cashier. Wagering of 30x the winnings is applicable, with max bet restrictions of $0.02 per active payline. The casino’s terms state no maximum cashout applies to this offer.
In addition to these gifts, Slotastic treats reel spinners to a great range of limited-time deposit bonuses, cashbacks, and free spins. As a matter of fact, there are so many offers, it would be next to impossible to cover them all here. It is best for interested players to regularly visit the casino’s cashier where you can see all the bonus coupons that are currently available.
There is also a three-tiered loyalty program you automatically become a part of upon registration. The casino rewards customers with 1 comp point for every $10 they bet on the website. The points can be converted into free credits at a rate of 100 points for $1. Respectively, you need to generate at least 100 points before conversion is possible.
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Slotastic Software Providers

If there is one thing most US-friendly online casinos have in common, it must be the software they run on. Slotastic utilizes the software platform of a single supplier, the well-known RealTime Gaming. This is a company with over 20 years of experience in the field of casino solutions development.
The casino boasts a well-designed website that enables you to browse the different gaming categories and locate all the important information with ease. The lobby pretty much has the standard RealTime Gaming interface. After you log in, you get to see the categories of Slots, Table Games, Video Poker, Specialties, Progressives, and Favorites.
The current value of the progressive prizes is displayed in the jackpot meter under the main menu. You can access the cashier with a single click of a button and get to see your available balance at all times. Several useful buttons take you to the live chat facility, the promotions page, and your notifications.
Slotastic gives its players a choice from several options. Customers who intend to play on Microsoft Windows-based desktop computers can download and install the casino’s software, which, unfortunately, is not compatible with any other operating systems. Mac users can load the lobby and the games straight in their desktop browsers.
The casino works just fine in the browsers of smartphones and tablets running on Android and iOS. You can access it in any browser, be it Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari as long as it is up to date and your wireless connection is reliable enough. Slotastic has also released a dedicated application for Android. You can download it from the casino’s website for free.

Slotastic Banking

Banking is one of the aspects where Slotastic Casino definitely bears improvement. We would like to see more deposit and withdrawal options added in the future as befits an operator that supports play from most countries worldwide.
For the time being, Slotastic customers can make deposits with commonly available payment solutions such as credit cards by Mastercard, American Express and Visa, e-wallets by Skrill, ecoPayz, and Neteller, the prepaid Paysafecard, Neosurf, and the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Litecoin.
EasyEFT is also available but can be used by players from South Africa only. Another option is to call customer support on the number we have provided in the table above. The support agents will help you deposit over the phone. No additional costs are associated with the deposits.
The minimum and maximum limits depend on the deposit method you use. You can top up your account with $25 to $500 with the credit cards or deposit anywhere between $5 and $2,000 with e-wallets like ecoPayz.
Deposits with Paysafecard can range between $5 and $300 while those made with the Neosurf vouchers have limits of $10 and $250. Cryptocurrency depositors must comply with limits of $25 and $2,500.
There are but a few options where withdrawals are concerned. Players can cash out the wins from their Slotastic accounts with Bitcoin, MoneyGram, ecoPayz, Skrill, Neteller, checks or wire transfers. The minimum limits on withdrawals are $25 for ecoPayz, $180 for courier checks, and $100 for the other supported solutions. The maximum is $2,500 per method ($3,000 for checks) and $10,000 per week.
You have the option to reverse your withdrawals while the requests are still pending. We personally think this works to the disadvantage of some players. People sometimes get tempted to continue gambling until they give whatever they have won back, so manual flushing is always the more preferable option in our opinion.
So what are the processing times for withdrawals from Slotastic? It all depends on what method you use. The quickest way to cash out would be to use the supported e-wallets or Bitcoin where withdrawals take place instantly after approval. Withdrawals with courier checks and wire transfers may take up to 10 business days.
Unfortunately, there is no good news to report where transaction costs are concerned. If you are looking to avoid extra charges, you should withdraw with the cryptocurrency or the e-wallets. The fees associated with the other available withdrawal methods are eye-watering. You have to pay $30 extra per courier check and $60 extra per wire transfer. You might also end up paying additionally for currency conversion since Slotastic works with USD only.
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Slotastic Mobile Casino

Slotastic provides mobile players with two options. There is a highly functional in-browser application that requires no additional software installation. This enables you to play without wasting any storage space on your smartphone. You simply have to type in the casino’s address in your browser or scan the QR code posted on the website. Android users can download a native app to install on their devices.
We regret to say there is not much versatility for mobile players at Slotastic, though. The in-browser app is home to 100 or so mobile games, most of which are slots. There are around 15 video poker variations including Deuces Wild, RealTime Gaming’s trademark Loose Deuces, and Jacks or Better.
The mobile casino is short of table games, but you still get to play European Roulette, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, Classic Blackjack, and Tri Card Poker. Some of the most popular RealTime Gaming jackpot games have also been optimized for play on the go. The biggest pots drop in the progressive Aztec’s Millions.
You can add games to your list of favorites by tapping the star icons next to the thumbnails. Tapping the info button shows you all you need to know about the games you are interested in, from their volatility level to their themes and special features.
Slotastic’s in-browser app compensates with a simplified, yet elegant and user-friendly design. The circular mobile lobby features oversized round buttons that take you to the different categories of games, the cashier, your favorites, the games you have last played, and the main menu, where you can view your bonus coupons, comp points, promotional messages, and the contact page.
The support chat is accessible at all times via a large-size button that remains glued to the lower right corner of your touchscreen regardless of which page you open. Similarly to the desktop version, the mobile casino can be loaded in English only.

Slotastic Casino Games

Slotastic is a relatively small online casino with a gaming library that comprises around 300 distinct games. Note that the full suite is available via the Windows-compatible download software only. Those who access the casino and play in their browsers are facing half the number of options, with a little over 150 titles. This limited choice makes sense considering the casino uses software by a single supplier only.
There is the standard set of RealTime Gaming titles you can play. Slots make for the largest portion of the portfolio although video poker, keno, scratchcards, and tables games are also available. But enough beating around the bush – let’s examine the gaming library in more detail.


This casino is called Slotastic for a good reason. It features a solid collection of RealTime Gaming slots with versatile themes, ranging from ancient civilizations and mythology to magical creatures and Vegas lifestyle. Branded slots like Ritchie Valens La Bamba, The Big Bopper, and The Three Stooges are also included.
Slotastic organizes its slot collection on the basis of reel number, features, and jackpot. The 6-reel titles are a must-try including games like Super 6 and Lucky 6. Some of the slots from RealTime Gaming’s Real Series have randomly triggered local jackpots that can drop on any spin regardless of the amount staked. Some of the most appealing slots from this category include Aladdin’s Wishes, Achilles, Ancient Gods, Cleopatra’s Gold, Fire Dragon, Naughty or Nice, and Ghost Ship.
Hairway to Heaven, Naughty or Nice Spring Break, and Polar Explorer have the so-called “Feature Guarantee”. This ensures players will trigger a bonus feature within a designated number of spins. One example is the slot Aztec’s Treasure where the feature meter is set at 150 spins. Players who choose this slot can have the confidence they will trigger a bonus feature at least once every 150 rounds.
The Win-Win feature some slots are equipped with is equally rewarding but in a different way. It gets activated at the end of a round of free spins if you have generated profits smaller than 8x your triggering bet. You need to play all paylines to benefit from the Win-Win feature, though. Some of the Win-Win slots include Loch Ness Loot, The Three Stooges, and Triple Twister.
Slotastic caters to fans of classic slots with several 3-reel titles like Double Ya Luck, Sevens and Stripes, Scuba Fishing, Santastic, and Jumping Beans. Other slot titles that appealed to us include Cai Hong, Bubble Bubble and its sequel, Enchanted Garden II, Eternal Love, Gods of Nature, and I, Zombie.

Table Games

Slotastic is home to a standard suite of table games that features around 18 variants of roulette, blackjack, and casino poker. Baccarat and craps are also available. Fans of the Devil’s wheel have a choice from American and European Roulette where the bets range between $1 and $50.
Blackjack buffs enjoy a greater versatility, having a choice from the standard version of the game, Perfect Pairs, European Blackjack (this is a no-hole-card game), Face Up 21 (RealTime Gaming’s take on Double Exposure), Pontoon, Super 21, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, and Match Play 21.
Several variations of casino poker are also available. You can play against the virtual dealers in a game of Vegas Three Card Rummy, Tri Card Poker, Pai Gow Poker, Caribbean Hold’em (which is pretty much the casino version of Texas Hold’em but with an exotic name), and Caribbean Stud. The baccarat and craps games can be found in the Specialties section.

Progressive Jackpot Games

We counted roughly 75 games with local progressive jackpots. This means the prizes are pooled from bets made on the Slotastic platform only. Respectively, you cannot expect gargantuan pots from these games – their prizes typically escalate to four-figure amounts only. Some of the most popular slots with local pots include Small Fortune, Jumping Beans, Rudolph’s Revenge, Samba Sunset, Secret Symbol, Penguin Power, Paydirt, Mermaid Queen, and Mister Money.
You have a more limited choice if massive pots are what you are after. The casino features several slots linked to a wide-area progressive network, with prizes accumulating across all RealTime Gaming-powered websites.
The pots in Aztec’s Millions and Megasaur are symbol-driven whereas the prize in Spirit of the Inca drops whenever it reaches its boiling point. The jackpot of Aztec’s Millions is way overdue since it has not dropped since 2009. The table games Caribbean Stud and Caribbean Hold’em are also linked to progressive networks.

Video Poker

Fans of video poker are catered to with 14 distinct variations of their favorite game including Loose Deuces, Aces & Eights, All American Poker, Bonus Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker, Bonus Poker Deluxe, Deuces Wild, Double Bonus Poker, Double Jackpot Poker, Jacks or Better, Joker Poker, and Sevens Wild.
Each of the above-listed games is available in the multiple-hand format, with players having a choice from 1, 3, 10, or 52 hands at a time. Just keep in mind each hand you play requires an individual bet. For example, if you are playing five credits of $0.50 per hand in the 52-hand variant of Jacks or Better, you are practically wagering $130 per round.
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Slotastic Licensing and Regulations

Slotastic has not published any information in regard to licensing, ownership, and regulations on its official website, which only works to its detriment. In our opinion, it is common courtesy to inform one’s customers who they are gambling with and under what license. There are no details on who audits the games for fairness and what their theoretical return is. We hope to see higher levels of transparency from Slotastic in the future.
After a little digging on the web, it was established Slotastic allegedly operates under the licensing and regulations of the British Virgin Islands. Customers’ funds and personal information are protected with SSL encryptions.
Slotastic also embraces responsible gambling. Players can self-exclude, take a temporary break from gambling, or set limits on their deposits. The casino does not allow for real-money play from the UK and New Jersey.

Slotastic Customer Support

Slotastic players who need help are facing several avenues of communication with the casino’s support staff. The easiest and quickest way to contact them is via the live chat. The chat facility is staffed at all times of day and night, which is certainly beneficial for the casino’s vast multi-national player base.
The downside is that when all human agents are busy servicing other customers, you may end up chatting with the “friendly” Chat Bot. The latter is pretty much useless since it provides you with a link to the FAQ section most of the times.
You are automatically connected with a real human being as soon as an agent is available, though. The support staff makes an overall good impression with their professionalism and friendliness. You can also drop Slotastic’s support a few lines via email at [email protected]. Support is provided over the telephone as well. The number you need to dial is +1 866 890 6738.


Slotastic has both its downsides and advantages. The biggest positive here is that the casino welcomes play from a huge number of jurisdictions including the United States. Another benefit is that the website is jam-packed with bonuses and promotional incentives. If you are looking for generous offers, this is the place to drop by. We also liked the website’s design. All categories are easy to spot and the games load quickly both on desktop and mobile.
The biggest con here is the absence of regulatory information. As we said earlier, we hope to see this fixed in the future in the interest of transparency. It would have been great if the casino supported more payment options as well.
The gaming library itself is definitely not the most diverse one, with only 150 games in the casino’s flash version. Despite its downsides, Slotastic will appeal to RealTime Gaming fans from the US who insist on fast withdrawals and lots of bonuses.
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So You Want To Be A Reckoner (Part 2 Too Much Gambit Prime Boogaloo) [Video + Text]

Video Link for those who would rather listen then read (https://youtu.be/thDd3ubhp6s) This is my first post/video like this so please give feedback!
Part 1 if you missed it (https://www.reddit.com/destiny2/comments/j28abt/so_you_want_to_be_a_reckoner_part_1_the_reckoning/) Now that you have your 20 Pieces of Notorious Armour and all the weapons you need time for the real grind to begin! Next it’s time to play a TON of Gambit Prime as each specialty class. Each Class has 2 Triumphs Tied to them a Triumphant, and A Call me... Triumph. The Call me… “Blank” Triumphs are easy it’s just win a match with a full set of Invader, Sentry, Reaper or Collector armour equipped to get each of the 4 Triumphs, the hard part is the Triumphant Triumphs So Let’s begin going down the list Starting with the Worst of them all Reaper.
Before we start Keep in mind you NEED the corresponding armour Glow above your head for these triumphs to actually track so make sure you have at least a total of 10 points in your armour set (that’s 4 pieces of Notorious armour) but I would advice most of the time using 4 Pieces and eating a Synth while wearing an exotic piece of armour to get you up to 15 points for maximum benefits!
Here is a list of what we will need to accomplish for this Triumph while sporting a Reaper Glow.
This by far is the most painfull set to get through, so don’t expect this to go by fast. My main advice for this set is to leave it to last but also work on it while working on your other sets. I'll explain what I mean in a minute. Most of the things on this list are pretty simple and self explanatory: win 20 matches, defeat 1000 enemies and kill 100 Envoys or blockers are all things that will just take time and effort to grind through. The real challenge here is with the High Value Targets and Massacre Medals.
For the High Value targets I Very much advice to work on this while working on the other armour sets, start playing whatever other set you what like Sentry, Invader or Collector and once you know the HVT will be spawning soon switch your amour over to Reaper armour and get ready to find it and make sure you at least get 1 Shot on the HVT before someone kills it. Landing any amount of damage will gain you progress towards your 50 kills, this is also why it’s best to do this with friends or an LFG since you can all coordinate damaging and killing the HVT together. Just for an understanding of the Scale of this Challenge you need to kill 50 HVTs that only spawn once per match that’s a total of 50 matches the equivalent of almost every win you will need total between all 4 armour sets.
Next is the Massacre Medals. These can be a real pain but I have some loadouts here to help you have a better chance at this. Let's start with some weapons.
Out of all of these weapons I personally got the best results out of Telosto at least 4 of my massacres were with telesto by itself just make sure your stacking your armour with fusion rifle mods, The other guns listed are things to help like Witherhoard, The Mountaintop and swords or things I’ve heard other people have good success with that I just didn’t have any luck with myself like Trinity Ghoul, Thunderlord and Xenophage
Class wise your supers are huge buffs that will help you get these medals as well!
I Mostly Recommend Top Tree Arc w/ Crown of tempests, your main goal here is to make sure you have full grenade and melee energy when you cast your super so it lasts as long as possible then make your way to a new set of ads before anyone else. You want to proc your super and start damaging the biggest baddest enemy you see, your lightning should slowly kill the big yellow bar while also chaining lighting to all the ads around it, once you have killed your big bad guy move onto the next big bad guy you see and continue till you get your medal.
The other option I found success with was Slowva Bomb tossing it at one side of a room while running to the other with telesto worked pretty well for me too but was for sure not as consistent as top tree Arc.
For this one you want to spam your tether or just drop one tether in a large group of adds and then start going ham with your weapon of choice to clear as many enemies as fast as you can, your other option is arc staffing your way through everything with Raiden Flux to help keep the super going but large yellow bars can be a huge issue while trying this loadout.
Titans I feel have a decently harder time now due to Bottom Tree Strikers Nerf but it’s still possible, my advice is be a titan and punch aas hard as you can, keep punching everything you see to keep getting your super back until you see that medal pop up on your screen, same goes for void just keep punching and throwing shields like your life depends on it!
This is extremely annoying to complete but hopefully this helped, my last bit of advice is keep your eyes on your radar it will really help you find your next target and give you an idea of where new ads will be spawning from.
Here is a list of what we will need to accomplish while sporting a Collector Glow.
This Triumph isn’t crazy hard and just more of a grind then anything the motes, small blockers and large blockers all just take time to grind out, my biggest advice would be to make sure you are watching your enemies score to know when an invader is going to be coming and plan your mote pick-ups wisly from there. If you know an invader will be coming any second try to not have a huge amount of motes on you or at least set up defensively like in an area you can easily sword peek and escape from.
The half Banked Medals require you to deposit a total of 50 motes in the bank, keep in mind that if motes are drained from your bank that does not affect your total as long as you put 50 motes in the bank you will receive a Half Banked medal. I found this easiest with a group of others going for the armour grind so they would let me grab all the motes but it is still very possible while playing solo since you have the ability to pick up 20 motes at a time and I was able to do it pretty consistently unless there was another collector on my team.
This may be harder than Reaper for people who are not too great at PvP but I will help you as much as I can with this, the list of things we need to accomplish for this triumph are.
For each of these I will be listing the easiest way that an average player can get these kills obviously if you are a good PvP player you will already know what guns you like to use that will get you the kills you need as fast as possible.
Super Kills
Super kills are pretty easy and straightforward but here are the easiest supers to net you as many kills as possible.
If you are still having trouble with these supers take it slower and run the one and done supers that will at least guarantee one kill per invasion like Nova Bomb, Blade Barrage or Thundercrash.
SnipeLinear Fusion Kills
Your best bet for these is Izanagi's Burden for 1 shot body shots or Sleeper Simulant also for 1 shot body shots. If you don’t have these two guns I would advise getting them to help you specially if you aren’t good with Snipers or Linear Fusions because besides these 2 guns you are going to be stuck having to hit those headshots.
Fusion/Shotgun kills
Your Choices for these are also pretty limited if you don’t have some of the harder to get exotics but if you do, One Thousand Voices and Jötunn will be the easiest way to go about this one. If not run your best fusion and shotgun and play sneaky to get up close and personal to finish off these kills.
Other Kills
This is where you get to have fun using whatever you like best that’s not a Sniper, Linear Fusion, Fusion or Shotgun. The most obvious choice here is Rocket Launchers and LMGs but anything can really do if there is something you like. What I highly recommend is Truth, Xenopage, Leviathans breath, or my favorite Symmetry.
The last step you will need to do is Drain motes from your enemies bank to do this you just need to have 15 points of reaper armour to unlock the dain motes perk while near the bank, easier said than done though but each class has its own ways of doing this. Warlocks have a Well of Radiance, hunters have middle tree arc to block incoming damage or going invisible with their void subclass and titans have the easiest time on this by just dropping a bubble right on that bank. This will take a few tries to complete since you can only drain so many motes per invasion but try your best.
Last and for sure the easiest is Sentry completing this Triumph will require you to accomplish these listed things
All of these are pretty simple and just take time, mark 40 invaders by dealing any amount of damage to them, defeat 200 blockers and defeat 150 taken. The only kind of challenging part to this is 20 locksmith medals which requires you to kill the last blocker to open the bank 3 times without dying. This can be a bit annoying with randoms because you have to land the final blow on the last blocker to open the bank or it won’t count, all I can say is hope the enemy team drops a ton of goblins on you, but truthfully this really isn’t that bad I found myself getting 2 - 3 of these per match I played.
Oh you thought we were done ha no we still have one more thing and that is to acquire the thorn!
To start this quest you must head to the salt mines on the EDZ, take the teleporter in there, find the secret camp and pick up the quest to begin. After a quick Chit Chat with banshee the quest begins. Thankfully this quest gives you a few options to complete each step.
  1. Complete destination bounties on Io, defeat Warlocks in Crucible matches, or complete Nightfalls
  2. Complete destination bounties on Titan, defeat Titans in Crucible matches, or complete Blind Well runs
  3. Complete destination bounties on Mars, defeat Hunters in Crucible matches, or complete Escalation Protocol waves
After those 3 steps we have the bummer step for people who hate Crucible you now need to get a ton of kills with void damage or hand cannons. Best to note Void hand cannon precision kills in Survival or Iron Banner grant the best progress. My best advice for people if you are confident with a hand cannon is to put on your best void handcannon and try to get kills in Survival since the matchmaking is skill based you will face people of your skill level making getting kills easier (bonus points for doing this while iron banner is active so more of the hardcore PvP players aren’t in the survival playlist.) If you can’t get Hand Cannon kills your next best bet is using a Void Auto Rifle like Gnawing Hunger or Hard Light with a Void Subclass, Keep in mind doing it this way will take much longer but if you can’t get Hand Cannon kills this is your best option.
Once you have finally finished a million crucible matches you need to talk to Tyra Karn in the Farm to unlock the final quest, a special version of the Savathuns Song Strike. I would HIGHLY advise getting a fireteam for this quest because it’s more difficult than a normal strike and there are 2 addition bosses in the final room you need to kill before the final boss so make sure to watch out for the 2 giant knights that spawn and make sure to kill them before finishing off the shrieker.
And there you have it you are now welcome to a club all it’s own known as the Reckoner club, it’s kinda like when your driving a motorcycle down the road and you see another motorcycle and you have to wave at them, except the motorcycles are hours of your life and the waving is massive depression….. Anyways Enjoy your new Seal and have fun doing whatever your next grind is Guardian!
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present My Review of Destiny 3

Dateline: August 13, 2021

Against my better judgment, I'll put the TL;DR right up front here:
TL;DR: Now that Destiny is being designed by BUNGiE's actual game designers - i.e., gamers at heart - instead of being defined by their marketing and finance departments, they're shipping a game that we're never going to want to stop playing, and we'll be dragging every one of our friends and their friends into playing it, buying them consoles with our own EIP cards along the way, if necessary.
(Note: I've been reading this in SkillUp voice, just for fun)
I had the rare opportunity to play about 5 hours on a pre-release version Destiny 3 this past week.
As the saying goes: This is my report.
Right up front, let me say that although it may have been obvious to a few, it came as a huge shock to me to discover that the whole "MATTER" thing actually turned out to be this almost perfectly executed re-imagining of the Destiny universe, released a full YEAR sooner than anyone expected. Nice smoke screen. Well played, BUNGiE... well played, indeed! My hat is permanently off to Chris Barrett and his crew!
Let me now count the ways in which Destiny has improved since BUNGiE made the decision to abandon the collection of industry fads, behavioral marketing gimmicks and band-aid fixes they've been using to keep their internal bean counters happy for the past 4 years, and finally get back to making A GREAT GAME.
We can start pretty much anywhere, since almost every aspect of this new release is absolutely amazing. But let's start with the one thing everyone cares about:


All through the last two years of D2 you wanted a great Gnawing Hunger, right? Right?? It's been a staple in the game forever now. But a good one can be hard to find. Loot grinding in Destiny is a story all its own. Some players love it, some are sick to death of it. Either way, the fact is that in the past, except for a rare few stretches (lookin' at you, Chalice of Opulence), getting a specific item has always been left to the sole discretion of The RNGenie. And even though you may have finally found and placed an item in your Collections, it's mostly there just to taunt you, because... "menemenemenemeneh.. random rolls", making the whole Collections thing utterly useless for all practical purposes.
D3's answer?

Golden Age Blueprints

One of the most interesting, key features of this new release comes from the discovery of Golden Age Blueprints - [a discovery you'll be instrumental in revealing, although at great personal cost, during the campaign] - which will replace your Collections in every way that matters.
In D3, once you have procured the required Golden Age Blueprint and stored it in that big filing cabinet in your apartment in the Tower, Banshee will now happily CRAFT as many randomly rolled copies of any weapon you like, as long as you have the 'print, the necessary Glimmer and materials. These are materials which are naturally finite in your consumables inventory, but which can literally be found in every alley, every hallway, every cave, on every rooftop, dropping from every third-ish downed enemy and from every junk item you decide to dismantle, in random amounts.
And while we're on the subject, if you think you've found all the materials sources out there in the world? Well, you haven't, because new ones are cropping up in weird and genuinely out-of-the-way locations with every reset. And one of those chests really DOES contain that jackpot of 5,000 of the same gizmos you've been burning through lately (because watching Banshee finally do Real Gunsmithing just happens to be your thing). Just remember that you're going to need that matching Key to unlock it when you find it.
Eh... one caveat though - as Asher used to say: try not to DIE, because your Ghost is still recovering from the events that occurred during the Series Finale of D2. Among other things you'll discover as you go, this affects any planetary or crafting materials and other resources you may have on you when you're out there. If you haven't brought these things back to the Tower and put them in your Vault, or shipped them back using transmat and your ship's autopilot (aka Extraction - a tactic that presents its own seriously thorny set of risks and challenges), anything acquired since your last deposit will ALL now simply evaporate when you're resurrected by your Ghost. Yes, dying out there in the world now actually has a tangible downside. So... fair warning.

So... just more RNG then?

Of course you're wondering: Will the random roll on the crafted item you get, suck? Sure. Sometimes. And sometimes it'll be great. There's no longer any arbitrary weighting involved here, but The RNGenie must be appeased, after all. Life, even with Space Magic, is still frequently random.
The important bit here is that the odds may not always be in your favor, but they are no longer stacked so heavily against you. You no longer have to sit through the Umbral Decryption of 42 False Promiseses waiting for that one Falling Guillotine to drop (so to speak), and hope that ONE CHANCE at a drop gave you a usable roll. Crafting gives players added control over the RPG / progression of their chosen character without the unbridled "joy" of making farming a real-life part-time job. And in the process this gives players new reasons to engage with the rest of the game's content.
How so? Well, instead of playing an endless numbers game, doing the same thing over and over and over, hoping for the drop you're looking for, while you CAN still do that, you NOW also have the option to do a quest or side mission that ultimately gets you the Golden Age Blueprint you need or want (yes, you read that right - see below). Once procured, you add that 'print to your file, for the stuff needed to create the builds you're going to be using out in the world.


On top of that, whatever you get - whether it was crafted, looted from some chest, dropped by some boss, or gifted by a fellow fireteam member in a strike through the new sharing feature - can almost ALWAYS be made better...
Don't like the intrinsic perk or all the stats that helmet rolled with? No problem. Pick one attribute. Any one. If you have saved a better stat or perk from some previous weapon, and registered it by donating that weapon at Holliday's Enhancement Bench, stop by to have a chat and she'll do the replacement for you. And even though Zavala has artificially hamstrung her ability in this regard, in that he only allows for ONE stat or perk to be replaced on any item (this could change - there's a Tower petition circulating...), it means that if your drop has everything but 'X' needed to make it perfect, once you eventually find 'X' on some other item of the same type, even though that's going to take time and effort on your part (in some cases... a LOT), you're all set - just go see Amanda.
Weapons. Armor. Works the same. Want a MOD SLOT on that helmet instead of a top-level stat? Ask Holliday. Yes, Enhancement DOES have a Glimmer and Material cost, but she's got to pay the bills, right? And of course there are the Tower Taxes. And new sparrows aren't just transmatted by Fenchurch from some alternate reality, you know? The price is there to keep things reasonable, it's just not going to empty your consumables inventory unless you really want it to.
Bottom Line: Destiny is a looter, yes, but it's ALSO a legitimate RPG now, and you have a new level of agency that allows you to CRAFT your own loot as well as hunt for it in the wild the way we have in the past, and you can enhance your stuff based on other items you may have found.

b-b-b-b-b-But muh GRIND!!!

What? Worried about getting that "god roll" without the endless grind you've come to depend upon, to fill in for actual quality content? Worried you'll get that Carrot before you've experienced sufficient pain from the Stick? Well I'm happy to tell you that's just your Is/Ought and Appeal to Tradition conditioning from previous games, screaming in your ear: "but... but that's the way it's ALWAYS been!!1!!" It's a trap! Nothing in the world HAS to be "X" simply because it's labeled "Y". Bruce Jenner taught us that centuries ago.
If you're the addictive type who believes all video games must work like a slot machine in order to be "rewarding" - including the sort who thinks everyone else should be forced to play the way you do - hey, not to worry. You'll never be forced to craft a single item. Plus - BONUS! - RNG is still a significant factor; it's just no longer THE ONLY factor. That said, you're just going to have to accept the reality that other people value their limited time. Furthermore, you're not my real dad, so kindly stop telling me how I should be forced to -grind- play just because YOU have found a new dopamine trigger that puts you in your 'happy place'. Instead, be glad there's a slightly more deterministic OPTION in the hunt for better loot, because you're eventually going to need quality gear to succeed at the higher difficulty levels later.
That artificial "power level" number floating on your inventory screen? Yeah, that's not going to help you any more.

On to mods...

Want a scope that increases crit damage or stability? A mag that increases fire rate, reload speed, or which ACTUALLY significantly increases the standard mag size (i.e., not by just three rounds)? Better accuracy or increased damage from a grip or muzzle attachment? How about a bump-stock that turns that awesome Scout into a thrall-thrashing AR? There are several to choose from in every one of these categories. Plus some that work directly with your preferred Class in various ways, like a suppressor that causes melee-affected enemies to explode/AOE. Find the blueprint, craft the mod and it's unlocked forevermore.
Oh, and the price to apply a mod? 0 Glimmer - you already paid to create/unlock it. Wait, what? No annoying surcharge every time I switch scopes? No Masterworking bullshit? No. There was never anything "masterful" about Masterworking. Dumbest misuse of the term ever. No, your gear is fully customizable out of the box (so to speak). No more mindless grinding just to add a tiny extra bit of customization. Save the mindless grinding for what really matters (to you).

So how do I get these GA Blueprints for mods and other items?

Answer: you acquire these as random drops from various activities and also as Targeted Loot, e.g., side missions...
Sorry, forgot to mention - in addition to the main campaign story missions, we have AN ARRAY of side missions now. We used to call these "Adventures", but there are a lot more of them now and they no longer just drop -two tokens and a blue- 500 Glimmer and a blue when you're done with them. Think of these, I guess, as The Adventures That Actually Matter Now - TATAMN. Like CTATODL but, different.
Each side mission features a blueprint for a specific weapon, armor piece or mod. Want the +10 or +20 round mag? Simple. Go run that side mission, which is identified (if there is one - some of these are just random drops from P.E.s, Lost Sectors, etc.) on the new Blueprint File entry slot where the 'print will go, once acquired. Just remember... the side missions? Yeah, don't be misled - they're frequently as involved and difficult as the campaign story missions, since a lot of them are dedicated to actively experiencing the parts of the Destiny story that used to be buried in cryptic, incoherent walls of "lore" text that so many players actively ignored and/or didn't even know about.
A bunch of these side missions actually even require finding and traversing the correct path through The NEW Infinite Forest (recently resurrected from the DCV, apparently) in order to get to the historic event depicted in that mission. I personally love the ones where you [re-enact various past luminaries' experiences during the Battles of Twilight Gap and - even though I'm a die-hard Hunter main - Six Fronts]. The use of D1's original music is amazing in those. You'll probably have your personal faves as well. Either way, knowing how a story ends may "feel" safe, just remember these are Vex Simulations of past events, and have the potential to end very differently from stories The Speaker used to tell to scare the children...
Beyond this, in addition to their full, D1-sized gear and weapon inventories, which are made incrementally available to you by furthering their respective goals over time, the NM, DO and FWC faction leaders seem to have an endless supply of blueprint-rewarding bounties tied to RE-running the side mission simulations at various difficulty levels - some for mods, some weapons, etc. They're not cheap, though, and they only get a new one once a week.
That said, every few weeks or so one of the factions will offer a highly sought-after blueprint in return for churning through a hefty set of tasks they need help with. This might require testing experimental weapons (some of which might just, eh, explode), trying new tactics using class skills, or collecting stuff like crates of Hive Thrall Claws (NO idea what Arach Jalaal does with these smelly things and, frankly, I don't WANT to know...). Details? You'll have to ask them - they keep that stuff pretty close to the vest and it's changing all the time. So far, however, all the ones I saw can be completed in PvE OR PvP, which is a nice change.
Seriously, isn't this more fun and rewarding than a Collection that's really just a useless, static checklist?
Same goes for mods on gear, BTW. And yes you can craft a new, randomly rolled instance of every single piece of armor in the game once you have the blueprint, as many as you have the materials for. Want yet another reason to go out and shoot stuff? No problem. Go hunt down more 'prints and collect more mats.
Worried about so-called "power creep"? Don't be. Because the RPG customization on weapons and gear is so expansive now, it's no longer necessary for the various arms manufacturers to churn out endless series of 30 or 40 re-skinned, slightly different "archetypes" of the same basic weapon class. And new stuff that's introduced doesn't necessarily render its predecessors obsolete - it simply gives you alternate choices for getting the job done.
Also, that new GH blueprint you just got from Hideo at the last Faction Rally? The one that bumps max crit damage up by an additional 5% over previous specs? Yeah, one of the required elements needed to build using that 'print is an existing GH. No more "sunsetting". Instead, you literally Trade Up. Or not. Your choice.

Ran out of stuff to do?

Ha, very funny. No, you didn't. Not only did we work our way up through FIVE levels of Open World Difficulty during the campaign getting our Guardian from lvl 1 to lvl 50, but once we reach "end game", we NOW have the ability to set our Open World Difficulty to one of FOUR different new difficulty settings - Normal, Hard, Challenging & Heroic - each of which has significant impact on the nature of the open world experience and the quality of loot that drops in that context. Every level of player from casual to hard core, kinderguardian to seasoned vet, now has a setting they can adjust to their taste. No more dumbing the ENTIRE game down to coddle the Lowest Common Denominator.
Also, there's no longer Gigabytes of content taking up space on your hard drive that you can't access, because every single campaign mission is not only replayable, but has the same 4 difficulty options via a standalone selector, which changes up the nature of the mission itself as you graduate through the levels (i.e., no, we no longer just add a "Champion" that requires a special mod, and pretend that's a new version of the mission). Oh yeah, some missions also feature an added selectable level of difficulty: Legendary. Bored? Run a Legendary. Seriously. Still bored? Join up with a friend who's running in a Heroic level open world when you're used to doing Normal. It will wake you the eff up quick AND show you just how far you need to go in terms of enhancing your build and the quality of your gear. Conversely, grab a friend and help them get better gear.

Which Class?

You now have SIX to choose from (not just 3), each with a unique Super and an individually-tailored skill tree that's fully activated through XP and other means I didn't have time to investigate. Want to maximize effectiveness on ARs, Shotties and Sidearms? Reset your skill tree. Explosive damage? Ditto. Cost to reset? 10,000 Glimmer? 20,000? No. Zero. Could the skill trees be better? Absolutely. And they will be. Right now they're still inferior to what post-D1 should have been. But neither are they a dumbed-down collection of canned skill presets that look like they were designed for pre-schoolers and Mark Noseworthy (sorry Mark). As more nodes are added in the future, and "meaningful choices" must be made in selecting which ones to activate - including new ones that actually change the way your Super behaves - they will eventually grow to become the sort of skill trees worthy of your status as a bona fide God-Killer.

Enemy AI?

Yeah, uhm... fair warning again: this is not your Dad's Destiny. In addition to seriously messing with your Ghost's feature set, the events leading to the finale of D2 had some pretty remarkable effects on the system's locals, as well as the new hordes that have been appearing from who-knows-where. They will flank you. At every opportunity. They'll try to surround you, use focused fire, and use cover to their advantage. Getting overwhelmed and want to retreat? They will chase you down. If outnumbered, they might retreat to find others of their kind nearby. Also, squads of them will just randomly appear pretty much anywhere in the open world and sometimes even right in the middle of a Crucible match, transporting crates of heavy ammo.
As difficulty level increases, the enemy A.I. will even anticipate your movements, heal themselves the same way you do and make use of some of the same high-tech gear you have. Also, every so often, elite "Dark Guardians" will come after you in pairs to steal your stuff, like a WWE Tag Team. No, they're not actual players despite how they behave. They're A.I. With functional "I".
Ultimately, you'll be glad that ALL ammo reserves have been bumped up considerably, and that you no longer see reserve ammo quietly disappear when you switch, say, from one sniper to another sniper... because you're gonna need it.

Power-level grinding?

Please let all your former clanmates who are still off playing CP2077 know: the power-level grind is gone. New content as it appears might require a new build strategy, though, and possibly even stuff that you don't have (yet), because it's acquired as part of the most recent DLC campaign. So just keep that in mind. Power level? No longer a factor once you've completed the main campaign, because that's the only stretch where it was ever actually useful.


Covered. And you don't need to spend a (real) dime to get them (although you certainly can if you're so inclined - there's actually an entire mall filled with beautiful, useless junk you can spend real money on. Just remember: other players will see you using/wearing this stuff.).
Want to apply a specific shader to all your gear at once? There's a button for that. All your weapons? A button for that too. Oh, and did I mention that shaders are unlockables, not consumables? You're welcome. 9-position emote wheel? Done. And it works as easily on PC as it does with a console D-Pad. Also, ghost shells and sparrows can benefit from Amanda's Enhancement Bench in the same ways as weapons and gear.

How about PvP?

Well, for one, you'll be excited to hear that PvP is no longer the reason we can't have nice things.
There's "Quickplay" Crucible that randomly cycles through short stretches of SBMM and CBMM to create lobbies, so that the impact of one MM scheme never makes one pine for the other. Stomping or getting stomped? Just keep playing and things will change. Meanwhile, team composition has been normalized. No more solos playing 6 stacks, etc. Quickplay is where anything available in PvE is useable in PvP. Anything. No restrictions. No nerfs, buffs, tweaks or other "balance" nonsense. No more shrinking sniper rifle mag sizes in PvE because they're "O.P." in Crucible. It's basically a free-for-all. Like playing Mayhem? Well this is pretty close. Pretty much anything goes.
Also, the maps are MUCH larger now. It no longer feels like every match is crammed into a swiss cheese, with a sliding shotgunner waiting around every corner. Have fun, but don't forget to play the objective, because even though this is Quickplay, and it's pretty casual, a loss also erases any progress you've made during that match on that bounty you're trying to complete. Sorry. The good news is that those completed bounties may take longer to finish, but they're a LOT more valuable now, especially since you can now consume a portion of your Valor rank to upgrade them.
Then we have Competitive Crucible, which is primarily SBMM and if you want to rise through the competitive ranks, you make the commitment to keep playing and do just that. Did I mention... it's C-O-M-P-E-T-I-T-I-V-E. That is, it's NOT REQUIRED. Just like the OPTIONAL matchmaking that we finally have for every activity in the game, including raids, IT'S OPTIONAL. It's actual Competition. Like when you CHOSE to go out for the basketball team. Or didn't. Not necessarily for everyone. Also, participation in this mode is NOT REQUIRED.
I'm told that the Competitive system only downshifts to CBMM if the concurrent player population there drops below a certain level. So as long as BUNGiE does their job and keeps the player population healthy, you'll usually be playing against Guardians at roughly your own level until your stats start to improve, at which point you're bumped up to the next tier and get to feel like a n00b again.
There are seals. There are emblems. There are titles, shaders, sparrows, armor ornaments, ghost shells, emotes, ghost projections, finishers, ships and various other geegaws that can ONLY be acquired as awards from Competitive Crucible now, but no weapons, gear or other "ritual" or "pinnacle" rewards other than stuff that can drop anywhere else in the game. Got gud? That's just friggin' Awesome. You get bragging rights and various cosmetic accoutrements that show you're A PvP God with Real Skillz™... as opposed to someone with a clever build (thanks to above-average RNG), an exotic hand cannon from a raid, or that filthy grenade launcher that you acquired by running 400 playlist strikes other players didn't have the time to complete because they have real jobs and real kids.

Level Playing Field, Evolved

Happily, in D3 the servers are now genuinely dedicated and the weapons and gear in Competitive Crucible are curated, just like Halo's were. Curated by whom? By the Guardians who play it, 'natch - specifically those whose Glory Rank has lifted them to voting status, which gives them a vote on what specific weapons and gear will be made available in the next Competitive round, democratically. As far as weapons and gear go, when you enter the Competitive fray, you select from the same rack of lethal tools that everyone else in Competitive has access to for that match, as determined by the players who engage in it, based on the voting during the previous round of competition (typically lasting 6 weeks - the only vestige of "seasons" I could find in D3 and, interestingly, the ONLY context in which a "season" makes any sense). In D3, the difference between a competitive W or an L NOW comes down to one thing: your skill, not your RNG luck or the amount of free time you have to devote to farming that 'god roll' Uldren's Promise, skill.
Finally, I understand that cheaters, paid carries, recoveries, etc., that are legitimately identified in Competitive by BUNGiE are permanently banned and publicly outed at bungie.net. No exceptions. Just like any IRL Competitive Sport. Now our competitive online gaming athletes can enjoy the same degree of accountability as their IRL counterparts. Nothing will ever completely eliminate determined cheaters but maybe, just maybe, these kinds of changes will finally put Destiny on the eSports map. Only time will tell.

Summing up...

There's so much more to discuss like the new raids and strikes, and the amazing artwork and music that has always been Destiny's hallmark... but the bottom line here is that it's simply unbelievable how much quality and depth was restored to this game once BUNGiE abandoned the "seasonal release" fad (that was aimed solely at steady revenue generation), moved to a streamlined, high-end, third-party, off-the-shelf game engine which they have apparently customized in a few key areas, and focused on creating a GOTY-quality product by returning to the large scale release model that made Halo and so many other games the iconic masterworks that we remember.
I can't wait to email my former clanmates the news.
p.s. oh, and that literal Army of Fucking Beavers? Yeah. Those guys have apparently been retired since we moved back to the original, reconstructed Tower. I didn't run into a single one of them.
Okay, back to reality... yes, of course, this was a somewhat whimsical description of where I'd love to see Destiny go - a satire of sorts. I've held onto it figuring it'll probably be DV'd into oblivion for various reasons but figured... what the heck. Lengthy? You bet. But it should be obvious why this isn't a soundbiteable topic. That said, this is obviously all "IMHO". Gaming is a subjective thing and everyone's going to have their own preference.
There are PLENTY of other legitimate features that can be (and have been) implemented in a game like this. Except for the Crucible stuff (where I added my own SWAG take on how to improve it), almost every single one of the features and mechanics described above has ALREADY been implemented in a game that currently exists, and which has millions of players. The current version of that game - also a sequel - was developed over the course of about three years, by a company roughly the size of BUNGiE, with comparable resources, and which is ALSO working on other projects. If you've played it, you already know the game I've been using as a model here, which shows it's more than feasible.
The last couple years have revealed (at least to me), that a GOTY-quality, open-world looteshooteMMORPG needs legitimate depth. Not "seasons" or season passes or any of the distractions, gimmicks and design restrictions that release model entails. That shit is fine for simple FPS/3PS shooters like Fortnite, Overwatch and PUBG. But paper-thin seasonal releases, repetitive power-level grinding, planned gear obsolescence, time-gated, drip-fed content ... these are the antithesis of the game Destiny was meant to be. NGL, it's been genuinely heartbreaking to watch the franchise regress from its peak in late 2016 / early 2017 to its present state. BUNGiE can do better.
submitted by renaldafeen to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

A Discussion of Chaos Dwarf Legendary Lords

So the Chaos Dwarfs are going to be one of the factions in game 3 but there is a key question as to who their legendary lords will be. Technically they do have enough characters to have all four (or potentially 5) slots filled. However, most of these characters do not have much lore about them at all. The two lords I would bet on as the starting LLs are Drazoath the Ashen, a mixed melee warrior and spell-caster, probably the only sure-fire character to be a legendary lord, and Zlatan the Black, a skilled melee warrior and chief servant of the sorcerer prophet Ghorth the Cruel.
Now these two make sense as they are one caster and one melee warrior, the pattern CA likes to follow. Additionally, Zlatan would start in Zharr-Naggrund, the Chaos Dwarf capital, and Drazoath could start in the Black Fortress where he has been banished to. These characters are probably the ones with the most lore, and outside of them most others would also start in Zharr-Naggrund without coming up with some lore reason why they aren't.
This is except for Tordrek Hackhart, the character who I think will be the third legendary lord of the Chaos Dwarfs. He is a pirate captain and was one of the members of Noctilus' Dreadfleet. This means he could start literally anywhere on the map, and would probably have a floating fortress mobile base representing his warship The Black Kraken, much like the legendary lords of the Vampire Coast. In game 3's main map, I'd imagine he'd start with a minor region on the southern coast of the Darklands. On the combined map he might start there, or potentially along some other coastline.
Now the final lord is a bit more tricky. The only other character I could potentially see being a legendary lord is Astragoth Ironhand, the oldest of the Sorcerer Prophets who has almost completely turned to stone, and who now uses mechanical legs to walk about. He could be interesting as a mixed melee and support lord with limited magical abilities, representing his waning power and how careful he has to be with magic now, lest he turn to stone completely. He does also have a big rivalry with Drazoath.
The only problem is that he would most logically start in Zharr-Naggrund. Potentially they could make him start elsewhere or have him start at the capital and move Zlatan to The Tower of Gorgoth. This would make sense given that Zlatan is a renowned slaver, and Gorgoth sits above a giant heap of mineral deposits which are mined and worked by slaves. However, doing so would either make CA break their usual pattern of castemelee lord or make none of the starting legendary lords begin in Zharr-Naggrund.
Another possible LL is Rykarth the Unbreakable. He's a powerful lord and warrior renowned for his toughness and courage, unusual for a Chaos Dwarf (apparently, although I thought being resilient and having high morale was a core part of their race). However, he also has very little lore and to be honest sounds like he might play very similar to Zlatan, at least on paper. Maybe Zlatan could buff Hobgoblin units due to them fearing him while Rykarth could buff Dwarf units. they could also make one good against groups and the other be a duelist or good vs large or something. There's also not much lore suggesting where he could start because he's a Lord of Zharr-Naggrund so unless CA rolls out the "on an expedition" excuse (which I am fine with btw), I'm not sure where he would go. The other characters have next to no lore and are mostly dead already.
This brings me to my overall point though and what I would personally prefer to either Rykarth or Astragoth: A new character. Now, I know some people really don't like CA creating new characters. Personally I am fine with it with the following stipulation: If there is already a character who either provides a unique style of game-play for that race or has a fairly significant and well-fleshed out place in the lore that could go in place of a new character, do them first. For example: if CA gave us an entirely new Dark Elf character but Malus was still missing, that's not cool. However, if its a choice between scraping the bottom of the barrel or just pouring in some homebrew, like having Cylostra instead of Dreckla or Vangheist, I'm fine with it.
Now by opening up this opportunity, CA has a lot of ways they could go with the fourth lord. However, I think there are Four main areas of Chaos Dwarf society they could go to that aren't really reflected in any of the lords we've seen so far:
1) Weapons Dealing The Chaos Dwarfs not only craft weapons and armour, but they also sell them, mostly to the other ruinous powers. As such, I think it could be fun to have a Chaos Dwarf salesman as a character, someone who's very charismatic but also very slimy and slick in a very over the top car salesman sort of way. Except, they aren't selling cars but deadly artillery. This character would mostly be a support lord with buffs to units morale and fighting capabilities, and on the campaign he would have bonuses to diplomacy and be able to recruit units cheaper. He would start north of the Darklands in the port-fortress of Uzkulak.
2) Invention While the normal Dwarfs spend centuries perfecting one blueprint to build their weapons from, the Chaos Dwarfs are a bit more experimental. Not as much as the Skaven... except their could be one particularly mad Chaos Dwarf Daemonsmith who began inventing all sorts of weaponry and armour, though it tended to be a bit more reliable than Skaven tech. He would buff Chaos Dwarf constructs and as a mount would basically get magic power armour and then a Chaos Dwarf mech. I think this lord would start in his own secret lab or forge somewhere, or possibly even in the Hell Forge, though this would border Zharr-Naggrund itself.
3/4) Bull Centaurs and Lamassu Alongside the Chaos Dwarfs and their greenskin slaves, two other sapient species live with them, the Bull Centaurs and the Lamassu. A Bull Centaur legendary lord would buff their species and provide greater mobility on the battlefield, while a Lamassu would be a winged, giant four legged monster who could also cast spells. Basically imagine a much scarier manticore that was sapient and could use magic. That's a Lamassu, so naturally a lord version of that could be terrifying. Where this lord would start I could not say, but probably a fair distance from the capital.
submitted by GideonGleeful95 to totalwar [link] [comments]

Discussion on Potential Future Gold / Eridium Sinks?

Curious about what others can think of to help create some sort of sinks into the game for end-game. These numbers are all hypothetical, so just use them for reference.
I feel like they could create a number of interesting harder and time based challenges.
Bonus Circle of Slaughter Challenges
Circle of Slaughter could be really interesting with additional challenges that people could pay for better loot chances at the end of the events.
Raceway Events
I feel like we might have a DLC that focuses on vehicles at some point, they let us customize the vehicles more than any other game, but have very little use in this game for them, other than a few spots. I think race's could be really fun and an interactive way, like RDR2 did to bring in sinks to the game as well. It would be chaotic and fun, perfect for borderlands.
They already have one raceway, and two very open area's in the campaign that could make for great race maps, and could add more in the future.
Demo Derby Events
I am surprised that we don't see this in Borderlands yet, the carnage, the destruction, the blood that could be spilt on the arena floor, seems like it would fit in so well with the theme of this game.
Nog Fight Arena
There is a part in the game where this already is mentioned, it would be cool to actually be able to bet on who you think might win. Not sure how to make it a gold sink per say, but you could say, pay $50k for a fight, win $75k if your guy wins. So the odd's might work out for you or might not.
Maybe even allow us to customize our own Nog's to fight with other player's Nog's. Could be a cool customization feature to add to the game for more content.

I think that all the above could be used for both cash or optional Eridium sinks even if you wanted to spend Eridium to enter instead of your cash. But I think it would be nice to see better Eridium sinks as well, that were more tuned to Eridium itself.
Currently, we have a few Eridium sinks, and I think it's not as big of an issue yet, as quickly as cash will be for many people, as we have tons of cosmetics we can buy with it, the Eridium vending machine, slot machine, and the Eridium gun spewing weapon.
Again, these are all just ideas, some, maybe all of them are bad, but I would love to hear your ideas as well.
New Eridium Ammo Weapon
Uses Eridium as ammo, and you can blast targets with it, giving them power, like the Troy, to actually turn them into Anointed, and turning Anointed in Super Anointed. Yeah, you heard me right. I know there are people out there that don't like to play against them, which is fine, and this can just be not used for those people. But they do give better loot, and infusing a target with it could make better loot for general mobbing.
Better Slots
This is just a modification to the slots we have now, 10 for normal slots, allow 25 for all 3 rows to be played, like traditional slots, or pay 50 to have a chance to win any direction, including diagonal.
Pay For Mayhem
A potential use for Eridium could be to require certain Mayhem modes to require Eridium to power each re-load. So people can't just spam M3 reloads till they get something they like. It doesn't have to be much, so M3 could just require 3 Eridium to turn on each time, M2 would require 2, etc.
Eridium Induced Loot Buff
They could add in a pedestal at the start of each boss fight, that could allow you to deposit Eridium into, it would increase the bosses damage, health, and speed (so they would move slightly faster on their attacks, making them harder to dodge), and in return you get a good increase to your loot drop table too. I am not sure what would make this a good balance, but could be a great way to sink Eridium in the game.
You would have to deposit it each time you visit it, so not any astronomical amount, but just enough that it would be an incentive to certainly do it, or, it could be a one time deposit, but it would have to a very high amount that would start to make a noticeable difference.
Eridium Vehicle Customization
Not sure why this isn't in the game, but Crazy Earl could sell new attachments, vehicle customization colors, etc that cost Eridium to buy from him. I think this would be a decent way to get more Eridium to be spent.
I would love to hear what ideas everyone else has about the above, and also any ideas you have about what could be potential fun mini-games, current mini-game enhances, new content, etc that could create additional gold sinks, new rewards, etc that would benefit and be fun for people to play and try out.
submitted by Mastemine to borderlands3 [link] [comments]

Guide: How to Prepare for Adventuring - Farming Rupees/Food/Arrows/Bows/Weapons

Guide: How to Prepare for Adventuring -

Farming Rupees/Food/Dishes/Arrows/Bows/Weapons
Purpose of this Guide:
This guide aims to be a compendium of information about how to stock up and get ready for the scale of this game. There is simply so much to explore that if you are not prepared before heading off into a random direction, you may not survive or be able to reach where you are going. The information below helps the up and coming adventurer gear up and become ready for anything (without having to spoil too much of the game). This is something I wish I could have found when I first stepped foot off the Plateau, so hopefully it'll help some of you out. That being said, even a seasoned adventurer may find use in some of the insights below (especially farming techniques) so don't think there isn't something for everyone here!
This guide covers certain areas within the game you will need to visit, and a few minor side quest spoilers. Please read at your own risk, but I promise this post will have no major storyline spoilers. Call me out if it does and I'll edit the post immediately.
NOTE: This post also assumes you have made it off the Plateau and are ready to explore the world. If you are still on the Plateau please stop reading now.

Step 1: Get Some Wheels

Find A Horse & Register it at a Stable
Horses allow you to speedily make your way through the world during the time where you can't Fast Travel from location to location. The first thing you should do before trying to find said Fast Travel locations is tame a horse.
Horses can be found out in the wild, normally grassy plains areas, and can be tamed by sneaking up on them and mounting them. Once you have mounted a horse, you will need to rapidly tap the "soothe" button until little red hearts appear around the horses head. This means the horse has stopped trying to buck you off. Taming a horse takes stamina, so be sure to have a full bar or something to refill you stamina on hand. Normal horses will take less than a single circle of stamina to tame. More exotic horses will take much more.
Once you can successfully steer the horse, continue to "soothe" it as you bring it to a nearby stable. Once near a stable, Z-Target the stable owner and choose to talk to them. Ask them to register your horse for a price of 20 Rupee's. Once registered, horses can be taken or stored from any stable across the land. Use this to Fast Travel and retrieve your horse in a completely different location.
You can feed your horse things such as apples or carrots to improve your "relationship" with them after you have registered them. From what I can tell one apple or one carrot will add 10 to the meter you can see when choosing which horse to take from the stable. It's a quick way to instantly max out the relationship status so you don't have to deal with it disobeying during your travels.
Feeding them Endura Carrots can also give them an extra one time use spur when galloping. I managed to get three extra spurs on one horse for a total of six. These extra ones disappear as soon as they are used though so use them wisely. A special thanks to user u/Leshiarelaohk for his insight into feeding horses!
Also, you can customize your horse's look (mane, tail, bridle, and saddle) by talking to the NPC tending the stabled horses at any stable. NOTE: the bond with your horse must be high. Credit to u/Nick_0f_Time for his original post found HERE.
For those interested, the horse with the highest stamina in the game can be found extremely close to the Plateau. This would be an ideal starter horse while you are trying to uncover more portions of your map.
To find this horse, make your way off the Plateau North West of Hopper Pond and take the pathway west. When the path splits, take the right path which will lead you to the Outskirt Stable. Once there, talk to an old man outside the stable mumbling about a white horse. He will give you a side quest to find and tame said horse. The horse can be located just north west of the stable on Safula Hill. A Gif of the location can be found HERE.
Look for an all-white horse near the run down structure to the north portion of Safula Hill. It will take more than a single circle to tame this horse, so bring something that restores stamina. I suggest a cooked Staminoka Bass easily found in the lake next to riverside stable. Or if you are just coming from the Plateau, try cooking a Staminilla Mushroom with other mushrooms. The more stamina refilling ingredients in the dish, the more stamina the cooked dish will restore.
The White Horse has the following stats:
Strength * * * * -
Speed * * * - -
Stamina * * * * *
Having MAX stamina on your first horse is clutch. Just food for thought.

Step 2: Find Your Way

Complete the World Map
In order to efficiently use this guide, you will need be able to find where you need to go. The best way to do this is to complete the game's world map. You do so by visiting the Towers in each "blacked out" portion of your map.
The beauty of this game is that you can do ALL THE THINGS as soon as you make it off the Plateau, you just have to be brave enough. (Or quick enough to run past encounters and B-line it to a tower) Personally, the first thing I did was mark all of the towers on my map that I could see from on top of the Plateau, then paraglided/ran/climbed to said towers, and then looked for more. Rinse and repeat until the entire map is completed.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO. Having a completed map just makes it easier to fast travel to different locations, and enables you to easily identify locations in this guide by name when looking at your in game map.
If you DO NOT wish to complete your map, the towers and locations you will NEED to visit for this guide are:
This is where you will find the Wasteland Tower. It is located South West of the Great Plateau.
  • Ridgeland Tower
  • Wasteland Tower
  • Woodland Tower
  • Faron Tower
  • Riverside Stable
    • Wahgo Katta Shrine for Fast Travel
    • LOCATION: Image or GIF
  • Kakariko Village
    • Ta'Loh Naeg Shrine for Fast Travel
    • LOCATION: Image or GIF
  • Hateno Village
    • Myahm Agana Shrine for Fast Travel
    • LOCATION: Image or GIF

Step 3: Get Deeper Pockets

Expand Your Inventory So You Can Hold More Weapons / Bows / Shields
Since you have already expanded your world a little bit, you have most likely run across a large Korok named Hestu. Hestu is the NPC that will take the Korok seeds you have been collecting/discovering throughout the game. He will trade you more inventory slots in exchange for Korok Seeds.
You will need a larger inventory space if you want to start your adventuring with items already in hand. If you usually head out with just a pot lid, you can skip this part.
Encounter Location Map Image Map GIF Hestu Image Description
First South East of Kakariko Village & Pillars of Levia Image GIF Image Hestu can first be found on the pathway leading to Kakariko Village. You should organically run into him on your way to discovering Kakariko Village. He will move from here after you have upgraded your inventory twice.
Second Next to Riverside Stable (Between Whistling Hill and Batrea Lake) Image GIF Image Hestu will be found just outside the area of the Riverside Stable. He will move from this location after you have upgraded your inventory another 5ish times.
Third Korok Forest north of Hyrule Castle & through the Lost Woods Image GIF Image This will be the final resting place of Hestu. You can upgrade your inventory with him as long as you continue to find Korok Seeds.
To completely upgrade your inventory, you will only need 441/900 possible Korok Seeds. If you have already used Hestu, you will know he requires more Korok Seeds for each additional inventory slot upgrade. See the cost breakdown below:
Upgrade Number Weapons Bows Shields
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 5 5 4
5 8 8 5
6 12 12 10
7 17 17 10
8 25 25 10
9 35 - 10
10 45 - 10
11 55 - 15
12 - - 15
13 - - 15
14 - - 15
15 - - 15
16 - - 20
Credit to u/Ekint's original post found HERE for the above info.

Step 4: Become Top Chef

Finding / Farming “Must Have” Food Ingredients & Cooking the Best Dishes
Food is extremely important in this game. And you can use/consume just about anything you find to heal or get some sort of buff. However, I believe the right ingredients & best recipes are THE most important part of using consumables in Breath of the Wild.
Before I get into detailed theory and explanations, you first need to know some basics about consumables, cooking, and inventory management.
  • Consumables found in the wild will re-grow / re-spawn.
    • If an item grows out of the ground or off of a tree, it can re-grow after a certain period of in-game time. This time can, and usually is, shorter than the next Blood Moon.
    • Example: Apples on trees
    • If an item doesn't "grow" and isn't strictly found inside a treasure chest, it will re-spawn after a Blood Moon.
    • Example: Ore deposits
  • Adding more of an item into a dish adds more of the buff that item yields.
    • Example: a dish of 1 apple restores less hearts than a dish of 5 apples
  • Cooking any dish that uses an "overfill" ingredient automatically fully restores your base stamina/heart values.
    • Example: By using an ingredient where the informational text indicates it will provide a temporary "yellow" heart, a dish of just that ingredient will fill all of your red hearts first before giving you the temporary heart. It doesn't matter if you have 3 red hearts or 20, that dish made up of just 1 ingredient will refill ALL of your red hearts. Same goes for stamina.
  • You have a limited number of inventory spaces for cooked items that can never be expanded.
    • You are allotted 3.5 pages of cooked dishes in your inventory, credit to u/Cyndikate
  • Dishes you cook in the pot each take up a single inventory space.
    • This is important for managing inventory space.
  • Items you cook over an open flame stack in your inventory.
    • (only take up a single inventory space no matter how many you make/pick up)
  • Items cooked over an open flame heal less than their “dish” counterpart and do not provide buffs
    • Example: A cooked pepper (or a pepper as part of a dish) heals and adds a cold resist buff, whereas a scorched pepper cooked over an open flame only heals less and provides no buff.
  • Items cooked over an open flame can over-cook and disappear.
    • Example: You can drop an apple on a fire and it will catch flame and change into a toasted apple. If that same apple is left on the fire it will catch flame again and eventually disappear.
  • You can sort cooked food by type and level of buff/restore in your inventory.
    • By pressing “Y” (on the switch) you can sort each of your inventory types. For food, this will arrange by buff type first and by power second.
Below are my personal Core Values when it comes to consumables in this Game. Each value is followed by my justification / theory behind it. Please feel free to adopt them. Or don't. It won't hurt my feelings at all. Really.
  1. All of the ingredients I use should be easy to gather & plentiful.
    • If an item is rare to find, why the hell would I used it in a regular elixir to restore 5ish hearts? The hoarder in me knows someday, for some reason, I'm going to need that one special ingredient. So instead of wasting potentially valuable items, why not use what princess nature so abundantly provides? Why waste specialized mushrooms or animal parts to make a stamina elixir when I can just cook a single Staminoka Bass and it will restore a full circle of stamina? There is always something that is the best at what it does and can be found frequently in the wild.
  2. Everything I cook should be medium to high level, or it should fully maximize the potential gains.
    • Remember that one time you spotted a tower at the top of a mountain, made it all the way to the top, and realized it was too cold to stay there and finish activating the tower? Me too. It was on that day that I swore NEVER to die from the cold again. Until that other time where I DID have a cold resist dish, but it was low level and I STILL died of cold because I went even higher into the snowy region this time. On THAT day I swore to only carry medium to high level dishes/elixirs. If the dish I create can't handle ALL of the possible scenarios I will need the buff/resist for, then why waste the ingredients? If I simply added a little more of the same ingredient I could have survived that fateful night on the snowy mountaintop. Low level dishes are for low level risk. Be willing to take the big risks adventurer.
  3. Stamina is Stamina and Hearts are Hearts. Don't mix gains within the same dish.
    • Specialize with your recipes, don't just throw things in and have a portion of your dish that doesn't matter. Say you've been upgrading only your stamina at the beginning of the game. You now have 2 full stamina circles but still only have 3 hearts. So now you want to make sure you can refill that big stamina meter, so you add more things to your dishes. What you end up with is something that refills two stamina circles and restores 15 hearts. That's a lot of wasted healing on your 3 heart self. Why not just use stamina ingredients and make stamina dishes and cook some apples to make dishes that refill up to 3 hearts? Waste not my brave adventurer. Keeping your heart refilling recipes focused on hearts and your stamina replenishing recipes focused on stamina.
  4. Prioritize "overfill" healing rather than "x" number of refilled hearts.
    • Remember the cooking tidbit above about items that overfill either hearts or stamina inherently having the ability to completely restore all of your base stamina or hearts? Use this to you advantage. Cook a single overfill item and you have a full-restore dish. Use this instead of cooking 5 ingredients and still not refilling your entire health. Waste not my brave adventurer.
  5. Have one of every buff type on hand at all times, but only cook particular buffs when I know I'll need them.
    • Remember the story of my icy death earlier. If I had been prepared, that wouldn't have happened. Always be prepared. (Insert Boy/Girl Scout joke here) Nothing is worse than setting your sights on some treasure chest or mountain you want to climb that is NO WHERE NEAR a shrine, only to realize you won't survive within 100 yards without a certain resist or buff. Always having a medium to high dish for each of the resist and buff types allows you to have complete freedom of exploration. That being said, don't go crazy and carry 10 cold resist dishes. Remember, you only have a certain number of inventory slots for dishes. In all likelihood the 7-10 minutes of resist from the one dish you always carry on you is enough to get you where you need to go, or give you enough time to escape from where you've already been. The only caveat to this point is that if you know you're going to spend the afternoon on the snowy mountain tops, you may want to prep a little bit more for cold resist. Make a few extra and head on your way.
The top three ingredients/recipes/dishes/buffs that everyone wants to farm are:
  1. Basic Healing Items - things to restore your red hearts
  2. Overfill Healing Items - things to add yellow hearts to your health
  3. Stamina Refilling Items - things to refill your stamina when it's low
Below are the easiest / fastest / most rewarding farming methods to accomplish the three items above:
  1. Basic Healing Items
    • Raw Prime Meat Farming (Deer Hunt Mini-game) - Raw Prime Meat can be cooked over an open flame to create Seared Prime Steak, which heals for 2 1/4 red hearts. These items also stack in your inventory and only take up one slot. You can farm 5-10 of these per minute utilizing the Deer Hunt Mini-game in Hateno Village.
    • Video Guide: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Infinite Raw Prime Meat Farming (10/minute!)
  2. Overfill Healing Items
    • Hearty Durian Farming (+20 Yellow Hearts) - x5 Hearty Durians can be cooked in a pot to create Hearty Simmered Fruit, which fully restores your red hearts and provides an extra 20 yellow hearts. These items are found right next to the Faron tower and can be easily farmed every 5-6 in game days. You can farm 5-15 of these per run.
    • Video Guide: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Hearty Durian Farming (Easy +20 Yellow Hearts!)
  3. Stamina Refilling Items
    • Staminoka Bass Farming (Full Wheel Stamina Refill with Each Fish) - a single Staminoka Bass can be cooked in a pot to create an Energizing Fish Skewer, which fully restores an entire stamina wheel. These can be abundantly found in the river next to the Riverside Stable and have an incredibly quick respawn rate. You can farm 20+ of these in a 5-10 minute farming run.
    • Video Guide: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Easy Stamina Recovery Farm (Staminoka Bass)
Ingredient Nearest Fast Travel Location Farming Location Usual Yield Per Farm Respawn Schedule Details GIF
Hearty Durian Faron Tower On the cliffside ledge North East of the tower. You can glide directly from the tower to the ledge. 5-12 Respawns multiple times between Blood Moons. Estimated every 6ish in game days. Full-Heal + 4 Yellow Hearts when cooked GIF
Staminoka Bass Wahgo Katta Shrine Hylia River. The long river that passes right infront of the Riverside Stable. Between Hyrule Field and West Necluda. 20+ following the river for 5-10 minutes Very Frequently. Usually every other in game day. Full Circle of Stamina Recovery when cooked GIF
Raw Prime Meat Sheikah Ancient Tech Lab Deer Hunting Mini-game at the farm above Hateno Village 5-10 per minute Every time you start the Mini-game Stackable item that when cooked can heal for 2 1/4 hearts. GIF
Dish Name Buff/Resist/Restore Ingredients Cooking Type Details GIF
Hearty Simmered Fruit Full-Heal & +20 Yellow Hearts x5 Hearty Durian Pot This dish completely restores your red heart health and adds +20 yellow hearts. Each Hearty Durian adds +4 yellow hearts. Adjust as needed. GIF
Energizing Fish Skewer Heal 2 Red Hearts & Recover x1 Stamina Wheel x1 Staminoka Fish Pot This dish refills your stamina wheel by one circle. Add more fish for more stamina recovery. (2 fish = 2 1/4 stamina circles) GIF
Seared Prime Steak Heal 2 1/2 Hearts x1 Raw Prime Meat Open Flame This item is one of the highest healing items that can be cooked over an open flame. The benefit to cooking over an open flame is that this item will stack and only take up a single inventory slot. GIF
The lists above will continue to expand as I explore the game. If you have anything you think would be a good addition to the tables above, comment below and I will incorporate them.

Step 5: Stock Up on Ammo

Farming Unlimited Regular Arrows
Starting out in this game, arrows are hard to come by. You usually pick up 3-5 every time you bait a bow wielding enemy. I'm here to help you alleviate that pain. If you follow the directions below, you can farm 200 regular arrows every 10 minutes. This farm can be done as long as you want, so if you want 10,000 arrows there's nothing stopping you from being THAT guy.
If you exit Kakariko Village via the Western exit (GIF of the location) it will take you to the Sahasra Slope. In this open field you will ALWAYS run into two horse riding enemies. These enemies will continuously circle you and fire arrows. The key point here is that these arrows can ALWAYS be picked up off the ground. The combination of their low grade bows, the soft grass, and the distance that they circle you allows their arrows to hit the ground, not break, and become available to be picked up.
The farming method here is to simply walk (DO NOT SPRINT. Sprinting causes you to get hit more often or have the enemies back away and stop firing.) in a circle from arrow to arrow as they hit the ground. You can pick them up as they fall for an infinite amount of time.
NOTE - This method may not work on the Wii U. The Wii U may have a hard cap to the number of arrows any enemy can put into the world to be picked up. There have been conflicting reports on this subject, but I say try it out and see if it works for you!
VIDEO GUIDE: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Arrow Farming (10 min = 200 arrows!)

Step 6: Get Paid

Farming Rupees - All Current Best Methods
  • Lurelin Village (Cloyne) Gambling - Save Exploit
    • DESCRIPTION: Head South East to the Lurelin Village (Yah Rin Shrine for Fast Travel) and find a hut with Cloyne sitting in it. This is the gambling house. Here you can bet 100 Rupees for a 1/3 chance at getting 300 Rupees. The trick here is to save before each time you bet, and if you don't find the 300 reload your save.
    • DIFFICULTY: Medium
    • YIELD: 100 per minute (RNG Based average)
    • VIDEO GUIDE: Zelda - Breath of the Wild - Early Game Rupee Farming by South Rage Gaming
  • Deer Farming Mini-game
    • DESCRIPTION: This method requires a lot of arrows and a few decent bows, so there's a trade off on items for money. Head East to Hateno Village (Ancient Tech Lab for Fast Travel). Find Dantz at the farm at the top of the village and start the Deer Hunt Mini-game. Here you can farm 5-10 Raw Prime Meats per minute. 5 of these meats can be cooked to create a dish that sells for 210 Rupees.
    • DIFFICULTY: Hard
    • YIELD: 210 per minute
    • VIDEO GUIDE: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Infinite Raw Prime Meat Farming (10/minute!)

Step 7: Find a Place to Lay Your Head

Buy a House to Store Items, Rest in a Free Bed, and Always Have a Lit Cooking Stove
In Hateno Village, there is an abandoned house that is being demolished when you first find it. If you make your way through a series of tasks (mostly paying people to do things) you can acquire this house and use it to hold weapons, bows, and shields. There is also a free bed inside you can rest at, and an always lit cooking pot outside. This is a great investment early on in the game.
How to Buy the House:
  1. Find the house. It is located South of the center of Hateno Village. See this image for a more precise location.
  2. Go around back and find the NPC Bolson. He will be the guy in pink.
    • NOTE: Sometimes Bolson has moved from this initial location if you have started another side quest. He can be found in Tarry Town. Complete the side quest that brought him there and he'll come back to Hateno Village.
  3. Pay Bolson 3,000 Rupees and 30 bundles of wood.
  5. Upgrade your house by paying Bolson 100 Rupees per upgrade. You can upgrade your house with the following:
    • Two extra Weapon Mounts
    • Three Bow Mounts
    • Three Shield Mounts
    • Bed Installation
    • Lighting Installations
    • Door Installation
    • A Sign with Link's Name
    • A Flowerbed
    • Trees
    • The cost for everything listed above combined is 1,400 Rupees.
Use your new found abode to store rare items you find in game by placing them on the displays inside. Anything simply dropped on the floor of your house will eventually disappear. That being said, this is still a great base of operations where you can cook, sleep, and store your most precious belongings.

Step 8: Gear Up

Finding / Farming Easily Obtainable Yet Strong Weapons
All weapons that aren't from a treasure chest will respawn after a Blood Moon. Knowing where a couple of these respawning weapons are located can help you gear up fast. Below is a list of the best weapons you can easily farm every Blood Moon:
A FULL VIDEO GUIDE OF THIS SECTION CAN BE FOUND HERE: Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Easily Farmable Great Swords & Other Weapons
Thank you u/Aceftw for your find of the "Ali Babas Cave". This is your one stop shop for a bow, shield, spear, duel handed sword, and single handed sword.
  • x3 Chests with x5 Bomb Arrows & 300 Rupees / Radiant Shield / Gerudo Spear / Golden Bow / Edge of Duality / Moonlight Scimitar
    • Fast Travel to the Gerudo Tower Paraglide to the top of the mountain directly North of the tower. Turn left and head West. You should see a cave entrance with maybe a small bolder in front of it. Go in the cave and profit!
  • Royal Claymore
    • On top of the rock skull on the top of the Woodland Tower
  • Great Thunderblade
    • Fast Travel to the Tabantha Tower. Once there, paraglide and climb to the top of the mountain directly North West of the tower (Cuho Mountain).
  • Great Flameblade
    • Fast Travel to the Central Tower. Once there, paraglide directly West to the lake North of Mount Daphnes. Cross the bridge to get to the big dead tree in the middle of the lake and fight the enemy.
  • Iron Sledgehammer
    • There are two of these leaning against the left side of the house you can buy in Hateno Village.
  • Guardian Sword
    • Fast Travel to the Kaam Ya'tak shrine in Central Hyrule just north of the Plateau and West of Windvane Meadow. Go into the shrine and defeat the EASY Guardians within and they drop multiple Guardian Swords.
  • Guardian Spear
    • Fast Travel to the Kaam Ya'tak shrine in Central Hyrule just north of the Plateau and West of Windvane Meadow. Go into the shrine and defeat the EASY Guardians within and they drop multiple Guardian Spears.
  • Thunderspear
    • Fast Travel to the Ridgeland Tower and paraglide down to the base of the tower. There will be a large lilypad with two of these sticking out of it. Paraglide down directly onto this pad to avoid any confrontations.
  • Royal Broadsword
    • Fast Travel to the Faron Tower and paraglide down to the South East to Herin Lake. There you will find a Hinox that respawns every Blood Moon. Once defeated he will drop this item.
  • Royal Bow
    • Fast Travel to the Faron Tower and paraglide down to the South East to Herin Lake. There you will find a Hinox that respawns every Blood Moon. Once defeated he will drop this item.
  • Soldier's Claymore
    • Fast Travel to the Faron Tower and paraglide down to the South East to Herin Lake. There you will find a Hinox that respawns every Blood Moon. Once defeated he will drop this item.
  • Steel Lizal Bow
    • Fast Travel to the Wasteland Tower and paraglide down to the little watetree area directly North of the tower. You will run into two Lizal enemies, one drops this item.
  • Dragonbone Moblin Club
    • Fast Travel to the Lake Tower and paraglide down to the base of the tower. You should see a little patch of grass with a large apple tree nearby. There is a Moblin here that drops this item.
  • Golden Claymore
    • Fast Travel to the Mogg Latan Shrine, directly West of the central tower near Satori Mountain. Head a little bit South East of the shrine until you come across a large skeleton on the ground. Use the Magnesis rune to get this item out of the skeleton.
  • Torch
    • Fast Travel to the Ancient Tech Lab in Hateno Village. Walk inside the front door and one of these should be leaning against a shelf to your immediate left.
This particular list will continue to grow and become more precise the longer this post lives. Comment below on anything else you would like added to the list and I'll put them in for everyone else to see.

BONUS: Adventure Pro Tips

A Compendium of PSA's to Become a Better Adventurer
Below is a list of PSA's and General Tips to maximize your quality of life in Breath of the Wild:
  • If you don't already have your complete map unlocked, you can use the online version found HERE made & maintained by IGN
  • You can trade the heart containers for stamina containers and stamina containers for heart containers. See u/yust's post about it HERE. The shrine to do this is located southwest of Hateno Village. Specifically HERE (picture coming soon).
  • How to ensure you have completed and found all of the treasure in a shrine:
    • A shrine will become completely blue if you have claimed the Spirit Orb within. (Usually starts with a little bit of yellow on both the physical shrine and the shrine's icon on your map once you have discovered and activated a shrine)
    • When you select a shrine on you map, if a small treasure chest icon appears to the right of a shrine's name you have found all of the treasure chests / loot within said shrine.
  • You can drop bombs while paragliding. Activate the bomb rune, and enjoy carpet bombing enemies!
  • Take rust off of weapons by throwing them into the mouth of a Rock Octorok. The Octorok will spit out the rust free version of the weapon. Credit to u/panqakee's original post found HERE.
  • The Blood Moon will respawn all Guardians inside shrines. Use this knowledge to farm harder to find Ancient Materials or Guardian Weapons.
  • If an enemy shoots and arrow at your wooden shield, it will stick to your shield. Stow your shield to add those arrows to your inventory.
  • If you find a pinwheel in the world, this is a Korok mini-game. Find something to stand on, or stand in the right position and balloons you need to shoot will appear.
  • You can use a picture from your compendium in combination with your Sheikah Slate's upgraded sensor to find harder to find items such as: treasure chests, certain types of fish, rare but powerful ingredients, etc.
  • Aim your bow in air to slow down time and aim precisely. Similar to VATS without all the detail.
  • You can reflect Guardian blasts with ANY shield as long as you time the swinging of your shield correctly. (Yes, even a pot lid will work. See: the legendary Pot Lid Larry)
  • Bonus stats from dishes or elixirs do not stack. EXAMPLE: you can't use two 1 minute cold resist elixirs to get 2 minutes of cold resistance. The same goes for multiple types of stat bonuses. You only keep the stats bonus of the last consumed dish/elixir.
  • Don't use axes or other weapons to chop down trees, use your bombs. One bomb = Tree down. Second bomb = collectable wood. Really, just use bombs for all things that need to be destroyed. (ore deposits [not if they are on a mountain side since the resulting items will most certainly fall], fish, crates/barrels, metal containers, the courage of your enemies, etc.)
  • You can Travel mid combat/falling/paragliding. At any moment, you can Fast Travel out of a situation. Use this to get out of encounters you are not equipped to deal with.
  • If you tip over one of the broken down ancient guardians, there are ancient parts underneath. Credit to u/youhoe for his original post found HERE.
  • The Stasis Tool can also be used to highlight collectables in your general vicinity. While farming have it active to see interactable objects in a bright yellow glow. You must temporarily turn it off to collect the items.
  • You can catch fairies and keep them in your inventory. They will resurrect you if you die, as they did in previous games. You can catch them around the Great Fairy fountains. New fairies in the wild will not spawn if you have 3 of more in your inventory. Therefore, you can have a total of 6 at a single time (2 already in your inventory and then discover 4 at once in the wild). Credit to PaztheSpaz for the clarification.
  • Don't waste your fire arrows unless you have to. Equip your bow and walk by a lit fire. The arrow tip lights. Use this to set off red barrels or light your target ablaze.
  • There are separate cooldown timers for the round and square bombs. Use this to your advantage, especially when you upgrade them. Throw a bomb, switch to the other type, throw it, switch, throw, switch... Credit to user u/zombiegamer723.
  • Brand new weapons have a small sparkle in the top right corner. This means the item is unused and is at full durability. Credit to user u/TogTogTogTog.


I hope this helps you all out, and let me know if you have any questions!
Check out some of my other guides below to help you on your adventures:
GUIDE: Fastest Dragon Horn Farming - 3 PER MINUTE - (54,000 Rupees/Hour)
GUIDE: Ultimate Cooking - Health / Stamina Recovery - (Overfill with Easily Farmable Ingredients)
GUIDE: Guardian Weapon / Shield / Part Farming - (All Test of Strength Shrines)
GUIDE: How to Hold 11 Fairies at Once (MAX FAIRY FARMING)
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